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  1. Ciara

    ..:: Demo Bridal Look on my friend ... take a look ::..

    Hi Ladies So my friend asked my to do her make-up for her wedding which is in less than a month. Today I did a demo bridal look on her. I've attached Before and After Pics. Please let me know what you think. Constructive Criticism is very much welcome and appreciated!!!! Products used...
  2. Ciara

    ..:: Fafi Fabulous ::..

    Hello Lovelys, Here's my FOTD for today. Hope you like. I think my camera kinda washed out the colors b/c it def looked more vibrant in person. Here's what i used: Pink Venus e/s Swish e/s Purple Shower e/s Howzat e/s Hey e/s Vanilla e/s Blacktrack f/l Smolder e/l MAC Lashes #7...
  3. Ciara

    ..:: Old Gold is Saturnal - MzReyes Inspired Look ::..

    This look was inspired by MzReyes "Old Gold is Saturnal" of my absolute favorite. Here's my take on it: Graphic Brown f/l Old Gold Pigment Goldmine e/s Saturnal e/s Carbon e/s Next to Nothing e/s Blacktrack f/l Smolder e/l Plushblack Mascara MAC Lashes #10 Springsheen Blush...
  4. Ciara

    ..:: 2 EOTD/FOTD - Pandamonium ::..

    Here are 2 FOTD/EOTD that i forgot to post. They are from 2 wks ago. Better late than never. 1st Look: Pandamonium Eyes 4 (Quad) Cloudbound e/s Up at Dawn e/s Violet Trance e/s Pandamonium e/s Blacktrack f/l Plushblack mascara Springsheen Blush (i forgot what i used on the lips)...
  5. Ciara

    NYC MAC Pro Meet

    I'd love to organize a NYC meet to go to the New NYC MAC Pro Store. (7 W22nd Street) Anyone in the NYC area interested? I was thinking we can organize the meet for sometime in March or April. Maybe if they are having an event for the Heatherette collection we can reserve spots. Feedback Please.
  6. Ciara

    The Powder Group - Make Up Show NYC 2008

    Just wondering if anyone from Specktra is planning on attending this year. I wanted to go last year but I had to work. I am hoping to go this looks like alot of fun. Maybe we can plan a lunch or something. Here's the info: The Makeup Show New York is a pro-only trade event open to...
  7. Ciara

    ..:: * FAFI Fabulous Birthday FOTD * ::.. kinda pic heavy

    Hey!!! So ... Valentine's Day was my birthday. I turned wink wink . Im actually few years older. mother surprised me with some items from the Fafi Collection for my B-day. Yes, my moms is Da Bomb!!! LoL So this is the look i put together for my Birthday party with...
  8. Ciara

    Specktra running slowly today???? Is it just me?

    Hello, Is it just me or is the forum running pretty slow today? Everything is taking several seconds to load. On occasion i just see the purple background and the specktra logo on the top but the page indicates "Done" (as if it were done loading) I have to refresh 3-4 times before the forum...
  9. Ciara

    ..:: Back to Basics ::..

    Thought i'd keep it nice and simple today: Painterly p/p Blacktrack f/l Plushblack mascara Fab Blush Shimpagne MSF Cranapple l/p Wondershine l/g Thanks for looking!!
  10. Ciara

    ..:: Pink and Purpley EOTD::..

    It was such a gloomy day in NYC today so I decided to add a little color to my day: Eyes: Cotton Candy paint Swish e/s Satellite Dreams e/s Sketch e/s Speedy Pearl e/s Blacktrack f/l Delft f/l Lips: Cranapple l/l Wondershine l/g Thanks for looking!!!
  11. Ciara

    ..:: EOTD Inspired by Eily's Simple Look ::..

    Here's a look i found watching a Make-up Video Tutorial on Youtube. Eily311 is one of my favorites. I loved this look: YouTube - Simple Look Here's my version: Painterly p/p - base Swish e/s - lid Saturnal e/s - crease Shroom e/s - highlight Vanilla pigment - highlight Blacktrack f/l -...
  12. Ciara

    ..:: FOTD 12/14/07 Smokey Eye ::..

    Im kinda feeling this look today what do you guys think??? Here's what I used: Naked Lunch e/s Mothbrown e/s <--- my favorite Carbon e/s Soft Black Smudgeliner by Estee Lauder Ardell Falsies #53 Springsheen Blush <--- my new favorite Shimpagne MSF Petalpusher l/g...
  13. Ciara

    ..:: *Bellydance Performance Pics* ::..

    My bellydance Troupe performed for the American Diabetes Association Annual Benefit in NYC "Live the Good Life Gala 2007" Im the one in the lavendar costume. hehehe For anyone who is interested in taking a class check out this website: Belly Dancing Lessons: Find A Teacher Or Performer...
  14. Ciara

    ..:: FOTD 12/13/07 On the $$$ ::..

    Snow, Rain and sleet makes for a messy day in NYC today. I left work early today but i did get my $$bonus check$$ Yayyy!! I'll be at the MAC counter tomorrow Here's what I used: Goldmine e/s Amberlights e/s Green Smoke e/s Sumptuous Olive e/s Nylon e/s Springsheen (my new favorite...
  15. Ciara

    ..:: FOTD 12/12/07 - Gentle Fume Quad ::.. Cheeeck it ouuut!!!

    Hey Girlies!!! Here's my FOTD for today. Hope you like. Thanks in advance for looking....any tips, suggestions, etc are welcomed. Gentle Fume Quad: Rondelle e/s Waft e/s Gentle Fume e/s Carbon e/s Blacktrack f/l engraved e/l Springsheen blush Shimpagne MSF NW35 MSF foundation NW35...
  16. Ciara

    Retro Pin Up Girl hair ... how to's

    So I was on you tube last nite looking at how to videos for different hairstyles. I came across this video... which i thought was great: YouTube - Hairdo How To and try this one YouTube - Pin Up Hair for the advanced twirler TOO CUTE!!! Just though i'd share.... Enjoy!!!
  17. Ciara

    Its been awile....FOTD 12/7/07

    FOTD 12/7/07 Here's what i used: MSF Foundation NW35 Studio Fix NW35 Jest e/s Coppering e/s Mothbrown e/s Flashtrack e/s Contrast e/s Swanlake e/s Black Tied e/s Engraved e/l Black Track f/l Nars Blush - Orgasm Shimpagne - msf Lure l/l Ramblin Rose l/s Fashion Pack l/g
  18. Ciara


    anyone watching the emmy's? Christina Aguilera was just performing w/ Tony Bennett. I think she looks great. She went from trashy to very classy. Her little baby bump looks cute too.
  19. Ciara

    ..:: Sumptuously Eye Popping ::..

    ..:: Sumptuously Eye Popping ::..
  20. Ciara

    ..::Big T Smoked Out::..

    FOTD 8/31/07 Eyes: Gentle Fume e/s Rondelle e/s Carbon e/s Big T e/s Phloof e/s Cheeks: Nars "Orgasm" Blush MSF Shimpagne Lips: Bodymind l/g Lure l/l Thanks for looking!!!