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  1. Hilly

    Digital getdooowwwn

    Who doesn't like N'Stink? Ok I asked my husband and his friends to pick a couple of colors and they said red and black. So I tried to do that with my makeup. bare canvas paint gesso romping bright fuscia carbon 100 strokes phloof penultimate liner dazzlelash mascara DH wearing his wierdo...
  2. Hilly

    some makeups i did on other peeps

    On jaqi UDPP 100 strokes ploof fig 1 carbon on meredith udpp ploof blue sky cornflower carbon Me and my daughter, Grover, in a loving moment LOL
  3. Hilly


    Hi guys! Sorry for the myspace-esq looking pictures. eyes cash flow pp COCO pigment gold mode pigment 100 strokes penultimate liner dazzlelash lips russian red Sorry the pics are small. I dunno why
  4. Hilly

    My FIRST paid makeup job!!!

    Hi guys, I am really excited! I am doing my first paid job as a MUA! It is for a wedding. The bride likes my looks and hired me for her and her bridesmaids! WOOHOO!
  5. Hilly

    Love Nectar sounds pretty...odd....

    My mind belongs in the gutter..But really- who wants to join me? Eyes UDPP Pink Inglot metal x 100 strokes fig 1 phloof lips love nectar brows showoff browset face bb shimmerbrick in apricot Im a cheeseball...
  6. Hilly

    Houston Meet Up!!!! 2-28-2009

    Hi everyone! A few of us Specktra chicks are wanting to have a get together on Saturday, February 28th. We will be meeting in Rice Village (Mac and Sephora and a buncha other cutesy places) and then doing lunch. Time will be around 1:00. Hollaback if you are interested!! We would love to meet!
  7. Hilly

    I cheated on MAC....

    With Coastal Scents! I am really happy with the 88 color pallet! I wish I knew the names, but that's ok. I think it is a great deal Eyes bare canvas paint your ladyship pigment 88 pallet coastal scents- a dep purple and black penultimate liner dazzlelash lips love henri beaux Don't...
  8. Hilly

    In the FOTD mood lately!

    Sorry for the hilly overkill lol eyes pearl ccb fusion gold UD Zero UD Underground penultimate liner Dazzlelash I got my nails did today and got them paited : Got the Blues for Red. My fav!!
  9. Hilly

    Ever feel like a hot mess?

    Cuz I sure do! Blah!! Let's hear it!!! A thread to rant and rave about wahtever!
  10. Hilly

    I am such a copy cat! My inspiration! Dame Edna Wisteria trio shell ccb silver pigment carbon pen ultimate liner
  11. Hilly

    ~~@ A suprise for RBELLA!!!! @~~

    I had a procedire done yesterday and my awesome pal, Rbella (Danelle), is driving down with lunch to visit with me while I am at home. She is soooo sweet! I made this for her!
  12. Hilly

    Yo momma so stupid, I told her to make up her mind and she put...

    Lipstick on her forehead! seriously- i had lipstick on my forehead this morning. Yikes! gold inglot bare study pp 1000 strokes carbon phloof pen ultimate liner dazzlelash UD Bourbon lips russian red date night face apricot shimmerbrick
  13. Hilly

    Hubby is working late. Obv.

    I got bored. lol. This looks pretty yucky on me, but I figured soince I put it on, might as well put it on here eyes Shell CCB Violet pinked Mauve Magenta pigment fertile Hot magenta penultimate liner dazzle lash some glitter that barely showed up. o well! eww naked face and lips. yuck!
  14. Hilly

    I like to wear Pink.

    Here are some fotds from a few days! Today: Gotta love that I was borted on the phone and took a picture. who does that!? Eyes Perky PP Pink Freeze Jest Smoke and Diamonds Carbom Black track fl Lips Kiss Manish (Thanks Danelle!!!!!!!!!) Date Night Dazzle Glass First day of Grad...
  15. Hilly

    It's Mouthwatering baby.....

    Howdy! I used Girl Friendly PP, Intriguing Scarlet Warm Eyes Pallet, Fig One, Mauvement, and Deckchair and blacktrack fluidline with dazzlelash mascara. Lips: Mouthwatering lipglass face: select spf foundation and Bobbi Brown shimmerbrick brows- brow set in show off
  16. Hilly

    << It's Electric >>

    My Urban Decay eyeliner, that is! Howdy! My husband is back from Chicago and therefore I have my camera back! I want to shout out to my buddy, Rbella! We met this past weekend and she is such a doll eyes: bare study paint pot gold fusion metal x a gold color from roayl assets 2007 pallet...
  17. Hilly

    Eatin cookies at the cookie jar shop

    Hello from snowy Chicago!!!! I am visiting my family unti lthe 1st. Here are a couple of pictures of my neice Hannah (and yes she wears MAC) and I. We are eating cookies while at my mom's cookie jar shop lol (Belmont and Ashland for all you Chicagoans!) Merry Christmas!!! I am just dying...
  18. Hilly

    things that make you go hmmm... - Little 'Adolf Hitler' Denied Birthday Cake at New Jersey Grocery Store - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News Interesting story.
  19. Hilly

    new hair doooo

    This was done like 10 hours ago so I am looking a lil blah and greasy. Sorry charlies! My hair is supposed to fade to have reddish in it. It looks soo dark here tho! Eyes Bare study pp gold mode pigment ruby red pigment beauty marked bobbi brown eye skol pro long lash mascara phloof brow set...
  20. Hilly

    What makeup items do you collect?

    What do you like to collect in the makeup world? I collect Bobbi Brown Shimmerbricks as well as Fliudlines and Paintpots.