20 Things That We Don't Know About You!


Active member
Hmmm lets see..

1. I love my job but sometimes wonder if I really am in the right one.

2. I would love to move to America on my own.

3. I need to learn to drive.

4. I should be able to pass my test with the amount of lessons I've had.

5. I rarely drink anything other than coffee.

6. Few people believe that I am not a natural red head.

7. I am hoping to get my surgery date through soon.

8. I am petrified of above surgery as the previous attempt nearly killed me.

9. I have just recently quit smoking.

10. I have no actual friends where I live.

11. If I had the choice and I wasn't such a soft touch I would never speak to my dad again.

12. I would probably become a crazy cat lady if given the option.

13. I have the most difficult boyfriend ever but at present wouldn't give him up for the world.

14. I have only been abroad twice and I now don't have a passport.

15. I hate my teeth.

16. My mum is my best friend.

17. People only want to talk to me when they actually want something.

18. I'd love to be brave enough to backpack around the world.

19. I love my glasses but hate wearing them in photographs.

20. I love Gears Of War on the 360 but only multiplayer and I can't wait for the 2nd one.


Well-known member
It cracks me up everytime I read what I wrote back...


Well-known member
1. I am a huge procrastinator.
2. I just spent the last hour reading this entire thread.
3. I am nosy and like to know peoples secrets and quirks.
4. I hate cooking, like really, really hate it.
5. I also hate the grocery store, and put it off for as long as possible.
6. I hate sushi, and fish. Make that all things that swim. Except whales and sharks, I think they are ok.
7. I can quote all of Billy Madison in its entirety.
8. It drives me crazy when people type or text only letters instead of words, like "I will c u l8er". It makes me think they are stupid.
9. I have a terribly foul mouth, and have to bite my tongue a lot.
10. I have a degree that I have never used and I am working at a job that is way below my ability.
11. I have really bad road rage, but I have only yelled from inside my car with the windows up.
12. I love books, and will reread them over and over again. I also usually have 2 or more books on the go at any given time.
13. I prefer to drive alone than with another person because I like to turn the music up and sing at the top of my lungs, and I am a terrible singer. My boyfriend sometimes has to suffer through this. I also like to be at home alone because then I can put on shitty pop music and have dance parties by myself.
14. I have broken my nose, my right ring finger, the outer bone in my left hand, and my fourth toe on my left foot, which I broke twice.
15. I have been dating the same guy for almost 5 years, and we have a dog and three birds together.
16. I love celebrity gossip magazines, but mostly think celebrities are ridiculous.
17. I realize that I hate a lot of things, and could have made a whole list of things that I hate or that drive me crazy, but I am generally a happy person.
18. I am 6 ft tall.
19. I don't usually like girls. I tend to go on a dislike first then let them prove me wrong basis. I do have some very good girl friends though.
20. I loved smoking. Its terrible, I know. I quit in March after 9 years of smoking because I knew I had to or I would never stop. But I really, really enjoyed it.

21. I use the word "hate" a little too strongly.


Well-known member
here's mine...
1. I have 3 brothers, no sisters!

2. I'm 5'0 even

3. Been happily married for 2 yrs

4. My parents are divorced

5. I don't know my biological father

6. I've worked at the hospital for 6 yrs now

7. Coffee Addict

8. I love Japanese Food

9. I love Soulfood

10. I could cook

11. I have a dog name "FERGIE",American Bully

12. I spoil my daughter

13. I collect shot glasses

14. Been Divorced onced

15. Born in the Philippines

16. I speak 3 languages

17. I watch "FOOD CHANNEL" constantly

18. I boogie board

19. i love sunbathing

20. and i hate liars!


Well-known member
1. I'm scared of the dark! Seriously, it should be something I've grown out of but I have far too much of an over-active imagination.

2. I went to boarding school when I was 8 years old in a country different to where my family lived.

3. I would love to give up work to write novels permanently.

4. I'm very self-conscious and quite shy around new people.

5. I taught myself how to read music over the school summer holidays when I was 10.

6. As a result of #5, I taught myself how to play the recorder up to grade 7.

7. I live by myself and love my independence though do get lonely sometimes.

8. I qualified as a Veterinary Nurse with credits in my examinations.

9. It's no surprise really then that I love animals and have several pets.

10. As much as like living in a busy town and being so near London, I would love to live in a quaint little village somewhere.

11. Horror films freak me out and give me nightmares yet I have to watch them!

12. I love Starbucks/Costa/any random little coffee shop.

13. My favourite holiday so far was a trip to Dubai last summer.

14. I'm not overly keen on flying but aim to resolve this and travel more over the next few years.

15. Grey's Anatomy is the best programme ever!

16. I would quite happily spend huge amounts on clothes and makeup yet set myself a strict limit for grocery shopping.

17. I love arts and crafts and like making things in general.

18. I'm such a child when it comes to Christmas and adore Christmas markets and festivities in general.

19. I can't swim and have no desire to learn.

20. I've never had a proper relationship.


Well-known member
1. I'm studying theatre design
2. i studied acting for four years
3. Im kind of a hard ass
4. My two causes (that i really believe in fighting for) are animal rights and gay rights.
5. I really don't like most children. they are vile imo. but i do want one.. odd, i know.
6. i want to work for cirque du soleil when i graduate.
7. I feel sickly when im not around my boyfriend.
8. i read wayyy too much gossip crap
9. i cant drink coffee and i feel like im missing out
10. i don't drink alcohol at all. I don't smoke cigarettes at all, and i dont do any drugs.
11. My mom is a nurse and my dad is an air plane mechanic
12. I don't really like my dad's family. I'm just starting to become accepting towards his mother. It's been something i've had to work hard at.
13. When i'm in class, listening to a lecture, i always pick at my split ends.
14. I'm not happy with my body, but i don't care enough to work out.
15. I want a breast reduction reaaalllyyy badly.
16. i often find that i make generalizations about Americans which are unfair.
17. i really dislike catholicism. and most organized religion to be honest.
18 since i got my tattoo (which turned out awful) i cannot sit through an episode of miami ink
19. I always have nightmares about loosing my teeth
20. I'm so high strung and neurotic, im afraid it will make me sick.


Well-known member
  1. Just got into makeup 1.5 yrs ago. Prior to that I only went out with face powder, chapstick, and eyeliner. That's it. So now when people see me (who haven't seen me in ages) don't recognize me at all. They say I changed a lot!
  2. I'm the ONLY one here out of my friends/family who are into makeup.
  3. Working on getting my independent Pilot's license! Yayyyy!
  4. I do not know how to swim.
  5. Love thrill rides (rollercoasters, bungee jumping, sky diving, etc)
  6. I'm a neat freak. I am the only one that can clean my house b/c no one else lives up to my standards! And when I am over a friends house, if I see dishes in the sink or clutter on the table, I have to go clean it up!! I can't help it! LOL!
  7. I have a fear of driving on major freeways since I get panic attacks. I never used to be this way. But I got into a very bad car accident when I was younger, so I have a phobia about freeways. It's weird I'm afraid of freeways yet I love thrill rides! LOL!
  8. I have 2 yorkies (a male named Mocha and a girl named Kiwi) who are the most spoiled dogs on the earth!
  9. I love cooking food for other people
  10. I work as an RN at a trauma hospital
  11. I'm very introverted and shy, especially with strangers. People sometimes assume this as being stuck up!
  12. I've never had a boyfriend.
  13. I hate to admit it but I love watching figure skating on tv!
  14. Moved over 20 times and lived in 10 different states
  15. My favorite foods are french fries, Costco hot dogs, anything Japanese food (sushi, tempura, udon soup, etc)
  16. Obsessed with the Japanese culture (language, fashion, hair). I was born in Japan and wish I could go back to visit someday.
  17. I have to visit my "Gossip" sited every day--Perez Hilton, ONTD, etc.
  18. Love watching historical romance movies/shows (The Tudors, Elizabeth, Pride & Prejudice, etc.) or romantic comedies.
  19. Favorite movies- The Goonies, Sixteen Candles
  20. I have to get a Venti Iced White Chocolate Mocha at Starbucks every single day or else I can't function (well . . . maybe I can function but I'll be in a bad mood!)


Well-known member
1. I'm a dual citizen of Canada and Switzerland. I was born in Canada and didn't go to Switzerland until I was 17, but I absolutely love it. I plan on living there at some point.
2. I'm a very musical person. I played the piano from ages 7-11, dabbled in trumpet and guitar in high school, sang in various groups in high school (choir, vocal jazz, private lessons), and my true musical love, the French Horn. I've been playing since I was 9, own a $5000 instrument that I payed for myself, and currently play in the Concert Winds Ensemble at UBC.
3. My cousin Kate drowned when we were fifteen. We were incredibly close, and it devastated me and still does to this day.
4. None of my grandparents were born in Canada. My dad was, my mum wasn't.
5. I have an older brother, a younger sister, and a younger brother. I love them all, but my older brother and I have a pretty strained relationship. My sister and I are pretty close, and so are my little brother and I.
6. I live in a different province than my boyfriend, and have for over a year. He's moving here at the end of the year (!) and we'll be celebrating four years together in March.

7. Of my 15 cousins, only 2 are boys and they are both much older than me. I always thought that was weird when I was a kid. I'm closest with the cousins who live farthest away (France), except my cousin Kate and my other cousin Em who I always considered friends rather than family.
8. I'm a second year student at the University of British Columbia, taking a BA with a major in Psychology and a minor in Music. I'll be applying for the honours program in January, which is hugely competitive but I think my marks are good enough to get in. I want to be a clinical psychologist, so I'm going to have to get a Ph.D.
9. The number of people on campus on a daily basis at UBC is 10 times the population of my hometown. Yeah, I grew up in Didsbury Alberta, rural, conservative, 4500 people. And I moved to one of the biggest cities in the country as soon as I graduated.

10. My family is hugely important to me, not just my immediate family, but my extended family and my heritage. I'm half British and half Swiss, with just a pinch of French in there. I've traveled to all of those countries, and know most of my parents' aunts and uncles, and lots of my second cousins.
11. I speak English fluently, and mangle my way through enough French to hold a conversation. Improving my French is on my to do list.
12. I worship coffee. I was a barista for a few years, and I am hopelessly in love. Poor, but in love.
13. Although I love coffee, the Brit in me comes out when I'm upset because I inevitably have a cup of tea to calm down. Tea just makes everything better.
14. I don't have a microwave, and having lived without one for two months, I don't think I ever want one. I also don't have a TV, and have come to the same conclusion. Anything I really want to watch I can find online.
15. I'm a nymphomaniac. I love sex. I would have it at least once a day if I could. Being in a long distance relationship is horrible, I swear I do worse in my classes because of sexual deprivation. No joke. All of the bad things I've done are sex related. No underage drinking, no drugs, no attitude problems, always did really well in school, basically your dream teenager. Except I've had sex all over my parent's house, every house my boyfriend has lived in, every vehicle owned by either of our families, most of the buildings on my parents' farm, outside in view of a (busy) road, in the next room to his parents with the door open... You get the idea.
16. I'm 5'3" and my boyfriend is 6'4". We make a funny looking couple. I try to wear heels, but my feet are really tiny (size 5.5) and the highest heels I can wear are 4". Which still leaves a height different of 9".
17. I am really good at academia, and always have been. I was always the smart girl in school, valedictorian, blah blah blah. I am a huge over-achiever, and am only just now learning that I have to start saying no or I will die from stress related diseases.
18. I love kids, and babies. In a overwhelming kind of way. My biological clock has been screaming at me since I was about 5. I have wanted a baby since I realized there was a difference between me and them. It freaks my boyfriend out, he's convinced I'm going to get pregnant on purpose and pretend it was an accident. I would never do that though, when I do have kids I want them to be wanted by both their parents. I'm torn between my career/education dreams, my plans to travel and live around the world, and my need to have kids. It's not going to be easy to figure out.
19. I love to cook, but hate to bake because I'm bad at it. I love to make stuff up and hate following recipes so cooking is the way to go for me.
20. I've worn glasses for 14 of my 19 years of life. I never forget my glasses at home because I literally can not see without them. I can't read, I can't drive, I get lost because I can't see where I am, I can't function at all.

And there you have it, way more about me than you wanted to know.


Well-known member
1. I have been married twice
2. My First husband died of prostate Cancer at 34 y/o
3. I am terrified of Crickets
4. I am terrified of Mice
5. I hate cleaning more than anything. Worst chore ever!
6. I am generous to a fault.
7. I hate Chinese food
8. I have to take Valium before going to the dentist
9. I can't stand for anyone to touch my feet...Super ticklish..Takes the lady over an hour to give me a pedicure.
10. I have never farted in front of my husband
11. One of my sisters died of breast cancer when she was 28
12. I have Agoraphobia
13. I am a shoe whore ...I owe about 100+ pairs and 50% have never been worn
14. My husband is younger than I am
15. I am addicted to A&W rootbeer
16. I hate and refuse to participate in anal sex
17. I had my tubes tied the day before my son's 1st birthday
18. I speak 3 languages
19. I refuse to use public restrooms
20. God comes first in my life and in all things that I do.


Well-known member
1. I am from Norway

2. I've lived in the US - still miss it eveyday

3. I claim to be an american trapped inside a Norwegian body, just because I have no traits resembling a Norwegian, and prefer the US sooo much more.

4. In my short life of only 18 years, I have already been to 16 countries, on four different continents

5. I attend the IB diploma programme - "WHY; WHY!?" I ask my self everyday!

6. I have been acting since the age of 5, which makes a total of 13 years.

7. Right at this moment I am playing the role of the evil stepmother in "Cinderella"

8. I am totally devoted, and ADDICTED to the German band TOKIO HOTEL!! <3

9. I have four amaaaazing best friends!

10. I love One Tree Hill, CSI, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Gossip Girl, Smallville, 90210.... I am a tv junkie!

11. I spend way too much money on lunch, just because I'm too lazy to make my lunch before school

12. I have a dog - a schnauzer, her name is Kita - I LOVE HER<3

13. My room is a big mess, the only thing that is organized is my makeup!! :O

14. I love all the Harry Potter books - number four + the epilouge of book 7 are my all time favourites.

15. I am in no way religious

16. I love chocolate milk - but only with Nowegian milk (I am really picky with the taste of milk)

17. besides makeup, I enjoy spending money on movies, clothes, shoes, purses/bags

18. I love my iPod, and can't wait for my HP pavillion PC to crash so that I have an excuse to buy a MacBook

19. I have a part time job cleaning at my Uncle's Private In-vitro fertalization clinic

20. My three favorite cities in the world
- Cascais, Portugal
- Plano, TX, USA
- Rome, Italy


Well-known member
1- I love makeup
2- I only 5' 2"
3- My great grandfather was Jewish
4- I'm an only child
5- I love animals
6- I love Sex and the City
7- I would love to live in New Orleans one day
8- I lived in New Hampshire for three years
9- My mom had me at 38
10- I love guys with tattoos
11- I'm single
12- Not sure if I want children
13- I love love love to sleep
14- I love myspace
15- Im not good at saving money
16- I love cheese.
17- I have a foul temper and a nasty mouth(when provoked)
18- Im a Libra
19- My cats name is Oracle
20- My favorite color is Gray


Well-known member
let's see....

1. I get really annoyed when people mispronounce my name. I mean, come on. You can order a Mocha at Starfucks, but can't say it any other time?

2. I'm 5'2" and like it. hee!

3. I was raised by my grandmother and really am take it or leave it about my parents.

4. I don't trust people easily.

5. I don't like being hit on at bars/clubs.

6. I like to people watch

7. I have 4 pets (cat, dog, bird, guinea pig).

8. I keep a journal of my dreams. I have crazy dreams.

9. I get tired of being tech support for friend/family computers/cell phones/ipods/anything with a battery or electrical plug.

10. My job is the only place I can get some peace and quiet (except during registration).

11. I have two job titles.

12. I really like having my own office now.

13. I would like to climb into the ceiling at work and shoot a potato gun at the temp secretary in the main office.

14. I bottle my emotions.

15. Almost all of my back is tattooed, and it's still incomplete.

16. I hate combing my hair.

17. I am very slowly learning to play the guitar.

18. I listen to too much music.

19. I'm at the library so much the librarians all know me. Literary "Cheers" episode.

20. I really like to lurk on this board, but am trying to post more. Won't do a FOTD/EOTD though.


Well-known member
1. I am not a member of any social networking sites such as MySpace or Facebook. I have been previously but decided it wasn't for me and deleted any accounts I had.

2. I have an extremely low sex drive, I can go without for months on end.

3. I cannot go swimming in public pools because the idea disgusts me. Whenever I think of swimming pools I think of pubic hair and foot cheese floating in the water.

4. I lost my last milk tooth when I was 23.

5. Because of fact number 2, I do not use any birth control (aside from condoms when the need arises). I have tried countless options and all have turned me into a moody witch and I do not feel that the stress is worth it given how infrequently I actually have sex.

6. I have spent over £3000 having tattoos that I am dissatisfied with put on my body and I cannot wait for the day I am earning enough money so I can get them removed.

7. I love sleeping but I often suffer from insomnia.

8. I am in my final year of training to be a nurse. Because of the way the NHS is right now, I love it and hate it at the same time.

9. I have 1 sibling; a younger sister. We only get on when we are not living together.

10. I quit smoking (again) in august. I think about cigarettes every day.

11. I haven't had an alcoholic beverage since august in a bid to stick to fact number 10. Drinking usually = smoking with me.

12. Because of shopping, I had over £5000 worth of debt on my first credit card by the time I was 20. I am still paying for this 5 years later.

13. I am a compulsive eater.

14. I live with my Grampa.

15. I really hate televisions, more for how they look than what is shown on them.

16. My two biggest fears are zombies and waxwork dummies.

17. I have never voted in a national election. I am ashamed of this.

18. My two biggest music loves are hardcore and jazz.

19. I'm running out of ideas here.....I drive a gold Fiat Punto.

20. I pretty much know exactly what I want my wedding to be like, even though I'm not even close to being engaged to anyone.


Well-known member
1. I smoke and tell ppl I wanna quit, but i dont.

2. I have been married and divorced before 25

3. I served 4 yrs in the Air Force and got out to do makeup

4. I am always the "cool chick" when it comes to guys

5. I hate rollercoasters

6. All my sweatglands are on my face.

7. I love Dave Chappelle to the point I will get a pic of Tyrone Biggums tattooed on me one day.

8. I really hate the fact i cant pic a career

9. I love JERSEY to the point that now its a love/hate relationship.

10. I wish I could get full sleeves but i dont want it to limit me.

11. I have an unhealthy relationship with shopping and money.

12. I dont think I'll ever get the nerve to tell my best friend I love him. He's engaged now

13. I think sex is great but finding it with the right person is priceless.

14. Until I was 21 i had only had 5 boyfriends (since 7th grade) and none lasted longer than 2 weeks. I have really bad problems with men.

15. Sometimes I just want to get rid of all my makeup and start over.

16. I trust too easy.

17. I wish I was a good liar

18. I am always attacted to the "bad boy"

19. My favorite part about travelling is seeing what fast food places the have in other areas

20. I talk and lol by myself for hours


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
9. The number of people on campus on a daily basis at UBC is 10 times the population of my hometown. Yeah, I grew up in Didsbury Alberta, rural, conservative, 4500 people. And I moved to one of the biggest cities in the country as soon as I graduated.

Hahaha...I know Didsbury!

The town I grew up in in Saskatchewan only had 350 people!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oracle1
1- I love makeup
2- I only 5' 2"
3- My great grandfather was Jewish
4- I'm an only child
5- I love animals
6- I love Sex and the City
7- I would love to live in New Orleans on day
8- I lived in New Hampshire for three years
9- My mom had me at 38
10- I love guys with tattoos
11- I'm single
12- Not sure if I want children
13- I love love love to sleep
14- I love myspace
15- Im not good at saving money
16- I love cheese.
17- I have a foul temper and a nasty mouth(when provoked)
18- Im a Libra
19- My cats name is Oracle
20- My favorite color is Gray

OH I should have added sleeping...I would rather sleep than eat!! Love Love Sleeping it too!!!


Well-known member
1. Im scared to die
2. I hate sugar free lattes and I force myself to drink them to avoide the calories!
3. I can only obsess over one thing at a time. I lose focus easily
4. I am vain. I am 27 and already planning my timeline for multiple plastic surgery's to stay looking young.
5. I obsess over my weight and drive myself insane even when I dont need too.
6. I need to go to church and I rarely make the time.
7. I was raised by my grandparents and dislike my parents.
8. I am trully blessed with an amazing husband and daughter, which I sometimes forget...
9. I went to private school untill 9th grade
10. I have no patience for anything.
11. I have never broken a bone
12. I love reality TV. if its not smut, I probably wont watch it, LMAO!
13. I want a Sex in the City life. im jealous of Carrie. I want her friends, her clothes, her shoes and EVERYTHING else too!
14. I listen to books on tape. (haha)
15. I love Rap music
16. I work for a bank.
17. I drunk sugar free rockstar daily!
18. I hate small minded people.
19. My first job was at Taco Time.
20. I love to scrapbook but am to busy obessing over makeup and I have no time for it! Damn you MAC


Well-known member
1. I am very crafty.
2. I love to cook/bake.
3. i friggin love to eat.
4. I have big feet and I wish I did not

5. Im really silly most of the time.
6. I love swimming and I'm a lifeguard/swimming instructor.
7. I hate wearing jeans but wear them sometimes cause I think I should not wear sweatpants all the time.
8. I love serious shows or shows that involve solving a murder or similar situations(Criminal minds, CSI Las Vegas, Flashpoint, Heroes)
9. i spend too much money on makeup and not enough on clothes.
10. I am too trusting.
11. I wish I did not have to share my room cause my sis steals all my stuff.
12. I am not motivated at all right now in terms of school.
13. Im an anime nerd.
14. In relation to number thirteen, I enjoy learning about asian culture(japanese, chinese, korean, etc).
15. I love watching asian tv shows lol.
16. My favorite colors are red and purple.
17. Im in class right now and its really boring and Ive been in school since 10 am and I will be here untill 10 pm. It takes me an hour to get home so Im really grumpy.
18. I guess ill tell you im 19 years old and I go to Concordia university in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Im am in Civil engineering. I enjoy it but just not motivated at the moment.
19. I am addicted to coffee and smoothies.
20. I am official out of money. I will get my last checque next week. It is enough to pay my credit card and thats all. What will I do about mac


Well-known member
1. I'm 5'2 ( we sure are some shorties)
2. I loove to sew!
3. I'm a magazine whore ( I have magazines pilled to the ceiling in my spare closet, I'm trying to get help, not really)
4. I have a fear of heights ( I get shaky in elevators and on escalators, its that bad)
5.I've never been on a roller coaster (read #4)
6. I have a younger sister
7. I hate cats
8. Obsessed with The Law
9. I'm very talkative
10. I'm a crybaby( I cry about any and everything, I've cried about every movie I've ever seen.)
11. I'm in love with Edward Norton.
12. I've had Gastric Bypass Surgery ( I was 315lbs and now I'm 180ibs)
13.My permanent roommate and I have been together for 10yrs and no we are not getting married.(Don't tell his MOM)
14.I'm a giver and feel bad when I have nothing to give when someone needs it.
15.The roommate and I are saving to go to Paris next year.
16. I have never tried alcohol, cigarettes or drugs ever! I couldn't tell u what a wine cooler even taste likes!
17. I love Godiva's Chocolate Strawbberries
18. I'm also a pattern and Fabric Fanatic!
19. Obsessed with changing my hair on a weekly basis.
20. I'm a weave Fanatic!


Well-known member
Of course Im going after my BFF,.... its only right.

1. I'm 21 years old and have a 7 month old son. But technically I'll be 22 in two weeks so there.

2. My ex boyfriend was the number 1 draft round pick for the Chicago Cubs. He does steroids and thats why we broke up after living together in Daytona Beach.

3. Ive hooked up (see: kissing haha) with 8 major league ballplayers. Im a huge makeout whore. I wont do ANYTHING else but I will makeout with guys if they're hot.

4. Im extreamly selfish in bed. I often find myself saying "I should probably do something for HIM now..." to myself...

5. I am 100% against abortions. Even in rape or incest... but Ive learned that I need to be more sympathetic to other women and their opionions on the matter. That doesnt mean I think its right- I just have to respect them.. because only God can judge. :)

6. I learned #5 because of the wonderfull ladies on specktra.

7. That being said- Im totally 100% voteing for Obama in this next election.

8. My faveorite holiday EVER is Halloween-- and my faveorite place, Salem MA, corresponds to that. I could watch Halloween movies (i mean like... Hocus Pocus, Practical Magic, and Twitches... return to halloween town... Casper... Adam's family... HAHA.. things like that- NO HORROR MOVIES) ALL DAY LOOOOONNNGGGG.

9. Movies like "The Hills have Eyes" affect me so badly to a point where I cant sleep for days. Alll I can do is lay awake and ponder how someone could come up with such horrific ideas in their mind.

10. I am a tv junkie. My day, if I could stay @ home and not do anything, would look like this.

7am-9am- Good Morning America
9-10 Regis and Kelly
10-11 The View
11-12: two episodes of Full House
12-1: two episodes of Sister, Sister
1-2: two episodes of Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
2-3: two episodes of Yes, Dear.
3-4 Either two epis of The King of Queens, or The Doctors
4-5: Everybody loves Raymond
5-6: Sienfield or the news
6-7: two eps of 2 and 1/2 men
7+... depends on whats on primetime.

I have a serious problem.

11. Im scaerd to death of fish. If I even get near one I start to sweat and cant breathe very well.

12. My son is my ABSOLUTE LIFE. I would DIE without him in my life. and Id do absolutley anything for him.

13. I have a really really really big obsession with the Chicago White Sox.. I seriously fallow them as much as I do sleep.... Jim Thome is my friggin HERO and im IN LOVE with aj pierzynski.

14. I <3 Nick @ Nite

15. My dad's a cop (and my hero) and my mom is a catholic school teacher (and my best friend)

16. I live across the st. from my grandparents. They are awesome.. and its a bit like Everybody Loves Raymond on a regular basis.

17. Im a recovering Bulimic/Anorexic. I used to be down to 97 lbs in college.... now I'm back up to around 120.. this is after weighing close to 190 when i was pregnant... Ive been teetering around 120 since my son was 2 months old and i have NO IDAE how I lost 70 lbs in two months.

18. I am OBSESSED with cats.

19. I like to fall asleep cold and wake up and put covers on.. im weird.

20. I seriously believe that I will never find someone to spend the rest of my life with. and it scares me to DEATH

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