20 Things That We Don't Know About You!


Well-known member
1. I went for my first facial ever today.
2. I can't stand hot/spicy food.
3. My favorite colour is red.
4. I have 1 cat and 1 dog.
5. I own 1 pair of trainers, 1 pair of combat boots and 1 pair of platform boots.
6. I don't own any other shoes apart from the above mentioned.
7. I moved out of home when I was 16.
8. I've never been employed by anyone.
9. I'm self employed and run my own business making fake dreads and I do installations.
10. Saying you've been raped when you haven't really fucks me off.
11. Liars in general make me angry too.
12. My boyfreind and I are currently rennovating out entire flat from scratch.
13. Red and green Pesto is one of my favorite foods.
14. I don't have a T.V. in my flat.
15. I dislike valentines day.
16. I love Lush products with a passion. There have been a few times when I've gone into a shop and the staff have asked if I work at another Lush and if I don't then I should lol.
17. I've been with my boyfreind for almost 1 year and it's the best relationship I've ever been in.
18. I've had a miscarriage when I was 17.
19. I was almost gang raped once.
20. I would love to be a mother one day.


Well-known member
1. My name is not actally Ivy
it's a nickname
2. I was born on BC
3. I'm the oldest of my family
4. I have more than 4 step siblings and half siblings
5. I'm not confident, what-so-ever
6. I only have like 6 different eyeshadows:s
7. I got an ipod video for my birthday
8. We/I always put up our Christmas tree on the eve of Christmas Eve
9. I hate high school so far
10. Never gone out/dated anyone before, yes I know, VERY sad for a 15 year old
11. I wanted to be a tattoo artist at one point, still kinda want to be
12. I'm planning to say an extra year at high school
13. HATE the word "ya'll"
14. Want to lose 20 pounds or so
15. I'm vegetarian and buddhist
16. I don't have the relationship with my Dad that I would like to...but I can't change who he is
17. Never tried escargot or frogs legs
18. Pineapple is my favourite food
19. Don't like walking around the house in bare feet (either socks or slippers must be on)
20. You might know this, I don't know, but I never planned on having my own child. I find that little girls in China get killed or put up for adoption insane and have always planned on adopting a girl from there.


Well-known member
1. I'm 5'7"
2. I'm understand the West African language Ga
3. I love art
4. I'm a photographer
5. I wouldn't be surprised if I was one of the 50 youngest members here ( just turned 16)
6. I want to be a plastic surgeon
7. I love artsy, eclectic, nerdy, funny guys
8. My typical outfit are vans, jeans, a tshirt/tanktop, and a hoodie
9. I've been told I'm hilarious multiple times
10. I have many aquaintances but only 8 people I'd consider REAL friends
11. Chocolate is my obsession
12. my IQ. 175 ( i was surprised too!)
13. My lucky number is 17
14. I want to be a Victoria Secret model/ angel
15. All my friends smell the same... how weird
16. I have big hands and feet
17. I'm running out of things to write...
18. I really should be studying for finals right now...
19. i need to get of the computer
20. Oooh, my friend just texted me! Guess I'm not gonna be doing my homework for a while!


Well-known member
1. I'm 5'11"/180 cm and my shoesize is 10/41. I always have problems finding jeans/pants and shoes that fits me because my legs are too damn long, and so are my feet.

2. I'm part jewish on my fathers side, and christian on my mothers. Both my parents are/were atheists, but I was christened and everything, haha. I'm a freethinker and I think religious views and politics should be separated, too much bad stuff here in the world happened because of different religions.

3. I've been a vegan and vegetarian since I was 12 (I think).

4. I'm pro choice, and I don't think men should decide whether or not a woman should be able to get an abortion. I'd rather see unborn babies than poor & young girls having babies they can't take care of.

5. I'm anti drugs and cigarettes and I've never tried any of them. I used to be straight edge but I prefer not to put a label on myself.

6. Almost all my close relatives on my dads side are dead, my grandparents (and their parents) died when I was little and my dad died when I was 17. My stepgrandmother died a few months ago so I've lost a lot of people I love through the years.

7. I'm part danish. I also have german, french-belgian and eastern european blood. When I lived in L.A. people would think I was italian and sometimes even mixed caucasian/asian for some reason. Ok, I get the italian thing, but asian??

8. I adore Audrey Hepburn.

9. I've had tons of piercings, and right now I have a tattoo on my wrist. The funny thing is that I hate sharp objects and blood, even sewing makes me nervous, haha.

10. When I grew up my parents listened to bands and artists such as black sabbath, David Bowie, Beatles, T-rex, The Clash, Johnny Cash The Kinks, etc etc, and I really think that has affected my taste in music. I really appreciate "older" music, I think there's so much crappy music out there right now, it's fake and it's all about the money.

11. I'm related to this huge Swedish author, Vilhelm Moberg (he almost won a nobel prize!) on my maternal grandfathers side. He wrote books about swedish emigrants based on his own experience , all his relatives moved to the US in the 19th century except for him so most of my maternal relatives are now swedish-americans.

12. I love bright colors on other people when it comes to makeup but it just doesn't work for me. I'll wear bold lipcolors, but I always keep my eyes (and everything else) neutral. I get really insipired by bright and colorful FOTDs but I can't stand those colors on myself, it just doesn't look right.

13. There's more things I hate about myself than what I like about myself. probably like 80/20.

14. My childhood really sucked and it has messed my life so much so I'll do everything for my future kids to protect them (but who wouldn't?).

15. My bf is half-chinese and has a shitload of awesome tattoos. How we met is a funny but long story. Anyway, he's perfect in every way and we are a perfect match, and that feels so good because I don't have to stress about relationships and guys.

16. My biggest "hobbies" are fashion & makeup. Go figure.

17. I'm studying media/photography. I want to become an art director or a makeup artist/hairdresser. Very different professions, haha.

18. My friends tells me I'm like a walking dictionary. I have an IQ of 143 and I know the most random and trivial stuff. I don't think I've ever studied to a test in my whole life, but I always get A+ and such, haha. Which is a good thing, it's just damn weird.

19. I have discalculia (difficulties with math) but I'm good at languages. I speak italian, a little spanish, danish, english and swedish, of course.

20. I used to be in an all girl punk-fusion band.


Well-known member
1.I have lived in NY, NJ and TX.
2.I am only 5’3”.
3.I really enjoy board games.
4.I have been married for 9 years.
5.I don’t have any children.
6.I have 2 godchildren.
7.I have 2 dogs (Freedom & Jersey).
8.I can’t stand eggs.
9.I am almost always on some kind of diet.
10.I dislike exercise (but do it because I have to).
11.My main hobbies are shopping and reading.
12.My favorite foods are Mexican and Italian.
13.I own more shoes than anyone I know.
14.I wear contact lenses (I would be blind without them).
15.I am of Hispanic descent.
16.My first concert was to see U2.
17.I have 3 sisters (2 step and 1 reg).
18.I am a glass is half full type of person (most of the time).
19.I am cold most of the time.
20.I enjoy pretty much anything dairy.


Well-known member
1. I am 18 years old.

2. I am the eldest child.
3. I love listening to foreign music i.e French electro, German rap etc

4. I seriously passed school by a couple of marks.

5. Have studied Hospitality, now getting into Make Up Artistry.

6. Apparently I'm really good at selling things.

7. I've gotten along with all of my bosses.

8. I've tried and made most cocktails.

9. I'm not really a huge fan of chocolate or sweets.

10. I've stopped eating red meat since 2 years ago... no, I'm not a vegetarian or Jewish or anything, I just don't like the texture/taste. (Really hard trying to explain to people.)

11. I love all sorts of music; electro, house, experimental, hardcore, rock and roll, indie, pop, hip hop, everything except for country and extreme techno.

12. I hardly ever visit the gym but I waste my weekly pay on it.

13. I've only ever had two jobs, and I'm back at my first job as well.

14. My fashion style is a mix of designer and chain stores and everything in between.

15. But I can never ever find something decent in op shops, I need help!/am so jealous of my friends who nab all of the good things!

16. I love watermelon gelati.

17. I've been a "club urchin" since I was 15.... 13, if you count the underage club nights

18. I'm scared of spiders, drowning and public toilets. I also do not trust public transport and their drivers.

19. You might call me spoilt urgh, but I actually have not done chores since I was 10... I don't think I am going to survive living on my own when I move away from home.

20. My kitten is currently biting me.


Well-known member
this is a fun thread!

1. i love to sing but only to myself
2. i love to bake from scratch
3. i love sushi but only spicy tuna and eel (sometimes) but nothing else
4. i love love cheeseburger
5. i love to color coordinate my clothes and organize
6. ikea catalogs are my bible
7. i window shop on ebay
8. my favorite clothes are pjs-mens ones from my work (old navy)
9. i hate my boobs (40 F to G)
10. every year im at my heaviest weight until 2 years ago (lost 50 lbs)
11. im covered head to toe in freckles
12. i dream of being a natural redhead
13. have actually thought of becoming a porn star
14. i want to learn how to arrange flowers
15. im 23 and i dont drive (dont have license) bc im too afraid
16. my favorite place to be is disneyland
17. i love reading mary higgin clark books
18. i danced for 11 years when i was younger (tap and ballet)
19. i have trichotillomania (had it for 11 years)
20. i can eat endless cert mints (wint o green) and never get tired of them


Well-known member
1. I am Taiwanese and proud of it!
2. I can speak Taiwanese fluently, know a little Mandarin, 3 years of Japanese, and a bunch of nonsense Spanish. x3
3. I love to paint and draw.
4. I take Chinese Martial Arts.
5. I have light brown eyes. Close to the color honey. I'm proud of my eye color. =)
6. Lasagna is my favorite food.
7. Naruto is my favorite anime series ever.
8. I like to play video games.
9. I'm not very girly. (Even if I dress girly sometimes and wear the make-up I still give off a fierce vibe. lol!)
10. I adore the manga series character Nana Oosaki from Nana.
11. Favorite flower: water lily or stargazer lily
12. I LOVE to sing. The best career would be a singer in a band or a singer like Alicia Keys or Mariah Carey, other than being a make-up artist of course!
13. I have the strangest dreams out of anyone I know.
14. I love to help people, whether I'm teaching a kung fu class or tutoring or if anyone needs help, they can come to me!
15. I avoid drama with a passion. I'm a good listner, to BOTH sides of the conflict.
16. My favorite band ever is AFI.
17. Magazines are my guilty pleasure.
18. I laugh in scary movies.
19. I love rollercoasters.
20. My bf is someone I had crushed on for the past 3 years.


Well-known member
1. Iam 18 years old
2. I work part time in Primark (i hate it)
3. I previously studied Biomedical Science and now doing make up artistry
4. My hangover cure is a subway
5. I usually go to the gym around 4-5 days a week
6. Iam a CSI fanatic
7. Iam also a fall out boy/my chemical romance fanatic
8. I nearly have a driving license
9. I have been with my boyfriend for nearly 3 years
10. I have a dog called dexter and hes a lhaso apso
11. I LOVE horror films
12. I love playing the sims 2 (yeah Iam a big kid)
13. I have a tattoo at the bottom of my back and yeah it was sore
14. Iam currently watching corrie HAHA
15. I love cocktails
16. My fav book author is Dan Brown
17. My fav film is Jurassic Park
18. I cant iron
19. My fav food is mussels in vinegar
20. My feet are always cold


Well-known member
Re: *more than* 20 Things That We Don't Know About You!

Loving this thread!! Just wish it was in the 'Deep Thoughts' section so it was more private -members only.

Anyway, if anyone wants to know, here's some stuff about me.

[1]I’m 24, cancerian.
[2] Been with my partner Rob for 6 ½ years, living together since July. (My only long-term relationship)
[3] I studied Psychology at uni (BSc and MSc). At college I did psychology, sociology, art and french
[4] I’m vegetarian (lacto-ovo = I still eat dairy and eggs.)
[5] I love Body Modification: I have 20 piercings: right lobe x1, left lobe x7, right helix, right nostril x2, septum, centre labret, left labret x2, smiley, vch, right madonna, tongue x2. And one tattoo. I have plans for many more mods, including a scarification piece.
[6] I have pets: 7 gerbils
[7] I don’t ever want to have children or get married
[8] I love questionnaires/surveys
[9] I have fake eyebrows (they’re *almost* completely plucked out) –eyebrows are something I really take notice of on other people. I also love fake hair!! Particularly dreads.
[10] I’m a short-arse at 5ft and half an inch –and I’m plump to go with it.
[11] I lived in Perth, Australia for a couple of years when I was younger
[12] I’m neo-pagan
[13] I’m bisexual
[14] I’m allergic to nuts
[15] I changed my name by deed poll as soon as I turned 18 (Not my first name though)
[16] I’ve never broken a bone.
[17] I was born very early: june, but wasn’t due ‘til September.
[18] I’m in my element in water –but only natural water, I’m not keen on chlorine
[19] I hate it when people eat things upside down. I know it’s weird, but it really irks me.. you know how a mars bar has the caramel bit at the top? –it’d be so wrong to bite your bottom teeth into that instead of your top teeth!
[20] My favourite swear-word is C**T (closely followed by F**K)
[21] I don’t drive. Have not yet even had a lesson.
[22] I hate my feet being too hot. So I hate wearing socks indoors, and detest slippers
[23] Everything I wear is black, except for some pyjamas, n some pants n socks..
[24] My biggest grammar pet-hate is the misuse of apostrophes
[25] My biggest fears are: losing the people I’m closest to and being raped
[26] My family consists of my two sisters -twins aged 20. I’m not in touch with my biological father and don’t plan to get in touch, ever.
[27] I lost my Mum in 2002. I’m grieving. I was my sisters’ guardian until they were 18.
[28] I might get anxious and feel like I’ve been too open and revealing and delete this list…

Easier than i thought to think up that many things! Though i'm quite new so there's loads people here don't know about me.


Well-known member
I love this thread too...great reading about all of you!

My list:
1. I am a research biologist currently employed in stroke research.
2. I have been married nearly 7 years.
3. My favorite color is pink and I love nail polish and makeup, but growing up I was a total tomboy.
4. I didn't really wear makeup until I was out of college.
5. I'm built like a linebacker with bigger boobs, I'm nearly 6 feet tall and strong.
6. I wear a size 12/13 in women's shoes. Before Torrid it was difficult to find dress shoes in my size.
7. I love Happy Bunny, he's my inner bitch.
8. Music is my heart and soul.
9. My mom is my hero, nobody I have ever met could compare with the warmth and love my mother has.
10. I have four sisters and two brothers, all from the same parents. I'm the middle child.
11. My favorite movie is The Princess Bride or The Labyrinth, depending on which day you ask me.
12. I have two tattoos, of pink daisies, one on my back and one on my foot.
13. Daisies are my favorite flower.
14. I was a jock...I threw a shotput (a big steel ball) 42 feet and 3 inches for my personal record, and a discus 120 feet. I also had to have physical therapy from tearing my knees up in volleyball.
15. My husband and I are the proud owners of 3 goats, 3 dogs (Gidget is the one in the panel to the left, she's a Yorkie), 2 sugar gliders and a parrotlet. Since we don't plan on having children they are our babies.
16. My birthstone is a peridot.
17. I am German, French, Irish, Scottish, Romanian and Cherokee Indian. As my father would say, Heinz 57.
18. I love to read all sorts of books, especially scifi/fantasy, but not pink books (romance novels).
19. I am a gadget geek, I have two iPods (I just got the touch), a PSP, a PS3, a XBox, a XBox 360 and a really sweet laptop. I love video games.
20. I think I'm addicted to Specktra, hopefully it's not just a honeymoon phase.


Well-known member
1. I am anaemic & therefore very underweight >_<
2. I love the smell of fresh paint
3. I speak Arabic, English and French
4. Im a designer addict!! & Louis Vuitton is my favorite
5. I drive a benz
6. I hate doing public speeches or presentations and would do anything to avoid that
7. Im an artist.. I draw, paint and design graphics
8. I like salt more than sugar
9. but Im obsessed with vanilla scented ANYTHING
10. I wish I had a brother (I have 3 sisters)
11. I only became more punctual when I started work.. I was always late in college and got a late attendance warning on my 2nd semester! =P
12. I love reading stories from India and China
13. Im never seen without my Juicy Couture charm bracelet
14. I'd love to learn how to swim but Im terrified of deepness.. even under-the-ocean pictures/videos make me feel suffocated
15. I could live on potato chips!
16. I get told that I look like Penelope Cruz all the time.. & I love that cuz shes gorgeous!
17. I get OCD when it comes to tidy-ness
18. I cant sleep when its too quiet
19. I despise ungrateful people the most!
20. I never had surgery - yet! lol


Well-known member
1. I am a high school teacher - i teach health and phys ed
2. i have been with my boyf for 5 years 4 months and 6 days
3. I am a middle sibling between 2 boys.
4. I just bought my first car which is a Volkswagen Polo GTI and it GOES!!
5. I love to bake hehehe
6. I can speak croatian
7. I am left footed but do everything else right handed.
8. I love to sleep in
9. I am a tom boy at heart but love being girly.
10. I have a navel piercing that my dad doesnt know about
11. I am Catholic
12. I am an avid reader - i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jodi Piccoult and Patricia cornwell
13. I love not having big boobs
i like my semi flat chest and want my boobies a lil smaller..
14. I like being pale
15. I am a major cat lover - cant wait till i get my own house i want a Russian Blue
16. I am a major dog lover - as above i want a Weimaraner
17. I love my indian ringneck named Monte
18. I had a cat for 13 years that passed away last year
RIP Mitzi
19. I have only broken one bone - which is my right pinkie
20. i had all 4 wisdom teeth surgically removed.


Well-known member
1. I have had a British boyfriend for 2 1/2 yrs now and he's started to call me wifey

2. I absolutely love to play World of Warcraft!

3. Eric Cartman is an egocentric psychotic racist bastard, but he sure as hell is funny

4. I adore cats! My kitty Kins is my sunshine and I hope to have a big feline family (and I hope I won't be known as "that crazy cat lady"

5. I study 2 courses: English language and literature and Slovenian language and literature

6. I'm an orange juice junkie, obsessed with it and need to drink it loads

7. I got rheumatism at the age of 16 and have regular pain in the joints

8. I jog everyday the distance of 12 chilometres.

9. I love puzzles and jigsaws, can spend hours putting pieces together

10. I can cook really well, my parents have taught me loads and some was self taught, but I am really good at it

11. I wanted to play a guitar but my fingers are too short

12. I can't dance

13. I love hot bubble baths

14. I love to mix Balantine's whiskey with coca cola

15. I'm not good at maths or physics...325352+436346=

16. I love high heels but dont wear them all the time

17. I love to read, my fave genre is fantasy books

18. One of my fave past times is going to the ZOO with my hun

19. My favourite food is Chinese

20. I would love to get engaged


Well-known member
1. I'm a VERY fussy eater

2. I have a fear of germs and such things like that. I'm a microbe freak i hate them ew.

3. I LOVE animals, and feel strongly about animal-related issues etc. I actually want to become an RSPCA person or w/e lol.

4. I would also love to be a psychologist/psychiatrist/psychoanalagist or w/e.

5. I can speak Spanish (mother tongue) and English, as well as a little french and italian.

6. I love Japan even though i haven't been.

7. I hate sushi.

8. Iam actually crazy, silly, very hyper and i love it. Some people think i'm childish but i don't care i have fun and that's that :p too bad if your idea of being "mature" is being serious and boring...

9. I don't drink or smoke.

10. I'm 16.

11. I LOVE bright colours and cute things.

12. I'm veeeeerry open-minded.

13. I love nice people
i like to think i'm nice too.

14. I LOVE dancing and parties, i love it love it love it.

15. I LOVE chocolate mmmmmm

16. I'm 4'11

17. I'm highly emotional affectionate and touchy-feely (with close friends and family not strangers lol)

18. I LOVE make-up duh.

19. I'm shy SOMETIMES, but working on it.

20. I'm very flexible
(I practise contortion but i'm not very disciplined bout it lol)

21. I'm gonna add 2 more things to this list because i'm cool like that.

22. I have a fear of being sick. (I carry Rennie or Gaviscon EVERYWHERE with me and think about what i'm eating and if it's going to make me feel sick)



Well-known member

1. I'm Filipino and White (But I don't know anyone from my dad's side of the family because they disowned him for marrying my mom....)

2. I'm left handed

3. I'm a Martha Stewart junkie

4. I'm a junior in college

5. I'm an organization freak...I could sit in the container store for hours!

6. I get bored with my hair a lot (the colors it's been are candy apple red, auburn, blue, green, purple, black...naturally dark brown...and from above shoulder length to butt length)...I want to change my hair right now

7. I've been with my boyfriend for over two years, and we got an apartment together after only two months of going out

8. I eat lemons

9. I don't allow shoes in my house...(and glare at the maintenance man when he walks around my apt with his icky shoes)

10. I go to spektra when I'm in lecture

11. I'm bitchy without caffeine

12. When I don't get sleep for a couple of days everything becomes funny

13. I love big jewelery

14. I'm a scrapbooker

15. I've never been out of the country (but hopefully that will change soon)

16. I go though phases where I really want a baby, but I know I couldn't handle one in my life right now

17. I hate when people insist on dressing really "matchy" (like, my shoes have to be the EXACT color of my bag which is the color of my eyeshadow...blehhh)

18. Alternatively, I hate it when people's blacks don't match

19. Feet gross me out

20. I'm surprised I got to twenty...I ran out of stuff a while ago


Well-known member
1. I am a teacher for mentally handicapped children.

2. I love cats.

3. I love Desperate Housewives and Private Practice.

4. I love Italian food.

5. I left my ex-boyfriend after seven years.

6. I am very happy in my new relationship.

7. One of my biggest dreams is to come to NY one day.

8. I have one younger sister.

9. I don't smoke.

10. I don't buy any other makeup than MAC anymore.

11. I am a very tidy person.

12. I like ironing my clothes.

13. I don't like cooking.

14. I am (only) 5'4'' inches (163 cm).

15. I don't like rain.

16. I love summer.

17. I love Starbucks.

18. I love shopping.

19. I love good books.

20. I love watching crimes on TV.


Well-known member
1)im 100% irish

2)im 15
3)i only got into make up this year
4)i loooove coke(the drink!)
5)I have blue eyes and brown hair
6)i love anything garlic
6)i love shopping
7)i hate my body and need to diet!
8)i hate rain bcoz it makes my hair poofy
9)i love my family they rokk
10)i love the sun
11)im only 5'2
12)i smoke bt i have to hide it from my parents
13)i love greys anatomy nd desperate housewives
14)im right handed
15)im just after getting a small job to help fund my MAC habit
16)i am totally against drugs
17)im a crazy cat lady and <3 my cat scamp!
18)i am completely disorganised and messy
19)i love chocolate
20)im obsessed with speckra


Well-known member
1. I have a screw in my foot, and the bone that connects my ankle to my big toe is essentially upside-down.

2. I love woodworking, and pretty much taught woodshop when I was a senior in HS (I taught the 8th grade class)

3. I have an obsession with collecting music- even if I never get around to listening to it- I've wracked up over $1000 a year on iTunes.... and have over 20,000 songs, not including my 13GB of comedy and 8GB of audio books. sad.

4. I love reading, some of my favorites are Harry Potter, Laura Ingalls, and pretty much any crime/mystery crap.

5. I kill houseplants, haven't made it to fish yet (becoming a mother someday scares me to death- how can I keep a kid alive when I can't even manage to remember to water a plant once a week?!)

6. I am a shameless flirt, but don't realize that I do it.

7. I want to go back to school to be a pastry chef.

8. I think both Gordon Ramsay and Simon Cowell are yummy, not sure why.

9. I love the Beatles and Aerosmith.. gods.

10. A life goal is to have my picture taken with Gene Simmons...cause I have a long tongue, too, and I think it'd be a sweet picture.

11. I'm allergic to everything with fur.

12. I love the smell of gasoline, skunks, rubber cement, and several other foul smells.

13. I love bartending, mixology, and pretty much everything to do with liquor- yet I don't really drink.

14. I'm drug free for the past 26 years and 10 months-
and I turn 27 in June (2 months from now).

15. I love stilettos, and wear them daily, and can perform most tasks, including running, walking, jumping, balancing, etc.

16. I can say my alphabet backward in less than 30 seconds. (I had a lonely childhood, lol)

17. I was a nerd--HUGE nerd-- until I went to college, and I am still a nerd at heart, but I have grown into my body.. which is a good thing.

18. I'm a redhead naturally, but have white blonde and dark chocolate hidden panels in my hair because I want the best of all worlds. (redheads are unique, blondes have more fun, and brunettes are the smarties

19. Im the only redhead in my family, the only fair-skinned one, the tallest, and completely different in most areas of my life and personality than my immediate family - but I love them to death, and am terrified of moving so far away from them in 2 weeks.

20. I'm extremely outgoing, and really sarcastic, but a lot of my sarcasm is to mask my insecurity in uncomfortable situations- like around guys. :/


Well-known member
1/ I have been with my SO for 7 1/2 years, he's my BF too and I find him more irresistable now than I did when I first met him

2/ He bought me a Platinum wedding ring even though we are not engaged

3/ I hate wearing a bra even though I am a 32D and never wear them around the house

4/ I love cats, we have a little kitty, I'm also allergic

5/ I have lactose intollerance and terrible irritable bowl, I have to keep aloe vera wipes next to the toilet

6/ I'm an estranged daughter, my mother has not spoken to me for 7 years, people are often suprised as I am a lovely person

7/ I want to learn sign language

8/ I read Tarot Cards and own 5 different decks, I want to use them to help people

9/ I love Churches and Cathedrals, I find them relaxing, spiritual places

10/ I hate been drunk, hate people when they are drunk, hate cigarettes

11/ I'm scared of snakes but love spiders

12/ I'm a closet raver, I love techno, hard house, trance, rave music

13/ My favourite foods are peas, lamb, salmon, apples, crystalised ginger, popcorn, curry, rice with pepper & Olive Oil

14/ I had braces on my teeth for 4 years due to an OCD Dentist, people always comment on how perfect they are....he even filed them so they were all the same length

15/ I'm jealous of my sister's social life even though it would drive me nuts to be her

16/ I love books so much I will go without clothes, haircut, make-up, food to buy books

17/ I love to watch cricket even though I don't know the rules of the game

18/ I have a MAC Trian Case and the Brush Belt

19/ After years of dying my hair I went back to my natural colour and love it!

20/ I hate fake tan and am dying to tell the receptionist at work the brown patches on her face look a mess....she would look better pale with some subtle bronzing powder

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