Search results

  1. Raerae

    Pink Cat EyE FoTD!

    Just thought I would post my FoTD here! I used Sushi Flower! Closed eye Shot: Open eye Shot: I know your not supposed to match your eyeshadow with your nose color, but I did it anyways! Cuteness Shots: Leaving the catwalk!
  2. Raerae

    The planet formerly known as Pluto~

    Pluto is Now Just a Number: 134340 LOL... Poor ploto =( Mickey is gonna be sad.
  3. Raerae

    Dont you love when people ask you a question they already know the answer too.

    Reminds me of when I was a kid, and my Mom asked me if I had, "cleaned my room yet." Knowing full well that I hadn't done it yet, in some stupid attempt to remind me and make me admit that I hadn't done it by forcing me to say, "No i haven't done it yet." I didn't like it then, and I dont like...
  4. Raerae

    Guess I'm not gonna be a runway model, least not at this fashion show! lol... poor skinny girls, everyone gives us a hard time LOL.
  5. Raerae

    OMG... My cat fell out my 2nd floor window!

    Well almost... My apartment was built in the 1930's and I'm betting that the screens in the windows that are in my house now, are the original screens that were put on like a bazillion years ago. Anyways... His fav spot is the window sill next to my computer, he's always sitting in the window...
  6. Raerae

    I just burnt a hole in my bank account!

    LOL... So i took my friend to MAC to get her makeup done. I figure since I'm buying anyways, someone might as well get a makeover while were there. She's the type who never wears makeup, so I think it was more fun for me to see here all done up. Although she really liked the end result. She...
  7. Raerae

    What size shoe r u!

    Not sure if this has been done in the past, but i bet it has! Anyways, inspired by the sexy shoe thread, thats your shoes size! And do you love or hate your size? I'm a 7 1/2, and i have a love hate relationship with my shoe size. I like having small feets (wish I was a 6), but I HATE that...
  8. Raerae

    OMG I'm Excited!

    Hehe... OMG i actually have GOOD news for once lol... I got a raise lol! And a big one too LOL!!!!! Went from 16/hr to 20/hr! Which is like 8300 a year more b4 taxes... I'm so excited! lol... I didn't even know about it until I saw my direct deposit. LOL!!! I'm so excited!!!! Now if I...
  9. Raerae

    Earned my blonde streaks last night... lol

    So like... I had a craving for some new shoes, since the heels I'm using for work, aren't as nice as they used to be after daily wear heh... So i go out and drive to the outlet center in town since they have several of those cheapie shoe stores (like Famous Footwear, Payless, Etc) which are...
  10. Raerae

    Amazing First Dates~

    What have been yours?!? My new Fav! Happened last night actually lol! Basic backgroud... I met him at my job. And we had been flirting at my office for several weeks. Only problem was, I dont date co-workers, made that mistake once, never making it again. So we bascially had a lot of...
  11. Raerae

    Imvu Anyone use this chit chat program? Some of the outfits are super cute lol...
  12. Raerae

    Yay Kelly! She's so awesome lol...
  13. Raerae

    Vampire Fangs! Hahaha... ANyone else seeing this Ad poping up all over the place today? ROFL... Or any other wierd Ads they have seen on Specktra?
  14. Raerae

    OMG Cute Sammich for your kids

    OMG... I saw this sammich on the news today lol.. How cute is that lol! So gonna use that someday =P LOL
  15. Raerae

    Flashback LOL...

    Haha, omg... Someone just put on one of those Best of CD's LOL Back Street: Larger than Life, and Britney: CRAZY just played LOL.... I feel like I'm in Highschool again LOL
  16. Raerae

    You need to sound happier!

    OMG lol... I think the ladies I work with are great, I really do... But sometimes they can really bother me. So I get a call from a co-worker, and answer the phone with your standard, "this is so and so company, how can I help you" greeting that most companies require if your line can be...
  17. Raerae

    Do you think Search Engines should store your queries? I personally dont login to any sites when using a search engine, but i'm sure that doesn't stop it from loggin my IP. Which if course contains other personal information about me. I dislike this invasion of privacy, if only because I dont...
  18. Raerae

    Your fav flavor of Ben'N'Jerry's!

    I need suggestions! I'm getting some serious cravings for ice cream lol, and the 7-11 nearby has like 100 diff flavors of Ben'N'jerrys! Last time I had, "Everything but the.... and Half Baked"
  19. Raerae

    My cats a perv...

    OMG lol... I should have named my cat Al Bundy i kid you not LOL... he does this all the time too LOL... He's such a perv =\ He's not even cleaning himself eigther...
  20. Raerae

    Trying to find a replacement color for my Mom

    Ok... So like i was getting ready at my Moms place the other day, and she noticed that I have like 89078556435 things out on the counter while getting ready. So of course I asked her what she uses. And of course it's not much. Just the basics, drugstore foundation + powder, little bit of...