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  1. L

    Ojon Hair Products

    Hey guys, has anybody used the brand Ojon? I am interested in getting the restorative treatment that comes in the brown tub but it is a little pricey for something i know nothing about! My hair is so dry and frizzy right now and although my Moroccan oil is helping i could do with something...
  2. L

    Blue and Silver - xsparkage inspired

    Hey guys, I was inspired by a look that xsparkage did so I thought I would do something similar I hope you like it! Any CC is always welcome because I am always trying to better my skills! I used the following- face- revlon colourstay foundation rimmel pressed powder spaced out blush by...
  3. L

    What was your favourite toy as a child?

    Hey guys, After chatting about old toys and cartoons in a mac thread i thought we could all post here! I'd love to know what your favourite toys were as a child? I personally loved Barbie! I had so many dolls, houses, jeeps and other accesories for her! Plus i remember being obsessed with my...
  4. L

    Boats and Hoes!

    hey guys! I went out for a meal last night and drinks and this is the face i had on didn't have much time to get ready (again!) so think it looks ok concidering. hope you like it and cc is always very welcome face- revlon colour stay foundation rimmel blot powder nars orgasm blush...
  5. L

    pigment love!

    hey guys, i went on a night out last night and decided to use some of my pigments for my eye look. My skin isn't great at the moment sadly so it's not my best FOTD ever, but still a nice look. CC is always very welcome! I used - revlon colour stay foundation revlon colour stay powder mac...
  6. L

    My dressing room

    Hey guys, yesterday i picked up a dressing table that i won off ebay and thought i'd show you some pictures! And then thought i may as well show you my dressing room! Not the best looking room yet because i want another large mirror for the wall where my dressing table is. But seeing as it's a...
  7. L

    Anybody use silver dusk iridescent powder?

    Pretty much what the title says! I am wondering who uses this loose powder as a highlight and what you think of it. i think i might purchase it but i want to know if it's too shimmery for every day wear. and do you think it would look right on my nc20 skintone? also do you find that the amount...
  8. L

    Florida holiday :)

    here are some pictures from our recent holiday in Orlando we were there for 10 nights and had a great time! warning - this thread is VERY pic heavy! the day of travel - we went on the train and stayed at a hotel at the airport. In Florida - more pics to...
  9. L

    my holiday haul! mac and more!!:)

    So when in Florida i went a little shopping crazy! and now you can see everything i bought! so i got - a coach wallet to match my bag a little gold coach wristlet bag thing which i am using as a make up bag opi for sephora modern flower polish set opi shrek polish set sally hansen hd...
  10. L

    please help - weird lumpy texture to eyelids

    Hey guys, i'm seriously very depressed right now and just want to cry. i have always had the odd millia around my eye - small white bump. however when i was just applying some face cream near the window i noticed the following on my lids. lots and lots of small flesh coloured dots on my lid...
  11. L

    smokey teal for a fun night out!

    i could really do with making more exciting titles! this is a look i did last night i went out with a friend to a bar and club and we had fun face- revlon colour stay foundation revlon colour stay powder mac spaced out blush mac shimpagne msf lips- mac spice lip pencil mac viva glam...
  12. L

    blue and yellow macaw inspired

    hey guys, i wanted to do something very bright today and i love macaw parrots so thought i would use them as inspiration! cc is always welcome and taken on board! face- revlon colour stay foundation mac sheery mystery powder mac ripe peach blush ombre mac shimpagne msf lips- mac in sync...
  13. L

    My 'Alice' look

    Hey guys, i managed to get the Alice palette by Urban Decay the other day - i thought this look was pretty so am posting it here! face- revlon colour stay foundation mac sheer mystery powder mac spaced out blush mac shimpagne msf eyes- udpp ud alice shadow ud mushroom shadow ud mad hatter...
  14. L

    Long-distance relationship / Cheating?

    i can imagine how stressed and upset you must be right now. because that is alot to take in and have happen. however i would take one major positive from this - he was honest with you. lets be honest, he didn't have to be. you'd have most likely never have found any of this out. however he told...
  15. L

    my new home... and spot the kitty!

    hey guys, as some of you know me and Nick moved last week, and here are some pictures of our lovely new home! the kitties were following em about a bit so they make some apperances! the front of our house and garage... and over filled bins! living room dining 'room' - technically it's...
  16. L

    LV Speedy bag...

    so what are you thoughts on the Louis Vuitton monogram Speedy bag? i have seen quite a few people raving about this bag recently and i know it's a LV classic. I've been pondering a new bag for some time now. And i was thinking of getting one from Coach when i go to the us next year. However now...
  17. L

    come on Eileen!

    last night i went to my hubby's work festive party. it was 1980's themed so rather than dressing up completely, i just did 80's inspired make up! i hope you enjoy and this is actually my first fotd where i have filled my brows! face- revlon colour stay foundation l'oreal true match powder mac...
  18. L

    Happy memories...

    hey guys! i thought it'd be a nice idea to post random photos that make you remember good times and happy memories. it's easy to get depressed in the winter so looking at happy pictures should cheer us all up! here are a couple of mine! this is from my wedding day. it's just a pic taken...
  19. L

    It's party time!

    last night i went out with the guys from work for a meal and drinks. so here is the look i did still need to find something to use on my brows though! cc is always welcome! thanks for looking! face- revlon colour stay foundation l'oreal true match powder spaced out blush perfect topping msf...
  20. L

    Birthday night out and the day after!

    Last Monday was my brithday and we had some friends visiting so we all went on a night out - here is the look i wore - all style black inspired! face - revlon colour stay foundation mac prep and prime powder mac perfect topping msf mac gentle blush eyes- udpp mac b GPS mac blue flame mes mac...