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  1. Raerae

    Moral Dilemma

    So long story short, a friend of a friend of mine (I know her, just never really clicked), was pregnant, but had a miscarriage. Sad I know. My first response was to be very sympathetic. I didn't know her that well, and thought it was her first baby. Her husband is in the military and is...
  2. Raerae

    Jihadist video shows boy beheading man

    Edit: It's not a movie lol, just a article ZPNPC9IxIF Pretty crazy... I'm wondering if this means that the availibility of young men has decreased, and their now getting more desperate for recruits, and as a result are turning to children.
  3. Raerae

    How does this happen? gDXMWM0F I was floored when I read this. The fact the the translation even comes close really upsets me. I defenetely feel for the family, and hope the get some resolution. But just wow... This totally shocked me.
  4. Raerae

    Flirting - Am I wrong?

    So like... I seem to have an effect on the clients that I work with. But after working with them for a period of time, they evntually start flirting with me via phone/e-mail. A few have even been as bold as to ask me out directly, or worse, ask my boss if they would tell me to call them ;p...
  5. Raerae

    Drug-resistant gonorrhea spreads in US -------------- Just another reason to get tested and practice safe sex... Be safe everyone.
  6. Raerae

    Is there a difference? David Bromwich: Imus is Gone, Snoop Dogg Remains: Are We Happy Now? Before the self-congratulation gets any more feverish, here is one splash of cold water on the destruction of Don Imus. There was a sodden moralism in the comments on this...
  7. Raerae

    Easter - What are you cooking?

    So! What are you cooking for Easter, as in, what did you make? This year i'm in charge of appetizer's lol... So I'm whipping up some deviled egg's ( im sure a lot of us will be having these since there a great way to use easter eggs LOL ) And then obviously we'll have our cheese and cracker...
  8. Raerae

    Alanis Morissette "My Humps" video LOL... Alanis is the best ROFL... I almost died watching this!
  9. Raerae

    So Is This Irresponsible? Or contemporary? I personally dont think it really does anything... Considering how easy it is to sneak in clear alcohol (vodka/rum) into nearly everywhere if you REALLY want too, I only see this as potentially changing the type of alcohol consumned, not the...
  10. Raerae

    Anyone watch the view? So what do you think about Rosie this time? Right on? Or way off?
  11. Raerae

    Make my wish come true. Chances are plenty of you have seen it. But I thought it was cute, it was fwd'd to me today by a co-worker. Everything for me was plausable, except for the part on colors. Was kinda funny when i read the outcome though hehe.
  12. Raerae

    NY fertility clinic used wrong sperm, suit claims Baby darker than either parent; judge allows malpractice case to proceed Updated: 6:31 a.m. PT March 22, 2007 NEW YORK - A couple can proceed with a lawsuit against a fertility clinic they filed after the wife gave birth to a daughter...
  13. Raerae

    52 years later, integration faces new Supreme Court test

    52 years later, integration faces new Supreme Court test Posted 12/4/2006 8:33 PM ET E-mail | Save | Print | Since the historic 1954 ruling in Brown v. Board of Education began dismantling separate schooling for black and white children, the Supreme Court has spent a half-century...
  14. Raerae

    Womens Rights, and how lucky we really are... These articles really make me sad... We get different ones on occasion from different parts of the world ever now and again as they hit the news. But every time I read them I really think to myself about how lucky I was, that out of all...
  15. Raerae

    Is your baby gay? cA Very controversial article...
  16. Raerae

    ~Freedom of Press in Afghanistan~ WM0F While I do agree with the last line of the article: Quote: "The situation is very tense in Afghanistan, and the media should be able to report about it freely and safely," said Jean-Francois Julliard, a spokesman for the Paris-based...
  17. Raerae

    Circumcision and AIDS, medical community gives a verdict~ F We've discussed this b4 in the past, with both sides pro and against circumcision giving their reasons. But it seems the medical community has gone past saying it's possable, and is comcluding that circumcision is a valid method to helping...
  18. Raerae

    Whats Lost in Prenatal Care I'm torn on this article... On one hand, I dont presume to speak for parents of disabled children. On the other, being the daughter of a Special Education Teacher, and having seen firsthand how difficult raising a child with learning...
  19. Raerae

    RIP Anna Nicole Smith
  20. Raerae

    Prince had a Wardrobe Malfunction? Too funny. Best line is the very last one LOL!