Search results

  1. ~LadyLocks~

    Vegas Baby!

    OMG I love the way my MU came out so I had to share. These pics were taken by a camera phone so the quality isn't that great but my friend has way more pics on her digi. As soon as she sends them to me I'll post so you can get a better look. Eyes: ~Bare Canvas Paint ~Amberlights on inner lid...
  2. ~LadyLocks~

    e/s colors according to eye shape and set...

    (Not sure where this goes...feel free to move) Hi All , A few years ago I took a Prefessional Image class and while cleaning out my stuff (moving soon) I came accross some very helpful information. Some of you already know and some do not, either way I hope you find this helpful... *Before...
  3. ~LadyLocks~

    E/S colors according to eye shape and set...

    Hi all , A few years ago I took a Professional Image class and while going through my stuff (I'm moving soon) I came accross some helpful information I thought I'd share with you luvly Specktratees. Many of you already know this but many do not, either way I hope you find this helpful...
  4. ~LadyLocks~

    Shimmermoss vs. Steamy

    Hi people, I've wanted these colors for awhile now but can't decide between the two. Which one do you like best or which would you recommend? I plan on visiting my local MAC soon so I'm getting my list ready . Thanks in advance!!
  5. ~LadyLocks~

    What's your favorite eyeliner?

    Hi guys/girls, I'm trying to figure out what eyeliner to get since mine is about done. I've been using the Almay liquid one that has a little black sponge tip applicator but I found that after several uses the sponge tip was no longer pointed like it was when I first bought it . Guess that...
  6. ~LadyLocks~

    My First FOTD!! Humid vs. Goldmine

    Yup that's right, my very first FOTD!! I barley got into MAC about 4 mo. (boy was I missin out!!) and I'm hooked LOL. I been messing around with some colors and I thank I'm getting the hang of it . I've been wanting to post a FOTD but my digi is broken so I decided to try and take one with...
  7. ~LadyLocks~

    Anyone know where to get a good MU case?

    I've been carrying around my MU in this travel bag but I need to get me one of thoes cute MU cases. Anyone know where I can get one for reasonable price?:confused:
  8. ~LadyLocks~

    What is the best way to apply Lustre's?

    I'm trying to figure out the best way to apply Lustre's. I have Honey Lust and Mythology and I find that Mythology is easier to apply and actually comes out as it's true color. As far as Honey Lust, this one is the problem one. I usually use ccb and that helps it stick better but by the end of...
  9. ~LadyLocks~

    What's the best way to apply paints?

    I was in search of the perfect base for the lids because I was having a problem with creasing so some people sugessted using paints. I decided to follow the advice and purchased a MAC paint (bare canvas) for the first time. I was wondering if anyone can suggest the proper way of applying it...
  10. ~LadyLocks~

    Can anymone recommend a good base for the lids?

    I usually use a cream color base from MAC but I've noticed that sometimes it creases even though I apply it really lightly. I also use something similar to the MAC s/s but i'm not sure if it's right for a base because it to sometimes creases. I was thinking of getting Bare Canvas paint or a...
  11. ~LadyLocks~

    Need help with e/s recommendations (pic inside)

    Hi all, I'm in a wedding on June 3rd and I can't seen to figure out what color e/s would go good with it. The color of the dress is a light gold color with a ivory ribbon that goes along the waist line. I've been playing around with some colors but non of them seem fit for a weeding. I need...