Search results

  1. X4biddenxLustX

    Premature Greying?

    I'm only 18 right now and have TONS of grey hairs. It's so frustrating because I noticed my first greys when I was only like 12?! I'll notice some strands that have blackish brown ends with the roots starting to grey. While some others have grey ends and then it starts growing back in my...
  2. X4biddenxLustX

    Should I go to school for the aesthetician course?

    I hope I spelled aesthetician correctly lol. But I'm a recent high school graduate and for the past few years I've been switching to being interested in this career field then to a different one. I'm very indecisive. But lately I've been looking more into being an aesthetician because it seems...
  3. X4biddenxLustX

    Does anyone watch Jon & Kate Plus 8?

    I Do! I absolutely love the show and think that all the kids are so cute. I just hate that I have to watch the episodes online since I dont have TLC and can't afford the dvds right now. But when I can I def will be buying them all. So does anyone else on here watch this show?
  4. X4biddenxLustX

    Can I honestly let it all go and JUST have sex?

    It's a long and complicated story so I'll shorten it for you guys as much as I can. For the past 2 years me and this guy who I've known for going on 5 years now having been having this weird I don't quite know what it is type thing... We'll just call him B. Were not in a "relationship" because...
  5. X4biddenxLustX

    Hello Kitty Maternity Hospital!

    I was on youtube searching for hello kitty related things and came across a video on the newly opened hello kitty maternity hospital in taiwan. Now I can't seem to find the video again on youtube but I did google it and came across some articles. This one being one of them...
  6. X4biddenxLustX

    Do you FREAK out over BLOOD?!

    I hope I dont sound like a weirdo by posting this but im just sooo pissed off over this that i need to get it off my chest. A few days ago i went to exchange christmas gifts with a friend at her house. I consider her mom as a second mom to me so I ended up giving her a hug too when she first...