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  1. Miss Pumpkin

    FOTN - Gold & Green

    Specially dedicated to circusflavouredgum to suggested me to try these colours!! I used: Rose Gold, Shimmermoss, Aquadisiac, Golden Olive. Sorry for the milion of pics.
  2. Miss Pumpkin

    Old St Valentine's FOTD

    My boyfriend is far far far from me, so last year I had a self-photoshoot to send him photos for St Valentine's day... I swear I wasn't picking my nose , this is the one where you can see the eye make up better! I'm bored, I need new makeup ideas. Suggestions?
  3. Miss Pumpkin

    Old FOTD: Pale green

    Very old FOTD, I didn't even have MAC products back then! I swear that the blush was blended and didn't look so damn horrible!!!!
  4. Miss Pumpkin


    Here's my make up I did tonight... My camera is a piece of shit so this doesnt look half as good as it did in real life... Hello, frozen white! Stupid flash made my brow highlighter reflect Full face... If I look stoned and drunk, I probably was. Used: Aquadisiac, Electric Eel...
  5. Miss Pumpkin

    More Old FOTDS

    Because I just found them digging thru my photobucket, some more EOTD's!! Be gentle, I was a beginner! I didn't want to blend it in this one, it was done on purpose... Sorry for crappy webcam quality here...
  6. Miss Pumpkin

    Old FOTD's + A surprise

    Just some old Fotd's I don't think I posted... I look very pissed off in this one... And the surprise... Don't boyfriends look HOT with lipstick on? Hehehe I love him
  7. Miss Pumpkin

    New shoes

    I went to look for a job and I came back home with a pair of shoes, I feel so guilty now They were very cheap though!
  8. Miss Pumpkin

    My First Uk Customer

    So tonight I had my first appointment to do someone's makeup since I've been here in L'pool as they say. It was for a girl's 18th birthday party. I was panicking that I would fuck it up and she would hate it, but she was so happy with what I did! She had some cut outs from magazines and told...
  9. Miss Pumpkin

    If I was a rich girl....

    Soooo what would you do if you were rich girls? Nanananana nananaaaaaa
  10. Miss Pumpkin

    Brown & Black Smokey Eye

    Done in like 3 mins to show what brown and black look like together. Not wearing any eyeliner or mascara, sorry.
  11. Miss Pumpkin

    Gwen's hair

    I love this Any ideas of how it's pinned down? Use this thread to post any similar hairstyles too! I usually wear a pomp at the front and then a high ponytail which makes it look kinda like that, but I would like to see variations! x
  12. Miss Pumpkin

    Miss Pumpkin in Parties

    Soooo I'm a spanish girl studying Cinema in England, and every Friday we have "International Students Parties" so I thought I'd post some photos so you can see us having fun! Guess who's me
  13. Miss Pumpkin

    Bloody Halloween!

    So last night I went to my first Halloween party ever! (I'm from Spain and we don't have it there, but I'm living in England now, yay!) I was a dead schoolgirl, and here's pics. Sorry there's millions, and I threw in some of the party as well... well, because it's fun! THE MAKEUP THE...
  14. Miss Pumpkin

    Melon + Lustreleaf + Frozen White + Nylon

    Today's face Here's the eyes... And here's the mug!
  15. Miss Pumpkin

    Old FOTD = Kitschmas + Rose

    A few veeeeeery old pics! Hope you like them!
  16. Miss Pumpkin

    Nylon + Pink Opal + Soulsong

    I was late for Uni so I picked colours randomly... But hey, it looks pretty good after all! Different lighting
  17. Miss Pumpkin

    Mystery Eyeshadow

    I just bought this from a girl, planning to use it to fill in my brows, I hope I didn't make a mistake. Many people recommended it so I thought I'd try... Could anyone post any pics where they used it to fill in their eyebrows, or swatch it for me? Pretty please? This is me... I have black...
  18. Miss Pumpkin

    Sunday's Fantasy Makeup

    Sooo I got bored and decided to play around... This is the result. It was a good experiment to practice blending!!! It looked so much better in real life!!
  19. Miss Pumpkin

    Cheshire Oaks - Ellesmore Port, UK

    Sooooo I've been told that there is a cosmetic outlet in this place, and they have MAC! Have any of you girls ever been there? Is it worth going, are the products cheaper? Thanks!
  20. Miss Pumpkin

    Shimmermoss + Nylon + Steel Blue + Kelly Green

    My face for tonight's party...