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  1. xsnowwhite

    humidity :(

    aw man i got a problem so im going to texas for spring break annnd the humidity is always really bad (correct me if im wrong lol) so yeah i have really curly hair and its really ugly, so i always straighten it. I was just wondering if anyone has tips for keeping it straight and not frizzy...
  2. xsnowwhite

    Bams Unholy Union!

    Okay so personally i LOVED viva la bam, and i was majorly sad when they cancelled it Anyways is anyone else as excited as me about the new show premiering tuesday?! Haha Oh & sorry if theres already soemthing on this topic but i never saw one so i made one lol
  3. xsnowwhite

    Max Factor Mascara?

    hey im looking for a new mascara and everyone i try seems to be bad. I was looking at MF's volume couture mascara & 2000 calorie mascara. HAs anyone tried any of these? I havent heard much about them but i recently bought some other stuff by the brand and i liked it so yeah i need some...
  4. xsnowwhite


    heyy i recently got a hot tools curling iron for christmas, but whenever i use it the curls last for like an hour. How can i make the curls last longer and look like that messyish style that nicole richie seems to have? If that makes any sensee ehh idk i'll try to find a pic but thanks in...
  5. xsnowwhite

    purpleee :]

    so pretty much i decided to not be lazy and where some makeup today! enjoy!
  6. xsnowwhite

    recreating seventeen look

    idk if anyone saw but seventeen has some cool makeup stuff in the new issue so i decided to test it out! :] it came out okay but alskhfkl i need a highlight so bad, what would you guys reccomend, for something i can wear with basically anything? I typically wear greens, purples, or neutrals if...
  7. xsnowwhite

    woo eyelinerrrr

    so pretty much im really bad when it comes to eyeliner, but the other night it actually turned out nice looking! haha iwas so mad because the one time i do it right its like, right when im going to bed but yeah let me know what you think! oh & btw if anyone struggles with eyeliner like liquid...
  8. xsnowwhite

    box dyes?

    i know i should go professionally to get it done buuuuut thats not really in my price range right now so can anyone reccomend a good one? thanks in advancee :]
  9. xsnowwhite

    my first FOTD :]

    ps- ignore my awful brows they're horrible haha annnd i just realized i forgot a highlight. cool. hah oh well i had fun :] let me know what you think
  10. xsnowwhite

    eek homecoming!

    so basically homecoming is this weekend [!] and idk what to do for makeup/hair! :confused: Heres an image of my dress: yeah so its that, basically its like cream colored lining w/ black mesh type overlay. Any suggestions for makeup [techniques, products, ect]? oh btw. Im fair skinned w/ dark...
  11. xsnowwhite

    Ralph Lauren - Hot

    Anyone else seen it yet? this is definitely a new favorite of mine! Especially for summer it smells so good, kind of like coconut and other things i cant quite explain it, but you should check it out next time your in a dept. store or something! :] And also do yiou know places that offer...