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  1. L

    different hair styles

    this is a kinda strange post i guess! but how do you guys wear your hair to work? i'm only asking because i'm kinda bored of just throwing my hair in a low pony tail and pinning my fringe back every single day!!! however i also feel like if i go to work one day with a really differnt hair...
  2. L

    Rumour? MAC Pigments aren't getting discontinued, but getting new packaging?

    hey guys and girls, i emailed mac uk yesterday because i found it odd that they would get rid of all the pigments from the site (all are in the goodbyes section). somebody mentioned it was because they would be sold in store only which i thought was a bit weird so i emailed mac and asked! i...
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    hi guys, i was wondering if any of you have had any microdermabration treatments and if you have how successful was it? i'm thinking of getting it done myself because i have horrid bumps all over my forehead. it's a form of acne but it's not white heads... i don't really know what you'd call...
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    2nd fotd and hopefully much improved!

    well the feed back on my 1st fotd was that i picked nice colours however my blending was not so hot (which i knew) but people gave me fantastic tips and i think my blending here is much better. also i was told not to bring my shadow out so much... looking at the pictures i could see it was kinda...
  5. L

    my mum treated me!

    hey guys and dolls. i don't have any pictures of my haul because it's items my mum bought for me today and i won't see her until april so have to wait for the goodies!! she went to the cco for me and bought the following... hey sailor lipgloss expecive pink eyeshadow bell bottom blue pigment...
  6. L

    purple stars in a bright blue sky (1st fotd!)

    this is my first fotd so please be kind with the cc!! i feel like blending isn't my strong point... no matter how hard i try! anyways here is what i used - face - maybelline wonder finish foundation l'oreal powder mac pearl cream colour base mac springsheen blush mac blonde msf eyes - mac...
  7. L

    my new make up cabinet!

    I'm mainly posting this for a work mate who wanted to see just how much mac stuff i owned and how i store it! so here is my make up cabinet just for Matt the cabinet is pretty tall and it has two draws at the bottom and glass shelves inside. i got it in a charity shop for £50! on the top...
  8. L

    sick of being told i have a pretty face...

    so i used to look like this - but i now look like this - i'm the one in the middle obviously! as you can see that in the past 6 years i've pilled on the lbs and i'm pretty fat. You can see how bulky i look compared to my skinny blonde friend! i have really flabby arms at the top and my...
  9. L

    thoughts on this idea....

    hi guys, well i'm thinking of booking a surprise holiday to florida for my hubby. now i took us gto florida last year for our wedding aniversary because thats where we went on our honeymoon and he freaking loved it. now the reason why i am questioning it is because obviously the exchange rate...
  10. L

    maybelline to mac foundation

    hi guys, i really want to try the new mac gel based foundation because i'm coming to the end of my maybelline wonder finish foundation and it's discontinued so cant get it anymore anyways. my dilemma is that i have no idea what shade of mac foundation i am. i'm not near a mac store so am...
  11. L

    mac 181 mini kabuki dupe?

    hello, so i'm very late on the band wagon on getting this brush and it's not even on the uk mac site anymore. so tommorow i'll call the pro store to see if they have any left and if they can post me one out. but if not which brush is a good dupe for this? i want it mainly for msf's as i hear...
  12. L

    getting worked up over nothing?

    ok so i am really not a confident person. at work people think i am confident but it's all fake. and this friday it's my husbands work Christmas party. i've never met any of the people he works with (he only started there about 3 months ago) and i'm scared of what they'll think of me. i'm over...
  13. L

    seriously dramatic gold and black look

    hi guys and girls, i was wondering if anybody could give me ideas for a really dramatic and bold gold and black eye look. the only thing that i know i want to use is my reflects gold glitter and i somehow want to bring it down from my eyes onto my cheek area where i usually use my benefit high...
  14. L

    help making a business plan for thurdsay

    well this thursday i have a managers meeting where i have to propose a business plan for nov/dec on how to increase my business. I am the manager of a sony centre (i believe in the us you call them sony style stores) and i want to put something amazing to do on my plan but can't think of...
  15. L

    what to team these colours with!?!

    hello, i was on holiday for the past 11 days and treated myself to lots of mac (usually i can't get into a store so buy off the site). This is all fabulous however bought some eyeshadows and pigments and don't know what to team them with so any help would be wonderfull! I need help with the...
  16. L

    question for orlando florida ladies and gents!

    Hi guys and girls, me and my hubby are going to orlando in 2 weeks time and we have one day where we have nothing planned on doing and was wondering what suggestions people had? I was thinking about disney's epcot (we're not doping any disney this year as we did it last year!) but not sure if...
  17. L

    is this site genuine??

    hey uk people! i have stumbled upon this site - Love Make Up - Authentic and Genuine Cosmetics from Mac, Smashbox, - and they sell lots of mac stuff - alot from older collections. and i was wondering if this site is for real or if they are fakes. has anybody used this site before or heard of...
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    help me with greens!!!

    Hi girls and guys, so on saturday night i'm off on a hen night and the top i'm wearing is dark blue (mac deep truth colour!) with butterflies on it. Now the butterflies are various shadoes of green in colour and rather than doing blue eyes i wanted to go for greens. But this is where my issue...
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    best way to use john frieda frizz ease

    hi guys, i bought a small bottle of frizz ease syrum today because i'm sick of straightening my hair during the summer but because my hair is naturally wavy and frizzy bought it to relax my hair a bit. HOWEVER last time i used it my hair went all weird and sticky so how do you guys use this...
  20. L

    am i a freak?

    well this is really hard for me to discuss and can't even tell my friends about it or even go into much detail with my husband but here goes... Basically as y'all know i'm not the thinnest girl in the world. i used to be happy but now i'm not and diet to try loose weight (even though it's not...