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  1. contrabassoon

    Brown and Pink FOTD

    just keepig you guys updated on how I'm doing... Face Mineralize Skinfinish Medium Plus Select Cover-up NC35 Pearl Blossom Beauty Powder Charged Water Eyes Prep+Prime Prep+Prime lash Canton Candy Paint Pink Ingot Metal X e/s Earthly Riches e/s (purple side) Espresso e/s Reflects Very...
  2. contrabassoon

    Strange Hybrid FOTD

    I have been going through old Face charts and this one inspired me the most. Face Prep+Prime Face Face And Body foundation C3 Mineral Veil loose powder Pearl Blossom Beauty Powder Fix+ Eyes Pixel Paint Chrome Yellow e/s Canton Candy...
  3. contrabassoon

    Yet another Parrot FOTD

    I was bored yesterday so I decided to play around with Parrot which my friend gave me for my birthday. Face Mineralize Satinfinish Foundation NC35 Select Cover-Up Concealer NC35 Pearl Sunshine Barbie Beauty Powder Eyes Pixel Paint Parrot e/s Stars N' Rockets e/s Gorgeous Gold e/s Earthly...
  4. contrabassoon

    Holiday fun FOTD's (pic heavy)

    Hey peoples! I have been busy with all the holiday madness, so here are four FOTD's: I used the same products for my face for all the looks. Face Studio Fix C3 Select Coverup Concealer NC35 Charged Water Fix+ My version of Aloof! (A...
  5. contrabassoon

    Snow Storm FOTD

    It's been a while since I last posted an FOTD since my computer broke again *sigh*. Anyways, here in Toronto we're having a big snow storm and there is no way in hell that I'm going out, so I did this look out of boredom. Face Studio Fix C3 Select Coverup Concealer NC35 Posey Blush...
  6. contrabassoon

    Commencement and Halloween FUN fotd's (pic heavy)

    A little late for the halloween FOTD but my computer has been broken for the last two months and it just got fixed. Anyway I dressed up as a very glamorous version of a Transilvanian (from The Rock Horror Picture Show) and here's the halloween FOTD: Playing Guitar Hero 3 At school whith some...
  7. contrabassoon

    Smoke Signals Song

    Does anybody know the name of the song and artist from the smoke signals page on
  8. contrabassoon

    NC15 on an NC30

    Lately I've been trying to achieve a very pale complexion so I tried out NC15 Full Coverage Foundation as well as Studio Fix Fluid and Mineralize Skinfinish (both in NC15). I'm and NC30 so Studio Fix Fluid and Full Coverage gave me the best results, making my skin look very pale and smooth...
  9. contrabassoon

    Emerald green and deep blue

    Does anyone know where I could find an Emerald green nail polish, preferably a frost? I've been looking for a nice deep blue nail polish as well. It'd be great if anyone has swatches!
  10. contrabassoon

    Waterproof foundation

    I was looking for either waterproof foundations or something that will set a regular foundation so it will be waterproof. A friend of mine works at a centre for people with disabilities and part of her job is to go into the pool, so she needs something that will last but won't be too heavy. Any...
  11. contrabassoon


    This is my version of Aloof from the Nocturnelle collection. There were some changes in which products I used as well as how it was done. Enjoy! CC is welcome. Eyes: Passionate e/s Espresso e/s Mystery e/s Amber Lights e/s Make Up For Ever e/s Purple (I can't remember the...
  12. contrabassoon

    C-shock inspired

    So, I know there is a C-Shock craze right now.. Everyone is doing an FOTD with a C-Shock item which is great because it's pride week and everyone is showing their true colours. Anyways, I really liked my makeup today so I thought I'd do an FOTD. Enjoy! P.S.:CC IS WELCOME...
  13. contrabassoon

    Snow white skin

    So, once a month I go to watch the midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and as a good boy I go all dolled up or fully dressed up (depends on the occasion). I've been wanting to alter my skintone completely for those monthly occasions. I want to get a nice pale tone, not quite white...
  14. contrabassoon

    MAC's Fab?

    Would Fab (from the Barbie collection) work for contouring?
  15. contrabassoon

    Light foundation for a NC37

    So, I'm looking for a very light foundation (lighter than my skin). I was thinking of buying Manic Panic's Vampire's Veil pressed powder but I don't know if the quality is very good. Anyone have any experience with it? If they're not very good I was thinking of buying a MAC foundation in NC20 or...
  16. contrabassoon

    Pastel Kid FOTD

    So, this is my first FOTD here on Enjoy! What I used.. Eyes: Canton Candy Paint Shimmermoss e/s Gorgeous Gold e/s...
  17. contrabassoon

    Squirt... No idea what to wear it with.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for a combo do with with Squirt lip glass. I bought it a while and never wore it, so the other day I put it on and it didn't look too good alone. Maybe there's a lipstick that I could put under the l/g? Or another l/g? Pigment? Anything?