20 Things That We Don't Know About You!


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Originally Posted by Heiaken
Lets see what I can come up with

1. I play World of Warcrfat. My main is a troll mage at lvl 78.

Which server? My lvl 78 hunter would love to duel you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moxy
Which server? My lvl 78 hunter would love to duel you

Nagrand EU. But I'm not much of a dueller, I've one been two two the whole time I've played. I'd also should prolly add that it took me two years to get my mage at lvl 70. I think you could call that casual playing


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Heiaken
Nagrand EU. But I'm not much of a dueller, I've one been two two the whole time I've played. I'd also should prolly add that it took me two years to get my mage at lvl 70. I think you could call that casual playing

Aww darn, I'm on Dragonblight (EU). No worries, I never duel either. And I've been playing since the very beginning 4 years ago, so Go Captain SlOW ME!
I only play when I have time, so another casual player here

Always good to know other girls who play it though


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  1. I collect tarot decks - I have over 400 now. And I've only been collecting for about 4 years.
  2. I'm terrified of going down escalators. It irritates my friends sometimes - I'm always running around looking for stairs or an elevator, and they have to wait around for me. No one ever wants to take the elevator with me
  3. I used to have panic attacks, suffer from depression, and from occasional oddness (seeing things that weren't really happening, etc.). I've been happily medicated now for 5 years, though. No more depression. No more nightmares. No more mood swings. I love it.
  4. I love the band Oasis. I can listen to "Don't Look Back in Anger" over and over and over again . . .
  5. I can't admit it to my colleagues at work, but I LOVE watching "America's Next Top Model." My students understand why I love the show, but my co-workers would never let me live it down.
  6. I've done this same type of "twenty-or-so things you don't know about me" quiz on Facebook, but could only say very ordinary things like "I enjoy long walks in the woods" there because I didn't want people who know me "in real life" to know too much about me.
  7. I think that "Star Trek: The Next Generation" was the best TV show of the late 80s / early 90s.
  8. I can't tell my friends this, but I HATE being around drunk people. I can't drink much, myself (due to meds and due to the extreme headaches that alcohol always gives me). So somehow, being around people who are drinking and loud and crashing around and laughing shrilly just makes me upset.
  9. I do wish my friends would tell me when my eyeshadow is over the top, but NOT by saying things like "people just don't wear that much eyeshadow, you know." What am I then, chopped liver? How about "you know, that color doesn't quite suit you . . . maybe something a little softer would really bring out your eyes." It's not like I'd go up to a friend and say, "wow, people just don't wear earrings that big." But I might say, "you know, those little gold earrings you had on yesterday really suited you."
  10. Dirty secret . . . I hate football on general principles, but I really enjoyed watching the Super Bowl on TV yesterday! By the end, I was shouting just as loud as everyone else - even though I have no idea what the rules of the game are.
  11. I like Urban Decay eyeshadow better than MAC. So there. MAC is pretty awesome stuff, though
  12. I snore. LOUD. Like a continuous chainsaw. On the rare occasions when we travel and sleep over at someone else's house, I'm always vaguely embarrassed, because I know that my snoring can be heard by everyone, despite closed doors.
  13. I cannot wear shoes with no backs - my feet slip right out. My sandals are all "old lady" style, with ankle straps.
  14. Diet Rite is the only soda I'll drink. No caffeine. No calories. Sweetened with Splenda. I love it because it doesn't trigger migraines.
  15. I'm fat. No, not just a little overweight. I'm 5'9" and weigh 258 pounds. Two-five-eight. That's a lot. And I know it. I think about it a lot. I used to be thin - really thin. Then I was hit by a serious illness in my 20's and had some heart problems for a while . . . had to take lots of various meds, and the next thing I knew, I was overweight. Just like that. In a matter of about a year and a half I went from thin to fat. Then stress from a job I hated and long working hours (behind a desk) made a bad thing worse. And here I am. 258 pounds. But honestly, seriously - I carry it pretty well because of my height and bone structure.
  16. I'm afraid to drive in heavy city traffic . . . the sort of traffic that happens on the loops around Houston and Dallas, in which things get backed up to a crawl for hours at certain times of day. I just can't do it. There are a lot of things I miss because of this.
  17. I don't like kids. Babies are cute and cuddly and all, and I did my share of babysitting in my day. But now, kids - anywhere from about 4 to about 14 - absolutely repulse me.
  18. I can't draw or paint or play an instrument. I've tried all these things, but to no avail.
  19. I've lived in Texas for 12 years now, but still don't quite think of myself as Texan. I don't think of myself as a native of Louisiana, either, though I was raised there. For some crazy-odd reason, I tend to think of myself as Virginian, even though I moved away from there when I was 6 1/2 years old! And I haven't been back since . . . but, I can remember the beach and the smell of the salt air and the taste of fresh seafood like it was yesterday. Literally yesterday.
  20. I have a cell phone, but almost never use it. I sent my first text message about 3 months ago. I've only changed my ringtone once. I'm not much of a phone person, really.


Well-known member
[1] i have 2 deep scars under my right eye that i hate very much. i fell through a glass table when i was 4 and decided i should try to break my fall with my face
my mother and my sister actually have scars in the same exact place .. its pretty weird.

[2] my last name is actually not my father's family's real name. When my grandfather was born my great grandfather was away for work and in those days in Portugal a woman was only allowed out of the hospital if a man signed the birth certificate so my great grandfather's brother had to sign it but showed up completely bombed to the hospital and seemed to uh, forget his last name (Martins) and signed his nickname instead (Zambujo) which in Portuguese is part of an olive tree (he owned an olive orchard) so from my grandfather on my family name has changed. People always laugh at this story but if i could i'd kick my great grandfather's brothers butt!

[3] I have about 25 cousins from my father's side and 25 cousins from my mother's side. We have a HUGE family .. i'm extremly close to my cousins on my fathers side as we are all actually close in age .. we range from 26-11.

[4] My boyfriend and i have been together for almost 2 years this February 19th and i know i may be young but i'm absolutely positive hes the one

[5] speaking of him being the one .. at every family event or visit my boyfriend and i are always being asked about marriage and children and keep in mind me and him say we have found what we need in life but we are only 20 .. the thing is everyone in my family has had children young and i mean the 16-22 range and everyone thinks this should apply to me but i'm too selfish at this point in my life to even think of caring for a baby or giving what goes into a marriage at this point in life. im scared one day the boyfriend is going to get tired of feeling like the bad guy

[6] when i was younger i was the biggest tomboy -- now i love all things pink & girlie

[7] my bestfriend Rod & my sister stephanie are my closest friends in the world, Rod and me could have complete conversations with hand gestures and looks completely know what the other was talking about, we even have the same reactions to things, & my sister stephanie is 6 years younger than my but she and I are more like friends then sisters.

[8] my favorite movie in the world is Pretty in Pink and when i was younger i would wish that I would have a Duckie one day

[9] i have 2 dogs .. one Teacup Yorkie named Romeo and a Shih Tzu named Checkers. I convinced the boyfriend after 6 months of going out to buy me a present and our first Christmas together he gave me Romeo -- they are the most gorgeous and most loyal dogs in the world

[10] i dont know what i want to be when i grow up
that really scares me

[11] another thing that scares me completely -- [clowns] & i dont even know why

[12] the thing that irks me most in the world is doors being open, i HAVE to have doors closed or else im completely bothered the WHOLE time and that is all i could think about

[13] i've traveled more within Portugal than i have within the United States. which to me is completely weird.

[14] from the time i was 1 to the time i was 8 i was raised my godmother (my father's sister) and she completely brainwashed me to believe in my earlier years that my parents had abandoned me, and when i was 8 and came to live with them i resented them and felt they had taken me from my real parents, i realized now i must have hurt my parents so much when i was younger and wont even take phone calls from my godmother

[15] my grandfather and i are the only people in my family that have light eyes and i love it, bring that he has 26 grandchildren i thought this was always something special that i had from my grandfather that was only mine.

[16] i know how to understand whole conversations in Portuguese but cannot speak it because i was always embarrased of my "Americanized" accent when i was younger and lost all of my abilities to speak back to people, i always have to answer in English and this is really hard because my boyfriends parents know limited English, but i'm trying to learn everyday to let go of being embarrased.

[17] i could sound just like stitch from lilo & stitch and sometimes i switch to that sound by mistake when i'm around people & it freaks them out "bluee punch buggieee" lol

[18] my senior year of high school, i got rid of all the poisonous friends in my life which were most of the friends i thought i would be friends with forever this was 2 years ago and they still try to make their way back into my life. my mother says all the time im more grown up then her lol

[19] my favorite flowers in the world are stargazer lillies

[20] i could listen to Friday I'm In Love and Just like Heaven by the Cure non-stop and never ever tire of it.

[21] i want 4 turtles just so i could name them Donatello, Rafael, Leonardo, and Michaelangelo

[22] i absolutely love hot sauce on popcorn, french fries, potato chips, rice and eggs.

[23] i'm from New Jersey, and people always ask me about my "Boston" accent, my parents don't talk the same way I do & i have no idea where i got it. ohhh, & i dont thinnk i'd ever EVER ever leave New Jersey. I'm such a Jersey girl, its home <3

[24] i've been more open on this then i actually have to people i'm close to


Well-known member
1. I'm a huge self-taught web developing and designing nerd who works for the best company in the world.

2. I work across the street from my darling president Obama

3. I'm 28 with no kids

4. I'm in a serious relationship with a real live Shrek. Dude eats more than I can cook. But he's not ugly like Shrek

5. I have a few famous friends.

6. I can cook my ass off. Like, foreal. Don't play with me..

7. Because i love to cook, I CONSTANTLY watch the Food Network

8. I'm a pack rat. I have a problem throwing things away, but I gotta admit it's gotten better. But I still save all of my MAC boxes/packaging. I dunno why...

9. I love porn

10. I used to build sites for porn stars lol.

11. It paid good LOL

12. I'm lactose intolerant

13. I'm an only child, and it sucks.

14. I like boys more than girls, as friends that is.

15. I cannot eat a cheeseburger without french fries. It's just all kinds of wrong to me.

16. I can't eat pork. That shit makes me sick. blech.

17. I had an abortion when i was 18

18. I have an adorable yorkie/mix named Ruben who is the center of my world. He's addicted to Snausages. it's pretty bad...

19. I'm way too open-minded for my own good

20. TMI is my middle name...for example, I kinda have gas right now...


I love fun facts! Lets see...

1) I am ambidextrous.
2) I love my dog more than my entire family combined.
3) In Feb 15, it will be my 1 year wedding anniversary
4) If I'm home, you will never see me without a cup of coffee in my hand.
5) I drink waaaaaaaay too much coffee.
6) I smoked heavily for 5 years, i have finally quit.
7) I think asians have awesome style.
8) I have over 200 handbags.
9) My husband is the one that is in charge of cooking (awesome cook), Im
in charge of the dishes.
10) I have not turned on my TV in 2 months.
11) I am constantly applying carmex.
12) I download all of my music from myspace.
13) I'm a good dancer but I hardly ever dance in public.
14) I shower twice a day.
15) I don't wear makeup everyday, only for special occasions.
16) I always have dental floss in my purse.
17) I can't live without Salsa Valentina. (on chips! mmmmmmm!!!!)
18) I love going to swap meets.
19) I have lived in Mexico, U.S., and France.
20) Im a Pisces.


Well-known member
1. I've seen Friends the series in it's entirety probably 12 times.

2. I once had 33 various liquor shots one night and lived to see tomorrow.

3. I've been with my boyfriend since I was 17, I'm going to be 25 this Fall.

4. I'm horrible about picking up my phone- it must run in the family.

5. I play World of Warcraft, I have a 76 warlock.

6. I started college in the Architecture department and I still miss it.

7. I watch the Food Network channel obsessively.

8. I only wear make up twice a week on average.

9. I have a torn ACL that I need to have surgery for.

10. I abhor, loathe, want to kill peas. I really hate it because I'm so open minded about food but I've tried them so many times and they just taste like mush. I'm big on food texture.

11. My two favorite movies ever are Like Water for Chocolate and Cinema Paradiso.

12. I tend to kick my guy friend's ass in typical video games... but never my boyfriends- which is probably why I can kick my guy friend's ass.

13. It's apparent, but I hate grammar. I was never formally taught grammar in school which is ludicrous.

14. When it came time in our math books on "how to learn to tell time" in Kindergarten our teacher said "Well this is a chapter we don't have to learn- have your parents buy you a digital clock." Which is why for the longest time it could take me a full minute to tell the time on a normal clock.

15. When my budget is tight and I can't shop (which I love) I tend to get really excited about shopping for groceries. It scratches the itch surprisingly.

16. I'm very quiet at outings with friends. I'm very observant and even though I don't say much I probably always get the most information out of all my friends just by observing. Must be the future psychologist in me.

17. It's taken me forever to graduate from school because I took a year off, switched 3 schools, switched majors twice and have gone to school part time in order to pay for it.

18. I love to travel. I am not one of those people that miss home when I'm gone. I never look forward to going home. I am never scared of going to remote parts of other countries or trying different food or different ways of life.

19. I have two dogs- one named Zelda and the other named Link.

20. No one has ever told me or said (as far as I know) that they hate me. I tend to be pretty understanding, forgiving and easy-going. But, I don't make good friends easily... just lots of acquaintances.


Well-known member
1. i feel sooooooooo ugly when my nails are short

2. i'm really hoping i'll end up marrying my boyfriend. we've haven't been together that long and i'm young... so that's really creepy. but i really hope ^^

3. i HATE blue eyeshadow on me, but i always end up wearing it anyways

4. i've never smoked pot, and never plan to

5. i prefer not to associate myself with people who smoke weed...

6. i suck at making friends, i pretty much have no friends

7. i have the worst mood swings in the world, and i can't get them under control

8. i love everything about nature. EVERYTHING! i love camping, hiking, backpacking, everyyyything. almost as much as makeup

9. cheese is m weakness... any food with cheese makes me HAPPY

10. i love going to resturants with my family. not so much with friends, just my family.

11. i really like to draw eyes. nothing else, just eyes
so weird!

12. i constantly wish i had a black boyfriend, and i am a straight up white girl

13. actually, i'm not white white. i'm czechoslovakian and russian

14. i beg my mom to let me do her makeup.

15. i'm paranoid that i'm already getting wrinkles... and i'm still in my teens...

16. i love classical and celine dion's music

17. my favorite color is gray

18. i don't know how tall i am!
the doctor says i'm 5'4 but my bf is 5'8ish and i'm almost as tall as him.

19. i have skinny arms, but a huge ass, thighs, and a chubby stomach. and my boobs are tiny. i hate how disproportionate my body is...

20. i'm so obsessed with cats, it's almost creepy.


Well-known member
Ah exposing myself whilst i'm bored at work, a favourite pastime of mine...

1. I used to love horror films till my boyfriend took me to see Hostel at the cinema. I had to walk out 20 minutes before the end as I was almost sick. Thats the first time i've ever walked out of a cinema. And now I can't watch any horror films anymore.

2. I suffer from an unknown stomach condition which has ruled my life for as long as I can remember. Basically its just a constant nauseous feeling every time I eat. I've been seeing doctors, changing my diet and had all kinds of tests for years and they can't tell me anything.

3. I have a nickel allergy. Which sucks!! Doorknobs, change, cheap jewellery, brush ferrells - all bring me out in a major rash if I don't wash my hands after touching these things.

4. Jeans are dyed with nickel. I didn't know this either till I developed an allergy to it. So I can only wear my jeans if I bath or shower every night - which I do

5. I love to cross stitch...It's such an old woman's thing but it takes my mind off the nausea. And I'm wicked cool at it

6. I love heavy metal!!

7. I love wearing bright coloured make up but i'm too scared to go out in it a lot of the time...

8. I haven't had a drink in 4 years. The pills they've given me to shut me up and supposedly to take the edge of the nausea wont allow me. This kinda creates problems when going out
My friends don't really understand and see me as a bore...

9. The last time I was really drunk was when my boyfriend told me he loved me after we'd been going out for a week. My reply was "Yeah baby I love you too...I think i'm gonna be sick". I stumbled home and my mum made me play connect 4 to sober me up. I couldn't stick the counters in the gap...

10. My boyfriend and I have been together for just over 4 years now and I really really REALLY wanna marry him.

11. I'm SO addicted to Lush stuff...I think its the bright colours...

12. I have awful moodswings

13. My best friend and I went to a wedding dress shop and tried on dresses even though neither of us are even close to being engaged. It was the most i've ever lied but it was so much fun. I nearly cried when I saw myself in my perfect dress. I came out feeling such a saddo but i'd do it again

14. My favourite film is 50 First Dates. Makes me laugh so hard every time.

15. I'm so shy. It's been 4 years and I stay with them every sunday and i'm still really shy around my boyfriends parents! I'm going away for 16 days with them to California in May and scared to bits of how it'll go.

16. This Californian holiday is my first holiday in 18 years! I'm so excited but also really scared of ruining it due to my stomach condition

17. I have a major phobia of vomiting which makes this constant nausea so hard to deal with sometimes. I think its the choking feeling...Also terrified of wasps.

18. I get the giggles when I'm in pain. I split my lip open when I was 6 and had to have a stitch. The nurse had to hold my head coz I was laughing so much.

19. I love my make up (duh), not so I can make myself look better, I just love colours and the art of it. Most days its the best part of my morning.

20. I'm moving out with my boyfriend this year and the whole home thing is the most stressful thing EVER!!

I think I killed about 30 minutes with that
Back to databases....


Well-known member
1. This was the first internet forum I joined. It helped me realize that I was completley addicted to forums (unlimited information/advice) I later went on to join a multiple sclerosis forum, a weight loss forum... and of course MUA -- all which have changed my life for the better.

2. I have crazy low self esteem. The first couple years I spent on specktra I didnt ever post or reply to threads even though I recognize a bunch of old names, nobody will recognize my lurker self.

3. I've lost about 100 lbs since 2007. About 50 each year... now I'm just trying to maintain and it's hard!

4. I was diagnosed with MS in 2006 and it's the scariest thing that's ever happened to me.

5. I started interferon medication in 2006 and this year I"m making the choice to double my dosage because I finally think I can handle the side effects. Lets hope my liver can!

6. I'm 25 and I've never been kissed. I'm basically drew barrymore in never been kissed except instead of being a hs loser I was the hs wall flower/nobody.

7. I love the show alias. holy crap!

8. I want to quit my job to go to grad school..... in a little under 2 years.

9. I have a ba in communications.

10. I work for municipal government in my hometown.

11. the only reason I moved back to my hometown is because I was so sick in 2006 after graduating from college that my parents had to come out to vancouver and get me.

12. i bought my parents house from them last year... ugh it's in my hometown.

13. I would love to fix up the house but because of ms I'm on medication for fatigue-- so I hit a mental phsyical wall after like an hour.... and i get really confused and tired and cant think straight while it feels like my brain is floating in the air a metre behind my head.

14. for the first time in my life, I dont have to shop in only plus size stores since i'm like a size 16. its a big deal.

15. I've only straightened my hair like 5 times in my life. It makes me look sad because i always have big hair.

16. I've worn glasses for 20 years. I'm going to try trial contacts today.

17. I own a black '07 chevy optra and it's name is gerome. he gets really good milage.

18. i lived in vancouver bc for four years and want to move to halifax, ns in 2011.

19. I have really bad balance because of ms. I would fail a field sobriety test any given moment.

20. I can sleep for 10 hours straight ANY NIGHT. I regularly need to sleep for 12 hours or my speech starts slurring.


Well-known member
1. I am a christian

2. My Dad died when I was 21, I'm actually almost 28

3. I have not seen my mother in almost a year. I have no clue where she lives. For 6 months, I thought she was dead.

4. I am a sketch artist, but only draw when I need emotional release. I only draw nudes.

5. I have never truly felt pretty

6. I am half chinese, 1/4 maroon, 1/4 portugese... my dad used to speak to me in chinese as a child. Today I do not know one word of chinese, but it still gives me a feeling of nostalgia

7. My Niece grew up with me (away from her mother) from 2 months old, until she was 5...She used to call me mommy. I miss those days. I love her like she's mine.

8. I adore cats, but after my 15y/o cat died (suddenly), my elderly aunt was so heartbroken she said no more cats.

9.I'm afraid to look out open windows at night. I get goosebumps and stomach spasms.

10. I love the beach, live on an island, but havent been to one in almost two years.

11. I'm learning how to drive, and secretly love it.

12. My friends think i'm tough and come to me for advice when they have problems. I secretly cry about them behind their backs. (isnt that just pathetic?)

13. I AM THE BIGGEST SLOB ever! (whoooo that felt good!)

14. I spend to ease hurt or unhappiness

15. i get impatient with life on earth, and often hope the rapture will happen in my lifetime

16. despite #15 I want 4 kids, I'm losing hope I will have four in time...since I plan on having them two years apart, and i'm not married yet.

17. I love to cook, but hate to do dishes.

18. I long for my own house and my own space. I live in my late father's house with his sister. I love her to death, but I want to be free.

19. I'm scared to go back to school-to me it means starting over, with the possibility I will fail...again.

20. I was recently diagnosed with depression. After two weeks, and feeling high, I quit the drugs, and now take B-Complex and Honey (and plenty of prayer). I wonder if this sane feeling I'm having is really denial.


Well-known member
1. I often have conversations with my GPS when I'm driving. Usually because it takes me a way I'm not used to and I must let it know how upset it made me.

2. I have a sick, weird, twisted sense of humor.

3. I'm 24 and only just got my licenses last year. I just never felt like driving.

4. I'm terrified of spiders. I freeze up, can't breath, and flip out even over little baby ones.

5. I hate warm weather. I like it cold.

6. I have really bad road rage. My mom gets mad at me because I'll flip people off and she thinks someone may attempt to kill me.

7. I have a strong attraction to ginger men. I don't know why, but even back when I was younger I always thought pasty boys with red hair were cute.

8. I watch cartoons all the time. I love them. Cartoon network is the channel I have on most frequently.

9. I love British television. The comedies are the best.

10. I have a major thing for accents. Living in a hicky town in Virginia means I don't hear many. Perhaps this is why I like British shows so much.

11. I love to bake.

12. I used to be a vegetarian, but gave it up a few years ago. I blame it on the Food Network. They made chicken and steak look so good. I also missed trying new things.

13. I'm really clumsy. I trip all the time. It's quite sad, really.

14. I still live with my parents (yes, I know, it is depressing, but at least it's free)

15. I'm only 5'3, but despite this I wear flats most of the time. I use to wear heels, but I got lazy.

16. I really don't like ice cream.

17. I love video games, but don't play them very often because I get too angry. Apparently, I have issues.

18. I do not plan to ever get married or have children. The idea just never suited me.

19. My ipod died a few weeks ago and I'm going crazy without it. I lost over 13,000 songs. I never really knew how dependent I was on it until now. Oh, why is it that we never know what we have till it's gone. Why?

20. I have issues with saliva, sweat, and other bodily fluids. Um...it doesn't make life fun. But, I'm trying to not be so squicked out by things.


Well-known member
1. I have a horrible temper which I inherit from my father.

2. I think I have a mental disorder, but have never been formally diagnosed.

3. After studying some disorders, I have a sickly feeling #2 is Bi-Polar Disorder.

4. I've been erratically drinking and smoking for 2 years.

5. I'm 15, but I turn 16 in December.

6. I live in a town consisting of less than 2000 people and I hate it. Our biggest city within an hour only has 26,000 and that is only because of the nearby army base.

7. I have elaborate plans to move to California and pursue a career in cosmetology.

8. Just from what I have learned in the last 2 years about hair from my retired beautician grandma and the internet. I've gained a reputation to be better than a lot of the hair dressers in the town.

9. I'm very proud of that and I take my hair skills very seriously.

10. I've was arrested last November with 2 other girls for being high off vicodin.

11. We wouldn't have gotten caught had the girl selling it, not ratted.

12. I don't blame her though, it was my desicion. I got off very easily though, I got 5 weeks supspension w/ tutoring which was awsome, and 6 months probation which started in April. I get off in October.

13. My 2 best friends were over one day while everyone was gone. Me and one of them got drunk and we were hanging out. My other friend dared us to make out, We did. It was wierd after, but the look on my friends face was good enough to make it worth it.

14. I weighed 300 pound and I'm 5'7. a month ago

15. I'm on a low carb diet and I have lost 20 pound so far.

16. I'm gay.

17. I wear makeup to boost my self esteem and to feel pretty.

18. I plan to dabble in a little drag preforming after high school.

19. I also plan to go to prom and school a few times in Drag.

20. I own over 1000 dollars in cosmetic and skin care products. Which I have all bought on my allowance and from my job.


Well-known member
1. I've been married to my husband for 5 years. But it took me 10 years prior to get the ring and proposal. Sheesh.

2. I love to cook and re-create my fave restaurant foods.

3. I'm addicted to hand sanitizer, preferably Purell.

4. I got to participate in a Q & A session with Lenny Kravitz on Yahoo Nissan Live Sets when he promoted his "Love Revolution" album. Man is he hot!

5. I won a free trip to Maui. Then my flight got cancelled/rescheduled because of bad weather and had to shell out big $$$$ to accomodate my hubby and I for a few more days--not prepared for that. I ended up in the red big time. Free my ass!!!

6. I donated a t-shirt logo design to ACLU in support of invalidating Prop 8. If you love someone, no one should dictate who you can or can't marry.

7. I am short. I'd give anything to be over 5' tall without heels.

8. I have been diagnosed with an arrhythmia and am now on heart medication, Atenelol. The only redeeming quality is the fact that there were hot paramedics upon arrival after my 911 calls.

9. I fall on completely flat pavement.

10. I gave up a pretty successful but high-stress career as a head Graphic Designer to do what I truly love: working for MAC

11. I used to call B-I-N-G-O as a recreation aide in high school.

12. I hate mean people.

13. I believe comfort food is love.

14. I'm a total phaser sometimes, especially when it comes to exercise, projects and the like.

15. I think bald men are sexy. (I'm talkin' to you hubby!)

16. I have tattoo on my waist of a sleeping dragon wrapped around the earth.

17. The now defunct series "Daria" and "Dead Like Me" were two of my favorite shows.

18. I freak out at the site of earthworms after a good rain. Blech.

19. I rescued a dog from my local animal shelter during Christmas '08. Her name is Mochi.

20. I've never met any of my blood relatives outside of my immediate family.


Well-known member
1. I really want to be an entertainer.

2. I've never been kissed, or had a boyfriend for that matter.

3. I've been told I'm a good storyteller.

4. Michael Jackson died on my 16th birthday, and I was a HUGE fan.

5. I am teaching myself to play the piano, and I played the song "Us" by Regina Spektor at a school function.

6. I have an older sister, who is also in love with MAC.

7. I really can't stand Miley Cyrus. She is sooo annoying.

8. Death Cab For Cutie is my favorite band. I saw them at the Ryman Auditorium on May 4th.

9. When I am sick with a sore throat, I talk like Lindsay Lohan. You think I kid, but I am not.

10. I am not a big fan of the ACLU.

11. I collect rubber duckies.

12. I am a kid at heart, and I love kids.

13. I like to spend time alone, but I am an outgoing person.

14. I love acting, and I would love to pursue that as a career.

15. I miss the days when I was a kid and things weren't as complicated as they are now.

16. When people ask me to play piano or sing something, I get really embarrassed.

17. I embarrass really easily.

18. I love making people happy, and helping people.

19. I am a Christian, but I want everyone to have equal rights, including myself.

20. I don't like Katy Perry, Fergie, or Lady Gaga.


Well-known member
1. I was raised in the YUKON of all places (canada.) and no, i didnt live in an igloo.

2. I quit art school because I wanted to do something better with my life.

3. I refuse to wash dishes by hand. I think its the most grossest thing ever.

4. I sleep long long nights.

5. I obsess over weight, but really dont do anything about my feelings.

6. I met my current boyfriend on a social networking site, like myspace, but not myspace. I am embarassed to say the site.

7. He is moving here in 9 days. I havent told my parents.

8. I like to hold grudges.

9. I love sex. SEX. but I've only slept with TWO people (including current boyfriend). And i have no problem with that.

10. I hate having a period more then anything.

11. My boyfriend smokes a lot of weed, and i'm worried that when he moves here so will i.

12. I'm obsessed with Kings of Leon. I see them live in a month.

13. I pay 1350 a month for rent. I hate the choice I made about this apartment, and want out of my lease so bad.

14. When i'm upset I do odd things, like cut off all my hair, and get piercings.

15. I want to never have to work. Live a comfortable life, with money. And just basically do what I want. - I know that probably wont happen.

16. I'm a new mac addict!

17. I cant help buy spend all my money. Even if i need it for something else.

18. I'm pretty tall for a girl, 5'7-5'8

19. I love to read.

20. I moved out of my parents house at 17, and away from my hometown at 18. I will never go back.

SOME of these are depressing. lol.


Well-known member
1. I love dogs.

2. I'm 5'4 but I like to say 5'5.

3. I am Chinese and Filipino.

4. I don't have many girl friends because they either betray me or become jealous.

5. I am like one of the guys when I hang out with them.

6. I have too much clothes and yet I still buy more. My taste changes so fast.

7. I want to marry my boyfriend. We've been together for almost 1.5 years.

8. I'm 22 years old.

9. I am the youngest and the only girl in the family. As a result, I am overprotected.

10. I drive a Toyota Matrix. I love it because I can fit a lot of crap in the back.

11. I have watched the Friends series at 15 times from the first episode to the last episode.

12. I don't do my nails. Takes too long and gets f*cked up in a few hours.

13. I'm super clumsy. I hurt myself on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis.

14. I miss So Cal. I wish I lived in the OC.

15. I was an accident. I was not planned.

16. I have played the piano for over 10 years.

17. I don't know how to ride a bike. Don't laugh.

18. I love to play basketball.

19. I started pre-school at the age of 3 so I was always a year younger than everyone in my class. It confused me for a while.

20. I used to eat hot cheetos almost everyday for a few months when I was in elementary school.


Well-known member
1. I got married at 19.
2. Divorced at 25.
3. I have a 12 year old daughter and a 9 year old son.
4. My ex-husband cheated on me while I was pregnant with our son (hence #2).
5. I currently have two chihuahuas, Tony and Misha, but have owned a total of 6 (that includes two of them from my childhood).
6. I once owned a Rose-haired tarantula.
7. My daughter was born at 32 1/2 weeks and she weighed 3 lbs 1 ou.
8. My dad passed away on 11/14/06.
9. I am very short-tempered and get mad easily.
10. I love to read and I do it really fast.
11. I married the man I lost my virginity to and my first love (when I was 15 years old) was the 2nd man I slept with.
12. My dream, as a young girl, was to be a dancer and live in a converted warehouse in NYC (anyone ever seen the movie "Flashdance"?...well that's the life I wanted, minus the construction job LOL)
13. I was in the gifted and talented program in middle school and had advanced placement classes in high school.
14. I have a brother that is 18 years younger (I am 34) than me.
15. I met my current boyfriend on a dating internet site (almost 4 years ago).
16. I got alcohol poisoning when I was 19.
17. I love classical music and the ballet.
18. Everyone always thinks I'm Caucasian (I'm 100% Mexican).
19. I want to have another child before I am 40 years old.
20. Fashion is my #1 love.

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