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  1. Miss Pumpkin

    Ruby Red + Melon / Steel Blue + Golden Olive

    Well, for some reason my camera decided to change the colours in some pics and wash out the colours in others, but here are the pics anyway!! LOOK 1 LOOK 2
  2. Miss Pumpkin

    I'm still a beginner! PICS of my humble MAC Collection

    I have a very tiny MAC collection, because everything in Spain is so damn expensive I have to buy all my stuff from you, girls! I guess I'm not doing too bad though... ops:
  3. Miss Pumpkin

    Kitchmas + Beauty Marked...

    SILBER Kryolan Sweet Lust MAC Kitchmas MAC Beauty Marked MAC I plucked the end of my eyebrows to draw them on/regrow them, but I was lazy today I didn't do it, so mind the crappiness of them
  4. Miss Pumpkin

    Petalescent + Rose pigment

    Just something I did quickly, but looks kinda cute I guess... And hey, I'm not wearing red lips, w00t!! Different lighting Mind the corsetness ops:
  5. Miss Pumpkin


    I tried something more colourful today... :twisted: Pics of the eyes only because I'm not feeling very photogenic, if I take some good ones tonight I'll update! I used a bunch of stuff: MAC Pinkling e/s MAC Ruby Red Pigment MAC Kitchmas Pigment MAC Pink pearl Pigment MAC Rose Pigment...
  6. Miss Pumpkin

    Diana Eyes Look

    Someone on this board recommended me to use some more blush and fill in the eyebrows, here's the result! Today's face! Oh, I took more pics of my face today and not only close ups of the make up so you can give me advice on blush shape ops: And so you can see I actually have a whole head! Haha...
  7. Miss Pumpkin

    Smoky Earthly colours Eye Tutorial

    Not as spectacular as some of the ones I've seen here, but it's my first eye tutorial! ops:
  8. Miss Pumpkin

    Not with red lips this time!!

    Specially for Miss_MAC, here's me without my usual red lips!!!
  9. Miss Pumpkin

    Not red lips this time!

    [No message]
  10. Miss Pumpkin

    Neutrals: Mythology + Rose Gold + Copper Sparkle

    I never do neutrals but I decided to give it a go and this is what I came up with... I used a random gold-ish e/s (similar to Gorgeous gold), Mythology e/s, Copper Sparkle pigment and Rose Gold pigment. I want to improve so please, advice and tips!! I tried taking one with natural light but...
  11. Miss Pumpkin

    Platinum + Steel Blue + Electric Eel

    Just another FOTD!! MAC on eyes only (I don't own any MAC lip products... yet, mwahahah!) Platinum Pigment Steel Blue Pigment Electric Eel e/s It's not too exciting ... But hey, it's make up!
  12. Miss Pumpkin

    Gothic Inspiration

    Not MAC, But still make up!!! Some goth-like looks... More extreme (yes they're contrasted but I still wanted to show) ops: This were taken sooooo long ago
  13. Miss Pumpkin

    Sexy Lips Tutorial

    SEXY SEXY LIPS!!! INGREDIENTS: Two lipsticks (a darker one and a lighter one), lipliner, brown/cinnamon eyeshadow, white eyeshadow, lip brush.
  14. Miss Pumpkin

    Poison Ivy FOTD!!

    Haha, I'm loving greens at the moment, and this look with the red lips and green eyeshadow reminded me of Poison Ivy from Batman When I have time I shall wear my red wig and go over the top with the eyes, let's see what I can do!! MAC on eyes only Random lime eyeshadow Kelly Green...
  15. Miss Pumpkin

    Kryolan Mild Blue + 3 MAC Pigments

    I used Kryolan Mild Blue eyeshadow, Kitchmas pigment, Kelly Green pigment and Golden Olive pigment. Unfortunately the camera makes it look like there's only one colour
  16. Miss Pumpkin

    Pigments: Rose Gold + Copper Sparkle

    Here's my eyes of the day! I used melon as a wash too, but you can't really see it in the pics ops:
  17. Miss Pumpkin

    Melon pigment + Contrast

    Kind of a weird combo, but I felt like experimenting... Only the eyes are MAC
  18. Miss Pumpkin

    Golden Olive + Dark Soul

    Nothing too spectacular, but... ops:
  19. Miss Pumpkin

    Steamy vs. Shimmermoss

    I'm considering buying one of these, but I went to MAC today and either the girl was totally wrong when showing me (she didn't even know the names, so it wouldn't surprise me) or they look very similar. Does anyone have pics of them on the eyes/skin? THANKS!
  20. Miss Pumpkin

    2 Looks using MAC PIGMENTS

    Hello! Here are 2 looks!! I only have MAC Eyeshadows/pigments so far, so I didn't list the other stuff I used... 1. TODAY: EDIT: I used: Kryolan Mild Blue all over the lid Frozen white pigment on inner corner Platinum pigment on the middle Electric Eel on the outer side AN OLD ONE...