Search results

  1. Girl about town

    The now im skint haul!!! chill dame edna etc

    Hey lovlies i seem to have amassed quite a bit of make up in the last month since christmas, I amnow eating beans on toast!!!! Lipsticks from dame edna (left to right) Coral polyp,Gladiola, also MAC show orchid and ravishing from cremesheen chill stuff penultimate liner, magenta lipliner...
  2. Girl about town

    stockists for mufe HD foundation

    Hey folks? Any idea where i could get mitts on MUFE hd foundation in the UK!!! i long for it, but it seems harder to find than the holy grail!!!!
  3. Girl about town

    My face for Noel fielding and new hair!!!

    hey lovlies long time to Fotd, got my hair done on fri when this fotd was taken but think its too dark this time!!! Was going to see the mighty boosh at the clyde auditorium and it was way funny, took some crappy shots before i went out.... so heres my make up for the night!!! they look pure...
  4. Girl about town

    grrrrrrrr i hate christmas!!!

    Right i need some advice! My fiance and i have lived together for 6 years and have a son, My fiances mother died in july from cancer and its been a terrible year. Anyway we were talking about what we would do for christmas, i suggested that we all go for a meal as its awkward deciding who to...
  5. Girl about town

    My new love Costa chic!!!!

    Hey guys been ages since i did a fotd but loved my new lippy so much had to show it off, its the perfect bright,coral/pink i have been waiting for all my life Excuse my moody growling face! ( all clickable thumbnails) i used Face diorskin forever flawless foundation (medium beige) ysl...
  6. Girl about town

    Free next day delivery MAC

    Hey was sent this in a miss selfridge email, Enter the word CHERRY into the offer codes box for free next day delivery at MAC UK yAY Im off to shop x (expires 1st novenmber)
  7. Girl about town

    Yasmin birth control and sex drive

    Wasn't sure where to post this, i have been on Yasmin birth control pills since the birth of my son a few years ago, i thought it was having a young child that gave me virtually no sex drive any more, but the more i read about it, the more i realise its probably my pill. I still really fancy my...
  8. Girl about town

    My girl night out FOTN

    Hey folks i had decided never to post fotd again but i thought what the hell!!!! I was out with my girlies on saturday night and this is my look for the night (clickable thunbnails) I used (all mac unless specified) Face NC30 studio fix fluid benefit erase paste Blot powder medium...
  9. Girl about town

    Behind the MAC addict......

    What are you really all like?, what kind of things do you like? How would you describe your style? Just interested toknow a bit about you all!! i know we have read profiles etc but thought this would be nice!! Im Laura im 27 i have a 4 year old son, i am engaged to be married to my sexy...
  10. Girl about town

    wii fit

    Anyone taken their fitness age on wii fit, it said i had a fitness age of 45 LOL (im 27) how depressing.Aside from that its fabulous and i can really feel the burn, the hoola is great x
  11. Girl about town

    advice on diet!!

    Hey folks i was wondering if someone could advice me on my calorie intake, Normally when i want to lose a bit of weight i go to 1200kcal per day and eat mostly low fat , low sugar foods. However i have decided to join the gym again and going about 3-4 times a week, i ate 1200kcal today and i was...
  12. Girl about town

    Ibiza holiday FOTD

    Hey guys just got back from my summer holiday in ibiza, it was amazing!!!, i had done my make up to go out one night and liked my summery look on my new sun damaged skin lol!!! have developed so many freckles!! sorry about poor quality pics was at night in dingy bathroom but it shows off the...
  13. Girl about town

    MUFE mat velvet

    Hey guys just realised that elleread posted more or less the same thing, but didn't want to hijack her thread, i want to buy mufe mat velvet foundation but similar ptoblem can't see the shades. Im NC25/NC30 in MAC does anyone know what shade that translates to?
  14. Girl about town

    Mac Lashes

    I couldn't find any swatch threads of MAC lashes so thought i would show some pics of my lashes and hope people add to it so we can have good pics of all the different lashes MAC has/had (Clickable thumbnails) Heatherette Shes Bad lashes Heatherette Shes Good lashes MAC no 36 Sultress lashes...
  15. Girl about town

    mY HEATHERETTE mega haul xx

    Hey folks finally got my mitts on some heatherette, and more got myself ( click to enlarge) style minx lg starlet kiss lg sock hop lg bonus beat lg lola devine np melrose mood hollywood nights lollipop loving fleshpot trio 1 and 2 alpha girl bp smooth harmony bp bad girl and good girl...
  16. Girl about town

    blot powder or select sheer pressed

    I currently use studio fix fluid and msf natural, but i want to buy a pressed powder compact for touch ups during the day and nights out etc. Im not sure whether to get the select sheer pressed powder in my colour, or blot powder. In your experience what is better ? i like a flawless look...
  17. Girl about town

    Feeling low!!

    Hi everyone just need to vent, im normally quite an upbeat person i have a good life , i have a job i don't hate, a 4 year old son and a great fiance. But i in a horrible cycle of self loathing at the moment. Its a horrible way to be but i feel like im self obsessing at the moment, which makes...
  18. Girl about town

    saint germain fotd

    Was going out for dinner last night for my fiances birthday and just before i went out my delivery of saint germain lipstick fro euristocrats was delivered, its pretty much a dupe of melrose mood from heatherette but a girl can never have to many pink lipsticks. (clickable thumbnail) I used...
  19. Girl about town

    Russian red lips, to match my red nose!!!

    Hey guys loaded with the cold today , so thought i would experiment with different lip colours, So here is russian red, you can hardly see the eye make up because my fringe is so long!!! (clickable thumbnails) What i used Face mac studio fix nc25 alpha girl beauty powder eyes firespot...
  20. Girl about town

    Heatherette no pyjamas (with trio 1) fotd

    Hey guys more or less same look as yesterday but using trio 1 instead of trio 2, i also managed to get dressed today (clickable thumbnails) i used Face nc25 studio fix fluid stila eye concealer MSF natural medium pink swoon blush bobbi brown shimmer brick rose Eyes trio 1 all colours...