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  1. ~LadyLocks~

    ~Brown Eyed Girl~

    Today we went and took some family photos so here's how I did my eyes. These pics were taken after we got home cause I forgot to charge the battery on my camera so this was after a few hours of waiting and walking around. Were picking the pictures up tomorrow so I'll post thoes in the cheese...
  2. ~LadyLocks~

    How do you discipline your kids?

    So being that my daughter is almost hitting her terrible 2's, I've been wondering what's the best way to teach her right from wrong? I've seen some people use the "corner" method, or "go to your room" method but I'm not certain it's the right way. I guess with trial and error, I'll find what...
  3. ~LadyLocks~

    ~I Love me some green~ [[Pic Heavy]]

    Couldn't think of a better title lol. Anyway here's my green look. I did one awhile back but I think this one looks much lease I hope so haha. It actually looks more golden green than it really was...oh well. Some fun ones... One with red lips... and my family and I at...
  4. ~LadyLocks~

    ~~Another boyfriend makeover~~

    Yup, he finally excepted the challenge and went for it and I think he did a great job, with my direction of course . and a picture with the artist I asked him what colors he wanted to do and he said purples... Violet Pigment Sketch in crease Shroom as highlight I did the mascara cause...
  5. ~LadyLocks~

    Your glowing miss prego!

    Hi people , Yesterday I made over my aunt that's 8 months pregnant. This was my very first time actually putting mu on someone and I think I did a damn good job hehe. She looked absolutly gorgeous!! The family really loved the way she looked with color since she never really wears it. She...
  6. ~LadyLocks~

    For tattoo

    So here's my tattoo I said I would post. I've had it for almost a year now, wow has it been that long already? They say tattoos are addicting once you get one and they are right cause now I want more!! The writing means my daughter's name in Japanese btw! Hope you like!
  7. ~LadyLocks~

    My take on Blue Brown =]

    I got a new digital camera today , finally huh! I'm sooo happy, now I can finally get some good pics! My camera phone is officially FIRED! Anyway, here's my version of Blue Brown with Shimmermoss. ~Eyes~ MAC Bare Canvas Paint MAC Shroom e/s MAC Nylon e/s MAC Shimmermoss e/s MAC Blue...
  8. ~LadyLocks~

    What MAC l/l goes with Viva Glam I l/s?

    Ok so yeaterday I went to the MAC counter to buy my first Red l/s from MAC. Ones I tried were Russian Red, Lady Bug, Debonnet, and Viva Glam I, and along with that the MA gave me Red Enriched cremestick liner to use while testing all the colors. The one I ended up going with was Viva Glam I...
  9. ~LadyLocks~

    ~Trick or Treat~

    I just LOVE Halloween!! I had so much fun taking my daughter and niece out trick-or-treating even though my b/f and I were the ones saying it cause they wouldn't lol. Kids... Anyway, here's my little one as a Care Bear and my niece as Snow White. Thanks for looking .
  10. ~LadyLocks~

    My teeny weeny haul...

    I was finally able to get some stuff today. It's been over a month since my last purchase from MAC and waaayyy over due if you ask me :nod:. Here's what I got: Bombshell l/s Rich Ground f/l Holiday Entense Eye Pallet Brow Shader in Ivoire/ Walnut I think I want to go back and get the...
  11. ~LadyLocks~

    ***All Dolled Up***

    This year for Halloween I decided to be an evil doll. Here are some pictures I took last night before I went to my friends party. The quality of the pictures suck since I was using a camera phone but you get the idea. Unfortunatly I don't have any full body pictures to show you guys at the...
  12. ~LadyLocks~

    Work Party...

    I really wish there was a forum specifically for funnies but there's not so I hope it's ok to post these here. Anyway, hope you enjoy! Administration has decided that we can hold a departmental party. Due to liability issues, we can have alcohol but will be limited to one (1) drink each person...
  13. ~LadyLocks~

    Funny for the day...Why men have better friends

    My friend sent me this email and I thought it was hilarious so I wanted to share. I hope I can put a smile on some of your faces today! Why men have better friends Friendship Between Women: A woman didn't come home one night. The next day she told her husband that she had slept over at a...
  14. ~LadyLocks~

    Record Album Handbags

    Hi luvlys, I came accross this web site and thought I would share. This is such a great idea...I think Imma have to get me one! Soooo cute!! *Smooches*
  15. ~LadyLocks~

    How to deal with inlaws? (It's a long one!)

    So my b/f parents really piss me off when it comes to my daughter...ARGH! Sorry...just really need to vent! Sometimes we have my b/f's father watch my daughter to try and save money on baby sitting. Don't get me wrong, he's a really good person. Him and his wife always watch my b/f's niece...
  16. ~LadyLocks~

    Mythology & Sketch...with Zoolander faces :)'s me again . Here's what I look like today at work. Yup, that's right...I take camera phone pix on my down time, I know I'm a dork . Eyes: MAC Mythology e/s MAC Sketch e/s in crease MAC All that glitters e/s to highlight MAC Blacktrack Fluidline Maybelline Great lash Cheapie black...
  17. ~LadyLocks~

    Will Jeffrey get kicked off PRW?

    Just curious to see who thinks he's gonna get kicked off? If he does I will really be sad because I was looking forward in seeing his collection. But...oh well, that's what he gets for cheating.
  18. ~LadyLocks~

    What's your favorite nightcream?

    Hello luvlys, I've been thinking...I don't usually wear night cream/ moisturizer but maybe I might start. Any suggestions on your favorites? I'm looking for something light and non-greasy. I guess that's the main reason why I don't usually wear any right skin is already greasy and I...
  19. ~LadyLocks~

    ~Because weekends were, made for fun~

    HAHA...I have that song by Debbie Deb, it's stuck in my head . Anyway, here are my weekend looks. I think I did a really good job so I thought I'd share with you luvlys. ~Friday~ Eyes: MAC Fushia CCB MAC Shroom MAC Golden Olive Pigment MAC Humid ~Saturday~ Eyes: MAC Fushia CCB MAC...
  20. ~LadyLocks~

    Pieces of my life...(TONS of pics)

    I've been wanting to post some pictures for awhile now so here they finally are..enjoy! First and formost my reason for precious little girl Saezha (pronounced like Elijah but it's Sayjah), she's 18 months now and the sweetest thing EVER!! My baby daddy aka Rhenjay...