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  1. Raerae

    Haha... My co-workers think I'm crazy!!!!

    Your total comes too... 441.66 LOL! Anyways! This is what I got! MSF: Lightscape - Dance Glissade - Dance Shadows: Swan Lake - Dance Scene 1 - Dance Rite of Spring - Dance French Grey - Dance Jete' - Dance Rondelle - Dance Mythology Retrospect Humid Gleam Corps De Couleur - Quad (Dance...
  2. Raerae

    Whats your money worth?,00.html From the article~ What your money will buy · £27 could buy seeds and tools for one farmer to cultivate half an acre · £52 could pay for agriculture and soil management training for five farmers · £117 could pay for a field trial and one...
  3. Raerae

    Male rapist? I'm really torn on this... Part of me feel really bad. Part of me doesn't. Especially after seeing how lightly guys take the issue of rape, and how they use the word with little thought to it's real meaning.
  4. Raerae

    Kids growing up too soon revisited... Saw this article in the news today and had to laugh... Best part was the fact that at the middle school dance (7th and 8th grade) they were playing, "Smack that" rofl... And the chaperone's were shocked to see the kids freaking. Aren't...
  5. Raerae

    Kavorkian to be paroled.
  6. Raerae

    HIV prevention gel... Always like reading about stuff like this. HIV is a really scary thing, and it's nice to know that new things are on the horizon that will help prevent infections. Especially in women. In other news... Another report is out lending more...
  7. Raerae

    Fav X-Mas Songs?

    Hehe... My fav all time X-mas song is! Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree, For me. been an awful good girl, Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight. Santa baby, a 54 convertible too, Light blue. I'll wait up for you dear, Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight. Think...
  8. Raerae

    In case you didn't know... Nicole Richie DUI Guess her mug shot isn't that bad... lol.. According to the police report she's 5'1" and weighted 85lbs.
  9. Raerae

    More Modeling Bans
  10. Raerae

    Am I a drama queen? lol

    k... So like this is whats going on... I've been kinda dating the guy from that other post about the great first date. We've been off and on (he was gone for like 3 weeks in NY on business) for the last monthish, and he just got back. So we've been back in contact, and he's been kinda of an...
  11. Raerae

    More shootings?
  12. Raerae

    Speaking of bad parenting... I can't believe this... I was floored after reading this article.
  13. Raerae

    Testosterone kills brain cells...

    No wonder men get stupider when they get a hard-on LOL...
  14. Raerae

    Tyra needs your help!;_...8AAlL9FV&fr=hp
  15. Raerae

    Paris's DUI So oficially it came in at .08... Which amazingly is the minimum amount needed to qualify for a DUI arrest. I kinda find it amusing how the police pulled her over at just the right moment to get a .08 reading. Rounding up anyone? I...
  16. Raerae

    Carryon restrictions relaxed a little So you can take some liquids now, but not all. Least you can bring lotion on the plane again. I always get dry skin when flying.
  17. Raerae

    POTENTIAL EMOTIONAL TOPIC: From the Law and Order:SVU I saw tonight...

    Wow... Not sure if anyone else saw the SVU episode tonight at 9... Well since it was prolly a re-run I'm sure someone has seen it before. It was the first time I had seen it... It dealt with the murder of a rapist. The dilema between knowing what a victim did was legally wrong (in this case...
  18. Raerae

    Chose your baby's sex? I was going to put this in the Childreen Yes or No thread, but thought it deserved it's own topic. We've heard about it, but this is a little more scientific. What are your thoughts! I'm totally for it. Ideally I really only want 1...
  19. Raerae

    Season Premier of Law and Order: CI

    Ugh... I love this show but omg... It's like reading a scary serial murder novel... I'm like freaked out... 3 bodies... 3 girls around my age.. Not to mention to detective chick is kidnapped by the serial killer too... Scary
  20. Raerae

    Thailand Democracy Overthrown in Military Coup lol? Curious to where this goes heh.