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  1. Hilly

    She's a maneater.....

    Happy election day! Eyes: UDPP Femme Fi Heritage Rouge Beauty Marked blacktrack silverstroke show off for brows pro long lash face select spf 15 nw 20 soft and gentle lips odyssey lovely zit i picked at lol "Grover, who are you voting for?"
  2. Hilly

    Circa 1990...

    So as yall know, I am an ultimate NKOTB fan, groupie, freakola. Well my work had a halloween contest and THIS GAL WON FIRST PLACE!!! LOL I even did the Runningman as my "Speech" I won a gift cert for a massage! Yum! Eyes: Mac water based MM the hot pink pigment that is not eye safe (oops) true...
  3. Hilly

    How I look when it's not my turn in Scrabble.

    I am playing Scrabble with my hubby. As I kick his ass, this is what I look like while I wait for him to try and catch up hehe. eyes bare study pp silver fog violet the purple one from blue storm shroom beauty marked show off brow set fluidline chartreuse pro long lash Checkin out...
  4. Hilly

    After the day I've'd be hittin' the bottle too!

    Bad couple days. Anyways, I ordered bottle green from ebizzle and it came in the mail today. Hooooray! eyes ccb in pearl gesso bottle green parrot blacktrack femme fi silverstroke turquise glitter from my buddy Monica pro long lash my lips are in pain so they are covered in
  5. Hilly

    Dedicated to my babay daddy Joey Mac!

    ....don't tell DH! YouTube - New Kids On The Block Ft. Ne-Yo - Single Mah boyzzzz! On top of a greasy face, I am rocking.... udpp fly by flu and spare change pearglides femme fi time and space prolong lash And for your daily Grovie fix! She loves the attention FYI...
  6. Hilly

    Drinkin my Coffee and hiding my nekkid lips

    Good Morning! UDPP Stila Kitten MAC Authentics Pallet (the dk purple and pink) MAC Heritage Rouge Pigment Black track fl prolong lash so ceylon petticoat mac concealor which is so the wrong color for me! brows need to get did! Yikes! My Daughter Grover and I! Wow that's a...
  7. Hilly

    "Red" Hilly Said

    New camera...blah! It's a canon Power Shot....i don't like it at all. Eyes: udpp glamour check femme fi time and space aqualine lll prolong lash mascara lips red she said face petticoat and so ceylon eww can i look any oiler or red? And my little Goose-egg sleeping under a chair
  8. Hilly

    Photos from the new kids concert! Caution....80s overload!

    Wanna hire me to do your 80s makeup? DH wont I've had my NEW KIDS longer than I've had my husband! hahaha Our anticipation shot before the show started...
  9. Hilly

    Most amazing thing ever....NKOTB recap

    So last night, me and 2 of my awesome friends went to the Houston NKOTB concert. Seriously, we dressed up all 1980s/early 1990s for it. I had a shirt off of ebay, jean jacket vest that was cropped, leggings, micro mini. My friends, the same way too. Well, I bought the most expensive tix I could...
  10. Hilly

    My Parrot flew outta it's traincase!

    I decided to bust out parrot today. Cash Flow PP Phloof! Aquadisiac Shimmermoss Parrot Spare Change pearl glide black track pro long lash BB Shimmerbrick in gold Lure ls I am still getting used to my new camera. It makes me look so red!
  11. Hilly

    Inspired by Shimmer!

    I followed her tut on cat eye liner using the 210 brush. I don't have a 210, but I have a 209. I think they are pretty similar. I loved using this brush! Thanks for the info, Jamie Specktra Beauty News » Blog Archive » Quick Cat Eye / Winged Liner tutorial Eyes: Fusion Gold Metal X Time and...
  12. Hilly

    Nuttin great.

    I got my hair did this weekend and dh doesn't like the color. I am feelin blah because my skin looks like crap too. And my new camera sucks and shows every tiny pore, blemish, spot, freckle. Woe is me lol. What do yall think of the hair do? I am always changing it up every few months color...
  13. Hilly

    Glam to Go!

    Not too much time today, so I threw my hair back and did a really basic look. Stillife paint sunnydayze pigment blacktrack fl prolong lash brow set some highlighter for my cheeks port red plus luxe plushglass
  14. Hilly

    Billie Jean is not my lover...

    I am watching the Michael Jackson movie on VH1. When I was 4, I had a Michael Jackson impersonator at my birthday party. I thought he was the real thing (so did my gramma). Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eyes: Cash Flow Femme Fi Blackberrry (from the authentics pallet) shroom or one of those light...
  15. Hilly

    Inspired by Tiffany! Tdoll :) She is one of my FAVORITE posters on here because her looks are so fun and unique! I tried lol. Eyes: bare study parfait amour gesso the purple one from blue storm? fertile mutiny clear blue sky shroom blacktrack fl pro long lash lips hot and...
  16. Hilly

    Strokin' and Lustin'

    Wow...get your minds outta the gutter my friends! Lips: Stroke of Lust Face: Dior Icone foundation on cheeks Bobbi Brown Shimmerbrick in Bronze Eyes: Cash Flow pp Gold Mode pigment MES Sea and Sky Pro Long Lash MAC mascara Carbon Engraved Shroom Have a fabulous day!
  17. Hilly

    Damn Aunt Flow!

    Was sposed to go to the womanly doc, but ya...obv not so much now. danggit! So washed out, but you get the kinda-sorta idea. Eyes: udpp gesso fertile parfait amour thunder bobbi brown black eye kohl mac mascara phloof brunette brow set face: nw29 select spf 15 foundation shimpaigne some...
  18. Hilly

    dreaming about upcoming mac collection...

    Ok so clearly I am a nut job. While I was evacuated and shackin up in Austin- i had varying reoccurring dreams about going to this random Nordstrom store (one I have never seen or been to before with a wierd layout) and buying up the new MSF and respromotes. Now I am DYING for them to come...
  19. Hilly

    Urgent Help needed!!!!!!!

    (This is Houston and Texas area) this is very sad and heart breaking.... please help if you can. if not pass on to others.... Below, more than 100 dogs who are victims of Hurricane Ike will be euthanized on Saturday if not adopted or taken in for fostering BY FRIDAY NIGHT!!!! Picasa Web...
  20. Hilly

    ---@ My Wedding makeups! PIC HEAVY ---@

    Hola! I am a married woman! Do I look any different? lol Eyes: Stillife paint phloof all over the lid smoke and diamonds in the crease graphic brown fluidline mac mascara face: shimpaigne MSF dioskin icone foundation Lips: clinique almost lipstick in black honey On to the wedding! It was...