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  1. IDontKnowMomo

    I love Devil e/s... I mean blush ;p

    Sorry for my absence :[ I have some corneal ulcers that are slowly getting better. I miss posting fotds so much! I loved this look! Haven't seen as many people use Devil as e/s as I thought I would. When I went to the Mac counter at my mall with my mom today, all the MAs complimented it :] I...
  2. IDontKnowMomo

    Homecoming Dress, Makeup, and Hair! with pics!

    So, I got this preeeetty dress for homecoming. The back: The front: Minus the tacky bra, or course ;p I wish it was shorter, but I'll live, haha. I'm pairing it with black shoes and a black necklace and some black earrings. As for the makeup, I might do something with Danger Zone. What do you...
  3. IDontKnowMomo

    Too Faced Mineral Water Eye Brightener

    Has anybody tried this product? Too Faced site says; Gently apply a sheer layer using the soft mineral stick all around the eye area twice a day keeps the darkness and dryness away! Apply before your eye concealer for best results. Give your eye lids a refreshing drink of water...aah! Glide...
  4. IDontKnowMomo

    I miss my makeup :[ Damn corneal ulcers!

    I've realized how boring my life is without doing fun makeup everyday, lol. For about three weeks now, I've had two corneal ulcers in my right eye. They are healing, but very slowly. My makeup has been very mundane ever since my eye got scratched :[ I've been saving tons of inspo and watching...
  5. IDontKnowMomo

    Dia de Los Muertos/Day of The Dead halloween costume and makeup

    So I just came up with an (imo) awesome halloween costume idea I plan on painting my face like something similar to this (pardon the Sylvia Ji, I can't really find any other examples of Dia de Los Muertos face paintings :[) The only problem is, I don't exactly know what to wear? Anybody got...
  6. IDontKnowMomo

    pretty blue and purple

    face P+P face SFF Select Sheer/loose powder Emote Afterglow blush by VS Brun on brows eyes udpp Delft paint pot 92 and 83 MUFE e/s Urban Decay deluxe e/s in adore Carbon and Phloof! e/s Fascinating eye kohl Blacktrack fluidline Ben Nye eye pencil in Onyx Urban Decay 24/7 liner in Electric...
  7. IDontKnowMomo

    New hair FOTD

    I've been pretty inactive lately :/ Schools started and my mood has kind of been pooped on. I got a haircut though! I needed some change. It's the shortest I've ever had my hair, ever. I think it's pretty cute. face P+P face SFF Select Sheer/loose powder Emote Afterglow blush by VS eyes UDPP...
  8. IDontKnowMomo

    Everything Is Illuminated

    I did this look for a challenge on myspace, it was inpired by the cover of Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer. face P+P face Select Moisturecover Studio Fix Emote and Blushbaby New Vegas MSF Fix+ eyes udpp Painterly p/p Shroom, Cool Heat, and Carbon e/s Ben Nye Cosmic Blue and...
  9. IDontKnowMomo

    e/s to use for eyebrows- NC30 with black hair

    I have black hair, including my brows, and I'm an NC30. I'd like to know what e/s anybody recommends that I use to fill in my eyebrows with. TIA :]
  10. IDontKnowMomo

    Tropical Fusion; Bright FOTD

    face p+p skin Select Tint Select Moisturecover Studio Fix Emote and Hipness blush eyes udpp Cash Flow p/p dark blue and teal color from CG e/s quad in Tropical Fusion Nyx e/s in Lime Juice Mac e/s in Shroom and Purple Haze Loreal Lineur Intense Lashblast (not impressed with this mascara) lips...
  11. IDontKnowMomo

    Yesterdays FOTD kinda pic heavy

    eyes UDPP Moss Scape p/p Shroom, Folie, Sumptuous Olive, and Velvet Moss e/s Nen Nye e/l in Onyx Rimmel Eye Magnifier mascara Randome falsies from a brand called Karma face Studio Fix Select Moisturecover Honour and Blushbaby blush VS mosaic blush in Afterglow Fix+ lips Rimmel Birthday Suit...
  12. IDontKnowMomo

    "back to school" CCO haul

    My mom told me not to go to crazy when we went to the Legends CCO this weekend, but I accidentally did >.< She spoils me though, and let me spend about $200 and just said "I guess this is okay, since you are about to start school and you need it." yeah, NEED it oh btw, I took the pics with my...
  13. IDontKnowMomo

    Monthy Challenges

    :[ Somebody should start up the monthly challenges again. Some myspace groups I'm in do them weekly. Specktra can do way better than that! anybody else with me?
  14. IDontKnowMomo

    green FOTD using Fresh Green Mix

    I really like the new Mineralize e/s. I only got Fresh Green mix and Sea & Sky, but I love them both x] Have been pretty inactive, I was on vacation for a couple of weeks. face Prep+prime skin Studio Finish concealer Studio Fix Origins blush in Rose Dust eyes UDPP Loreal Hip color rich cream...
  15. IDontKnowMomo

    Online retailers for Nail polishes & products

    I've been seeing swatches of China Glaze colors on the internet and they are beautiful! I just don't know where to get them, besides online. Where do you buy yours?
  16. IDontKnowMomo

    Cool Heat e/s

    Cool Heat is the only e/s I got from this collection, and I loooovvvveeee it x] face Select Moisturecover Studio Fix Emote Fashion Frenzy eyes UDPP Painterly p/p Blacktrack and Blue Peep f/l Random like blue Barry M e/s Sorry idk the name :/ Cool Heat, Tempting, Nehru, and Phloof! UD 24/7...
  17. IDontKnowMomo

    I know kung fu :p

    face Select Moisturecover Studio Fix Emote Revlon Golder Affair blush in Berry Daring eyes UDPP Painterly p/p Bed Head e/s in Vanilla Tempting, Nehru, Phloof! and Beauty Marked NYX e/s in Morocco Blacktrack f/l Rimmel Eye Magnifier Mascara lips Revlon Rose Velvet l/s All mac unless stated...
  18. IDontKnowMomo

    Anybody make their own brush cleaner?

    What water to alcohol ratio do you use??
  19. IDontKnowMomo

    Pink and Purpleeee

    So I rushed though this look, and to me, it's super sloppy looking :[ I plan on trying it again soon, since I didn't like the outcome of this try, but I realllyyy like the colors 8D all mac unless stated otherwise face P+P face Studio Fix Emote Peaches eyes UDPP Flammable paint Lancomes The...
  20. IDontKnowMomo

    Sunset-y FOTD

    I think I look really goofy in all of these pictures >.> face P+P face SFF NC35 Select Sheer loose powder NC30 Milani Sunset Duos in Sunset Beach Fix+ eyes UDPP Jordana e/l in White yellow and orange e/s from the NYX trio Shangri-La NYX redhead e/s mac e/s in purple haze, crystal avalanche...