Search results

  1. Girl about town

    Heatherette in pyjamas !!!

    Hey folks im stuck in the house today my fiance is night shift so is sleeping, my son has chicken pox so can't go out!!! and its raining outside , so pretty boring !!! BUT!!! heatherette stuff arrived so yay!! (click image to enlarge) i used Face Studio fix fluid NC25 MSF natural medium...
  2. Girl about town

    need super concealer

    Hi guys im hoping someone can suggest a good concealer, i currently use the mac studio fonish but its too clumpy for my undereye circles i want one that can be used as a spot concealer also, smooth in consistancy with excellent coverage. I sometimes use benefit boing but coverage isn't good...
  3. Girl about town

    mac in ibiza

    Does anyone know if there is a MAC in ibiza??? im going there in may and wouldn't mind if i could get my fix while on hollybags!!! xx
  4. Girl about town

    The sun over Glasgow

    Aw today the sun came out in scotland for about an hour LOL !!!!! It inspired me to do a summery look since its been like permanant winter round here recently!!!! (click on image) I used Face Studio fix fluid NC30 MSF natural medium sunbasque blush sunspill beauty powder Eyes chrome...
  5. Girl about town

    Pink pearl in honour of Heatherette Fotd

    Hey folks thought i would use my pink pearl pigment today in honour of Heatherette yay can't wait. Its looks realy purple on me today its my all time fave pigment. Anyway all dressed up and no where to go working night shift tonight lol xxx Sooo i used Face NC30 studio fix MSF natural...
  6. Girl about town

    Utterly frivilous in jewel blue

    Hey guys Got a new camera so thought i would post my look for today , nothing special was checking out my new Fafi stuff. Going shopping today wearing my new Heatherette top yay. All mac unless stated.excuse unmade bed in background lol (messy pup) Face: Studio fix fluid NC30 FAFI hipness blush...
  7. Girl about town

    How come???

    In the UK we don't get free postage online at MAC in the US they always get free shipping , how crap is that????
  8. Girl about town

    Does anyone else dream about MAC??

    Dream about MAC lol, i know its sad but sometimes i dream about quads and what colours i have bought to put in them he he, i also dreamt i bought a massive haul the other night and was really sad when it wasn't true boo!!! xx
  9. Girl about town

    My other half!!!!!!! pic heavy!!!

    So finally got round to taking pics of my stash, have only been obsessively collecting for the last year , but i do use it all! i adore collecting all the LE items and generally hoarding make up.Don't have time to write down all the shades etc but if you want to know any just ask!!!!!,had to do...
  10. Girl about town

    pink vivid pigment

    i am in love with Pink vivid pigment , i can't find any on ebay from decent sellers and i don't have a pro store near me, does anyone know of any eyeshadows in the mac line that are similar???
  11. Girl about town

    MAC Silver Packaging

    i just remembered today that around 1998 1999 i bought a MAC lipstick and it was in a silver tube, dark pewter silver!! the same shape tube that is pot now,does anyone know what collection this was? or remember it? the lipstick was a greyish pink x
  12. Girl about town

    My Birthday Fotd

    Hey sweeties this is one of my first pics i have posted of my make up, The pic quality is pretty poor as i had to use my phone camera but i wanted to take a pic of my fab new lashes (MAC no 36) Ignore my silly poser faces , haha xxx
  13. Girl about town

    False lash Recs

    Hey folks i am looking for some fabulous lashes, i fancy some long dramatic looking ones that aren't drag queen looking, perhaps with something interesting going on. I quite like the ones that look like seperate bundles retro style. I have ordered the MAC sultress ones so they may be amazing but...
  14. Girl about town

    sculpt and shape???

    hey folks does anyone know when sculpt and shape is out in the UK , I neeeeeed accentuate/sculpt duo, think i need it cos ate too many mince pies at crimbo haha x
  15. Girl about town

    The new me starting today!!!!

    Hey everyone i am starting my new diet and lifestyle change today , i am going to use this to log my progress and give me motivation. I am 26 and have a 4 year old son i normally sit around 140lbs but recently have crept up over the winter to 154lbs yuk!!! it really shows on me and all my...
  16. Girl about town

    mac pro pans for le

    Hey guys i have started using the palettes for my mac eyeshadows and i was wondering if LE eyeshadows come in the pro pan format eg the originals shadows etc, x
  17. Girl about town

    which one do i need most?

    Plumage or stormwatch?? according to pics they look almost the same! which one is better???
  18. Girl about town

    xmas night out

    Hey guys im looking for a bit of advice to what to wear with my new black dress im wearing fishnets with a red seam up the back and black patent shoes, im thinking of wearing ruby woo lipstick , what should i do with my eyes?? don't want to look uber slut! also what do you red lippie wearers...
  19. Girl about town

    mini xmas shopping haul!!

    I went into the MAC store in Glasgow today and had so much fun , the girl did my eyebrows and they look fab so i bought Lingering brow pencil Brow set gel Moonstone lip gelee florabundance lipglass Snob lipstick (Back 2 mac) Satin taupe eyeshadow and also Stila kitten shadow boots no 7...
  20. Girl about town

    Neutral quad

    I am making a neatral quad and have decided i need satin taupe, shroom and naked lunch in there any recs for the forth colour something neutralish but interesting????