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  1. Raerae

    Lobotomy - New Depression Cure - NEXT on 60 minutes!
  2. Raerae

    Why do you have to like yourself?

    I've noticed that in everyone arguments about celebs, magazines, and models and thin-ness etc, is that it makes "real women" (whats that anyways?) feel bad about themselves. Since when anyone feel good about "settling" anyways? Being "happy" with how you look is a myth. There is no such...
  3. Raerae

    Prosti-Tots Hehe... Such a fun article.
  4. Raerae

    Fantasy Fashion! haha saw this and it looks like so much fun! We should start a Fantasy Fashion League haha!
  5. Raerae

    Paris's new video if you haven't seen it~ Haha, it's so much fun.
  6. Raerae

    BMI Report Card

    javascript:cnnVideo('play', '/video/health/2007/02/02/') I noticed this today, and was reminded about the thread with the 4 year old. Seems that your local schools will be telling your kids if their overweight as well. Granted it's not everywhere, but it will...
  7. Raerae


    Anyone have any home remedy's for these? I can't get into my doctor until monday but i wanna kinda be on the preventative side... I know cranberry juice is supposed to help... but other than antibiotics, anything else?
  8. Raerae

    Kids Learn to Cope with Mothers Illness Dont read this article if your worried about yor MU. It will make you cry.
  9. Raerae

    Black Man, or White Female

    Do you think we have come far enough as a society to put our race and gender issues aside, and vote for the real issues? Crime, Poverty, Health Care, Stem Cells, etc. And not let the He's a Black Man and She's a woman, influence our votes? Or He's a Man and She's a woman. Or Voting for...
  10. Raerae

    What His Last Relationship Says About Your Current One

    What His Last Relationship Says About Your Current One Posted by David Zinczenko on Mon, Jan 22, 2007, 9:05 am PST Post a Comment Most guys, if they're smart, spend as much time discussing their previous relationships as kindergarteners spend talking about Congressional elections. Men like to...
  11. Raerae

    MySpace, Now With Random Crap

    So like I was reading an article on yahoo about new parent software for MySpace and saw a link to this article and it made me totally LOL. Cuz it's so true. As someone who never got involved in the whole MySpace craze (go go LiveJournal! lol) I always laugh at some of the pages my friends have...
  12. Raerae

    Does Soda Taise Better When Sipped Trough a Straw?!?

    I got straws with my delivery tonight and was totally excited... I LOVE drinking soda in a can, from a straw! hahaha. I know... Simple pleasures
  13. Raerae

    Too picky, or not? So... Good decision, or is this law kinda broad... I think it would be one thing to arrest someone for putting a camera up my skirt, or under the dressing room door, but this? I'm not totally sure. I kinda agree with the lawyer. Yes...
  14. Raerae

    Hate Valentines day this year? Me too! - Share your most dramatic breakups!

    Yahoo Personals Stories From Splitsville "Oh Man, Where to Start?" When it comes to matters of the heart, each one of us has a story to tell. Sometimes it ends with a "Happily ever after." All too often, however, it can end with an abrupt and out-of-the-blue "The end." Recently we asked members...
  15. Raerae

    Black Diamonds, would you say yes? So if your fiance proposed and when you opened the box there was a ring with a black diamond, would you say yes? Or would the color if the rock make you say no?
  16. Raerae

    Snoop Dogg: America's most lovable pimp... Fun article, but, you ever wonder what the impact stuff like this has on us? I think part of what caught my attention, was that I was listening to the oldies today at work, and an old beach boy's song came on, and one of the lines was...
  17. Raerae

    Toy-R-Us $25,000 prize for first American baby born in 2007 Toys 'R' Us baby contest sparks fuss NEW YORK - Toys "R" Us Inc. has come under fire for denying a Chinese-American infant a $25,000 savings bond prize in a contest for the New Year's first baby because the company said the girl's mother...
  18. Raerae

    Totally delish foods, that just dont seem to go together...

    I was eating my lunch today and thought I would share one of my current FAV snacks to get, when I order Thai Food... Ready? Your gonna laugh it's so bizarre... Deep Fried..... TOFU! Isn't that a laugh. It's like two complete opposites, married into something totally yummy. Anyone else have...
  19. Raerae

    Too funny... Mean Girls? LOL... I find it funny how serious these adults are taking a few photos. Like none of those adults have ever pretended to, or laughed at someone giving head to a popcicle when they were kids. It's basically the same thing.
  20. Raerae

    Are Stereotypes Racist?

    I'm starting this topic due to a reaction to stereotype I commented on in another thread. And I'm curious as to what people think about them. Do you think it's ok to use a stereotypes? Is it possible to not use a stereotype when viewing a group of people (it is afterall, impossible to know...