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  1. contrabassoon

    Pictureless FOTD: 8/13/08

    Eyes Prep+Prime Eye Blackground p/p Black Tied e/s Humid e/s Jardin Aires pigment Femme Fi e/s Mystery Kohl Power Maybelline liquid liner Rimmel Mascara Face Blot Powder Medium Dark Select Cover-Up NC35 Merrily Mineralize blush Lips Hush Hush Tendertone Sinnamon l/g
  2. contrabassoon

    Nino natural FOTD

    Heading down to the beach... <3 Mineralize Satinfinish foundation Full Coverage foundation (used as concealer) Mineralize Skinfinish Natural Merrily Mineralize blush Clear Brow Wax SFF NC25 for browbone Rimmel Mascara Hush Hush Tendertone Gingerroot l/l Nyphette l/g
  3. contrabassoon

    Pink and girly FOTD

    Face Mineralize Satinfinish NC35 Select Cover Up Concealer Merrily Mineralize Blush Mineralize Skinfinish Natural Eyes Prep+Prime Eye Perky p/p Pink Ingot Metal X e/s Expensive Pink e/s Femme-Fi e/s Maybelline pencil liner Prep+Prime lash Rimmel Expert Super Lash Clear Brow Wax Lips Gingerroot...
  4. contrabassoon

    LUSH and MAC and more...haul!!

    From LUSH: Caca Noir Henna, Fresh Farmacy Cleanser, Sonic Death Monkey shower gel, Cosmetic Lad moisturizer, and samples of Sea Vegetable soap and Extra Virgin Oil soap. From MAC: Full Coverage foundation, empty quad, Contrast e/s, Pen N' Pink e/s. Gosh Waterproof eyeshadow, Maybelline liquid...
  5. contrabassoon

    Contrast Quad

    Today I bought an empty quad and Contrast e/s which I absolutely love! Problem is I'm having a hard time picking what other three colours I could put in the quad. I'd like three versatile colours that could work as either highlight, crease, or lid/liner colours, the way traditional quads are...
  6. contrabassoon

    Neo Sci-Fi Summer! FOTD

    Hello, lovelies! It is very humid here in Toronto, but I am happy summer is here. These pics are from Wednesday, when I took a trip to get the rest of my Neo ScI-fI but I only ended up getting Femme-Fi. Enjoy! Face Prep+Prime Skin Vichy Normateint in Nude Pearl Blossom b/p MSF Natural...
  7. contrabassoon

    Past weeks FOTD's

    Here's a couple of FOTD's from the past couple of weeks. I will be posting more on the weekend when I get my Neo Sci-Fi goodies!!! I cannot wait Enjoy! And my new love, Nymphette l/g!!!!! <3 Face Prep+Prime Skin Select Cover-Up NC35 Posey Cream Blush Alpha Girl b/p Eyes Prep+Prime...
  8. contrabassoon

    Three year old lutreglass...

    Today I went to the MAC store to buy a couple of things and to B2M some stuff. I took my Sinnamon lustreglass (which I purchased around Oct/Nov 2007) with me because it had been smelling kinda funky for a while, so just to make sure I wanted to ask the MA's if it had gone bad. The girl looked at...
  9. contrabassoon

    B2M question

    I couldn't find any info on this so I'll make a new thread. Are the lash cases "B2Mable"? I think my friend was able to do it, but I'm nopt completely sure. Thanks in advance!
  10. contrabassoon

    Jut a quickie! FOTD

    This was done this morning before band rehearsal for the upcoming musical so I had to rush. It's not perfect, but I thought I'd share. I used my friend's POPbeauty Green Eyes pallet. I wil be making another tutorial as well as more FOTD's in the following weeks. Also, I'm getting a make over...
  11. contrabassoon

    Baby's on Fire

    OMG So this is my very first FOTD! I had planned on doing a tutorial on my transilvanian look for Rocky Horror Picture Show midnight show but it didn't happen this month soo I will make it next month! Also, my hair is CRAP at the moment but I'm getting a haircut and I will be doing some of it...
  12. contrabassoon

    Late FAFI and Heatherette haul!

    Boom! nail lacquer, Girls Will Be Girls nail lacquer, and Perky paint pot. Alpha Girl beauty powder, Lola Devine nail lacquer, $$$$$ Yes nail lacquer, and Fleshpot l/s.
  13. contrabassoon

    Light, summer and girly.. what else can you ask for?

    I had a bit of a fever this morning, so I stayed in bed. Then I saw the sun and I felt 100x better! Now I'm heading for the second half of school, but here's the look that I did today. (P.S. Pardon the messy hair, I just took a shower )
  14. contrabassoon

    Switching lipstick bullets?

    Does anyone know if you can switch lipstick bullets? Like taking out the lipstick and putting it into a different bullet? I think I heard someone mention it but I don't know if they actually did it. Any help is appreciated
  15. contrabassoon

    Heatherette video on website

    Anyone else noticed it? Go check it out at M·A·C Cosmetics it's pretty cool!
  16. contrabassoon

    Heatherette facechart- Lollipop Loving FOTD

    I was off to a party and I wanted to put on falsies! And no actual Heatherette products were used :P (except for Alpha Girl). EDIT: The name of the face chart is Sock Hop! Face Prep+Prime Mineralize Satinfinish NC40 mixed with SFF NC25 (Perfect match!!) BE Mineral Veil Alpha Girl BP...
  17. contrabassoon

    Mi'Lady FOTD

    Just playing around with Mi'Lady.. Face Select Coverup concealer NC35 Mineralize Skinfinish Natural- Medium Plus Pink Swoon Blush Alpha Girl BP Eyes Prep+Prime Bare Canvas Paint Perky p/p Mi'Lady e/s Earthy Riches e/s Blacktrack f/l Jardin Aires p/m Prep+Prime lash Zoomlash Zoomblack
  18. contrabassoon

    Man and a Woman FOTD

    Hi guys! I finally got a chance to snap some pics of my makeup this morning, and yesterday I had the day off school so my good friend came over and we did each other's makeup! P.S. It was her first time doing makeup on someone other than herself, so go easy on her! On her: Face...
  19. contrabassoon

    Inspired soft smokey eyes

    Hello lovelies! I haven't posted ny FOTD's lately, but I have been lurking around and posting on other threads and such. Anywho, I was inspired by Krazevayadancer's Simply Smoldering, so I did a smokey look. Enjoy! (P.S. Excuse my eyebrows, being a man they grow out super fast) Edit: I don't...
  20. contrabassoon

    Creamy foundation

    So, I have been using Studio Fix Fluid foundation for a few weeks and it does not work with my skin. I get dry patches around my chin (a result of having to shave annoying facial hair) and sometimes my cheek, even after I exfoliate, moisturize, and Fix+. So, now I am in the search of a...