Search results

  1. xsnowwhite

    ANTM cycle 9 finale *dont read if you dont want the end ruined*

    couldnt find any threads about it so here it is anyone still watch the show? I was really dissapointed I wanted Chantal to win I thought she was a great model! Don't get me wrong, Saleisha was good too, but idk something about her I just don't like...and I think Chantal had stronger photos but...
  2. xsnowwhite

    What do you think about these shoes?

    So i was shopping around today and i went into famous footwear and saw these boots: I thought they were absolutely so cute and i tried them on and theyre pretty comfortable too. Anyways i was just curious as to opinions on these. I didnt buy them because Im the type of person who has to think...
  3. xsnowwhite

    Anyone attend/has attended FIDM?

    hey there sorry if this is the wrong place to post, i didnt know where to lol anyways i was jsut wondering if anyone has attended/is attending the fashion institute of design merchandising in california? I know they have 4 locations so if anyone can tell me about any of them i would love that...
  4. xsnowwhite

    Victorias Secret Very Sexy Makeup

    hii sorry if theres a topic about this(i searched but didn't find anything) but i was wondering if anyone has tried VS makeup? I have tried the beauty rush stuff which im honestly not too crazy about, but i was looking at the VS very sexy lipglosses/lipsticks (particularly "satin sheets" and...
  5. xsnowwhite

    Customized shoes!

    hey everyone i just thought i'd share this, has customizable shoes! theyre really cute. They're pricy but you can customize ALOT! Perfect if you cant find the right match to an outfit or something. oh and sorry if this has been around for ever or if its been posted lol i just...
  6. xsnowwhite

    Your TOP MAC brushes

    Hello thereee well im thinking about asking for some MAC brushes for xmas, because i think it would be helpful to me (ive only used drugstore brushes), considering all the makeup i do! I was just wondering if you guys could help me out with your top brushes. My family doesnt have alot of...
  7. xsnowwhite

    Homecoming Makeup!

    Here's some pics from last weeks homecoming I did the makeup myself and I think it turned out pretty good! Sorry this is the only pic I could get, i had to crop it out of a large pic. My camera cannot take a decent closeup! LOL i never realized how ugly my brows are until i saw that...
  8. xsnowwhite

    So i have this theory and i need opininons pleease!

    Hey! I have a question about dying hair. So my hair is currently dark brown almost black but i have these carmellyblonde colored streaks in the front like my bangs and a couple other face framing pieces. Anyways im getting soo sick of them but i dont have money to visit the salon. I know it...
  9. xsnowwhite

    Good "How To" Articles

    I was searching around the net and found some really helpful articles for hair how to's! Idk if you guys have seen these but i thought they would come in handy for some people And if you have any sites that feature good hair howtos, post them! How To Get a Good Blowout(doing it yourself)...
  10. xsnowwhite

    Im feeling replaced :(

    Sorry if this is stupid but im just really frustrated and needed to vent to someone. Well my best friend recently moved away[to another state], but we still keep in touch alot though. She has made new friends, which is good and im glad she did, but i feel like im being replaced by one of them...
  11. xsnowwhite

    Annoying highlights

    that same thing happend to me! I tried dying it over several times but it didnt work out so i had to let it grow out . Oh and i was dying over blonde with super dark brown and it still faded and the blonde popped through again! Sorry this probably doesnt help but yeah well if it means anything...
  12. xsnowwhite

    Need help w/ relaxing hair!

    heyyy ! ive been completely hating my stupid curly hair lately, even more than normal and im seriously considering getting my hair relaxed. I spend WAY too much time on it and im so self concious of my curly hair i put my stupid hair in front of other things that should be way more important...
  13. xsnowwhite

    Studio Seamless Foundation?

    I think thats what its called? Anywyas i was wondering if this was discontinued i cant find it ANYWHERE! I had never used it but the other day i found some in my moms bathroom and i LOVE it its seriously the best foundation ive ever used. It worked so well. but of course its way too dark for me...
  14. xsnowwhite

    Swing Jackets?

    I've been seeing swing jackets alot of places these days and I was just wondering what everyones thoughts were on these! I have mixed opinions about these...i guess it depends what you pair it with? For those who dont know what a swing jacket looks like its this: any thoughts?
  15. xsnowwhite

    hmm would this color work?

    Right now i have really dark brown hair with a reddish hue to it, but its only noticeable in sunlight so it isnt like whoa red or anything I am pale with a pink undertone and im just wondering if this haircolor(highlights and everything) would work? sorry i will try to get a pic of myself...
  16. xsnowwhite

    Recs for this look?

    hiii all i really love jessica simpsons look in this pic, could anyone tell me what the lip color would be? and the eyes, sorry its not a very closeup or detailed pic but that color in the crease area, any ideas on what that could be? thanks so much!
  17. xsnowwhite

    OPI Night Brights

    Anyone else loving this collection? I got OPI ink and i think its such a pretty color! I dont know if its too much though to wear on a daily basis on my nails..
  18. xsnowwhite

    max factor "maxwear lipcolors" (double sided lipglosses)

    I saw these at walmart and they looked way cool, but i was sort of mad at the price (around $8) haha im cheap... Anyways i bought "workout nude" and i must say im very impressed! I always want pale lips but my lips are super pigmented so its hard to find something that covers that. This...
  19. xsnowwhite

    should I wait to dye again...

    i dyed my hair w/ semi permanant color about 2 months ago with a reddish brown, so now im looking to cover over that red in hopes to get back to my natural black-brown(I'll be using semi perm. again) Would it be safe to dye it again or should I wait longer? Its not like im super anxious to dye...
  20. xsnowwhite

    advice on slimming down?

    hey i need some tips about working out. so im about 15-20 lbs overweight, which i am working on dropping. I was wondering if yall could give me some suggestions of exercizes that i can do that wont make me bulky i really am just looking to slim down and i dont want alot of obvious muscles (if...