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  1. X4biddenxLustX

    Birthcontrol and brother rant.

    So I have HORRIBLE periods that last anywhere from 7-14 days even more sometimes and the pain I won't even attempt to describe cause it's agonizing. It takes a large dose every 4-6 hours of acetaminophen or ibuprofen to do anything for the pain. Right now I'm on the nuvaring and instead of...
  2. X4biddenxLustX

    Ugh Another Post Office Rant.

    Sooo I've had some issues with the post office here quite a bit. My mail getting sent to other peoples houses and vice versa. But the actual post office office you to go to drop stuff off is quite nice and helpful actually, at least my local one is! But yesterday I was out to ship some packages...
  3. X4biddenxLustX

    New job, PA taxes?

    I finally landed a job!!!!!! I had been searching endlessly for one since October before I even turned 18 with no luck. I'll be working at my local Walgreens as a Beauty Adviser there. The pay is $7.50 an hour but I get commission for ringing people up at the beauty department and selling...
  4. X4biddenxLustX

    The eating proportionately diet?

    Over the past year I've put on a bit of weight. Don't like it at all. But it just keeps piling on. Considering that I only have 3 pairs of jeans that fit me and they are pretty tight right now on me, I NEED to get this weight off. My problem stems a lot from my poor diet and lack of exercise...
  5. X4biddenxLustX

    Spending going out of control?

    Does anyone else feel like their spending habits are starting to go out of control? I've been wondering if I'm the only person or one of the very few people who get this "thrill" from shopping. I love shopping, as everyone else on this forum probably does also lol. But I don't just love it I...
  6. X4biddenxLustX

    Guyfriends who want more than just "friendship"?

    It just seems as if I can't have a NORMAL friendship (just a friendship, nothing more!) with any guy unless he's gay seriously. I can't even count how many guys I have been friends with in the past and how many times they've "hit" on me and not really in a joking way either. I don't get it...
  7. X4biddenxLustX

    Paypal Question..

    Not sure if this is the right place to post or ask this, if not please move it to the right place! I've only used paypal a few times to purchase some small items from ebay and that's been the only thing I've used paypal for so far. But I've gone through my house and realize that I'm a serious...
  8. X4biddenxLustX

    Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana getting sued...

    I tried doing a search for this but nothing came up. But has anyone heard about her recent picture disaster? Here is a link to one of the sites explaining what is going on: Miley Cyrus' slant-eye pose slammed by Asian group | Entertainment | Reuters Another one: Teen Scoops: Miley Cyrus Asian...
  9. X4biddenxLustX

    I don't feel like I'm good enough.

    I came from an all asian family, that is still somewhat traditional sometimes. But they've definitely learned how different the American culture can be and have flowed with it a bit and aren't so tense as I guess the truly traditional asian families. They use to be SUPER strict and crazy on...
  10. X4biddenxLustX

    Any dupes for Icescape l/g?

    I missed out on the Icescape l/g from the Chill collection! I'm so mad . I know its still available on but I don't feel like paying for shipping. I'm broke too and was wondering if anyone could recommend even a drugstore cheap dupe of it?
  11. X4biddenxLustX

    Blackheads are evil.

    Ever since puberty decided to bless me, well most of it has been a curse lol, I have had an issue with blackheads. They are mainly on my nose and the area right next to my nose on each side and on my chin. I have tried using steaming my face beforehand and using different types of clay based...
  12. X4biddenxLustX

    What to do with Hello Kitty empties?

    Well I should of put LE empties instead of just hk empties in the title. But I've been wondering what I could do with the special packaging LE item's containers once I'm done with them? Now I don't want to B2M them since they look soo cute but I don't want them just lying around serving me no...
  13. X4biddenxLustX

    Weird shit.

    I have really BAD anxiety issues and I freak out over everything. I recently had a falling out with a guy that I called H in another thread. I have also had issues with a stalking ex bf in the past. But I was just online and I got an im on aim from someone with the screename: SolderedCoho. I...
  14. X4biddenxLustX

    Elective C-Sections?

    I think that's the right term? Well I want to know from you ladies what your feelings and thoughts are on choosing to give birth by C-section rather than vaginally. I don't know much on this but have heard that it is optional depending on the doctor the woman is seeing. Now, I'm not pregnant...
  15. X4biddenxLustX

    "I'll fix your brows"

    Not sure if this is the right section to post this, if not please move it to the correct place. Well I live not too far away from a mall (about 20 minute walk). I go there a lot sometimes and other times I won't be there very often. But a few months ago I was walking around and came across this...
  16. X4biddenxLustX

    Strep throat, sooo miserable.

    About over two weeks ago on a Monday night I started feeling a little tingle and itch in the back of my throat but didn't really think much of it. The next morning I woke up with a throat that was a bit sore and later on that day I ended up getting a slight fever with chills throughout my body...
  17. X4biddenxLustX

    VERY long and very messy.

    I will first start off for apologizing for how long this post will be and that there will be A LOT to read for those of you are who are willing to take the time out and read this. If not, I understand completely =] Before I begin on my rant, I'll give you guys some info. I have known a guy...
  18. X4biddenxLustX

    Legend of the Seeker?

    Does anyone watch this show? I do, and I LOVE it! I know its pretty cheesy with the storyline, characters and a lot of the special effects they use on the show. But it reminds me so much of when I was younger and watched the Xena and Hercules series on tv every weekend. Man, I miss watching...
  19. X4biddenxLustX

    Post Office Problems

    I know its completely normal to occasionally to get your neighbor's mail sent to you instead of them. It's probably happened at least once to everyone of us. But the problem where I live is that its almost constantly happening! My house number is 118, I'll get a letter in the mail addressed to...
  20. X4biddenxLustX


    I got my belly button pierced 4 years ago (I was 14 and STUPID!) and things were going well. Until I decided to switch rings before it completely healed. The ring I had in originally was a surgical steel one and I didn't have any problems with it as long as I cleaned the area everyday correctly...