20 Things That We Don't Know About You!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ

17. I don't know how to ride a bike. Don't laugh.

Neither do I, so don't feel bad.


Well-known member
Ooooo this could be fun.

1. I'm 19 and have been deemed a Cheese Connoisseur (seriously, lol) by the Orlando Culinary Academy (Cordon Bleu subsidiary)

2. I have a scary obsession with Hello Kitty. She's tattoo'd on my back, shes in my room, hell, now shes in my make up case ^_^

3. I love Sushi! nom nom nom...

4. My favorite food is almost any kind of seafood

5. I love Final Fantasy; I have all 12 games

6. My boyfriend and I have about a foot's difference in height. He's 6'2" in & I'm 5' 2.5" in.

7. I don't have any friends. Sucks but true.

8. I work as a clerk in a car dealership. Because I do, I can make it really hard to purchase a car (hard on the salesman, I mean)

9. I have dreams of doing something in life that will make me stand out above the crowd. But because I don't really have any special talents, I'm pretty sure that won't come true.

10. I've played lacross for 10 years now. This will be the first year I cannot play due to schedule comflicts :'(

11. I hate kids. Whoops.

12. I have kidney stones. I went in June 12th to have them removed via shockwave treatment, and it just moved down my kidney and thats it. Apparently thats how tough I am. Haha.

13. I am Jewishhhh, but I like to joke about it. I parody myself a lot, but the keyword is myself. No one else.

14. IRL, I'm pretty intimidating for being so short and white (even though I'm a Hispanic Jew). Not sure why, but people just don't like to mess with me. I don't see why, I love a fight every so often

15. I'm pretty damn girlie except for that whole intimidation thing. I have too many clothes, too many shoes, too little make up (as far as I'm concerned), and a ridiculous amount of bath shtuffs. I like acting super girlie and my boyfriend likes it too. He feels better when he can protect a girly-girl rather than a tough gal.

16. Oh, right, I have a technical certificate in Web Design. Want me to make you a web site? Well, no. Otherwise I would have stuck with that as my major, lol.

17. Speaking of which, I'm majoring in advertising/public relations. Eventually, I want to be an advertising executive of Truth or Above the Influence, to show people the dangers of smoking cigarettes. Because of cigarettes, my dad no longer has a bladder or prostate and now urinates through a bag. Food for thought.

18. I can be a pretty big bitch. Really. Pushy as well. I'm not like, feminist bitchy or anything, just if something's wrong I'm going to tell you, and you're going to like it.

19. I can read people pretty well (obviously IRL). It takes me maybe 10 seconds to determine how you act before you even say a word.

20. I have a huge problem with people being late. Absolutely HUGE. If you set a time for me to be somewhere days in advance, why can't someone just BE THERE? Things do come up, and yes, I have to suck it up. But really, someone who has nothing wrong and is just late is really inexcusable to me. Ugh.

Thats that, babes


Well-known member
1. im 17, and im at college

2. i study art, photography and psychology

3. i eat mcdonalds every day, but im still skinny lol

4. im only 5ft 2... MIDGET POWERR!!!

5. im a huge game nerd, i love guitar hero.

6. i dislike children. alot.

7. im the laziest person ever. i hate walking, even if its to the end of the street.

8. i have a lovely boyfriend called lee. he can be seen in some of my youtube videos.

9. my worst fears are being sick and drowning.

10. im a coke addict. I MEAN COLA lol. yeah i drink can after can after can...

11. i cant stand my mams boyfriend. theyve been together for 10 years but its still so awkward between me and him.

12. im a chocoholic and a shopaholic lol

13. i go to the cinema as often as i can.

14. i go mad when someone unsubscribes to my youtube. i think its funny when i get hate comments, my boyfriend goes and verbally kills them lol!

15. i sit at the computer all the time. and refresh youtube and twitter every 2 seconds.

16. i smoke and drink. but not as much as i used to. i have recently stopped doing drugs.

17. i wish i could have all the money in the world and literally buy everything and anything i wanted. i could spend a million £££'s in about an hour.

18. i am so patriotic, and i dont think i could be anything else than british!

19. i want to travel the world.

20. i was an only child for 11 years. then my mam had my half brother. i wanted to shoot myself. i think that was just kinda pre-teen moodyness like lol


Well-known member
1. I'm an only child

2. I am always online. My laptop is my best friend

3. My favorite shows are Dexter and Law and order (all 3)

4. I've only had 2 boyfriends in my life

5. I am 27 years old

6. My first crush was Michael Jackson

7. If I could look like anyone, I'd choose Beyonce

8. I was addicted to red lipstick. I have worn it to work repeatedly

9. I hate it when dark girls stick to nude or bronze lips

10. My favorite book is The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

11. My current celeb crush is Jeremy Sisto

12. My favorite color is blue

13. I hate Mac foundation (Gasp!)

14. I really dislike children

15. I am a compulsive shopper

16. 90 percent of my clothes are from Urban Outfitters

17. The only thing in this world that scares me are spiders *shudders*

18. I wear plus size jeans, but regular size tops. Too much junk in the trunk lol

19. I am an african american woman who loooves white men (I love the brothers,too trust me, but I do love sexy white men)

20. I am getting into pink and purple lips now. I have retired the red lipstick (temporarily)


Well-known member
1. Growing up, I always wanted to be a movie star.

2. I was born in Chicago, but spent my childhoon in Acapulco,Mx before moving and settling in California with my family.

3. I've been into the Harry Potter series since I was 9yrs old. I hold it dear to me, because I grew up and went through so much while reading it.

4. I got married 2 months prior to my 18th b-day. We will be married 4 years soon.

5. I was never into cosmetics at all. I didnt even wear gloss, but I liked doing it on others. My husband is the one who got me into it.

6. In 7th grade, I had a mild obsession w/ the Princes' of England. What? they're cute! lol

7. I'm super talkative and friendly. Through out my school years, I'd always get in trouble for talking.

8. I read the 7th Harry Potter in 24hrs exactly, I didn't eat, I didn't sleep. All I could do was read the book. Its soo good.

9. I also stood in line the night it was released.

10. Another childhood dream of mine was to be an astronaught.

11. My favorite food to eat (besides Mexican) is Pizza. I could pizza all day everyday.

12. I watched the first 3 season dvd's of LOST back to back and it took me 2 days to get through them. I guess I get slightly obsessive.lol.

13. I am extremely ticklish. I seriously feel like I am going to DIE if someone tickles me non-stop.

14. I am one of 5 kids.

15. I want to go to Europe. If I could I would move to spain or italy.

16. I don't have my DL yet. I am working on it though. Just need to take the driven test, and I get totally freaked of having an accident during the test.

17. Alice in Wonderland is my favorite Disney movie. Followed by Hercules, and The Lion King and The Nightmare before Christmas.

18. Christmas is my most absolute favorite season of all. I just love everything about it! I cannot wait till its Christmas.

19. My favorite soft drink is "Yoli" but its only manufactured in Guerrero,Mx. So I can only get it when someone brings it back to me.

20. I have a fear of heights, flying and needles. I've passed out, and vomited during such events. It sucks.


Well-known member
Here we go!

1. My dad wanted to name me Mercedes to go with begining part of my last name, which is Benz.

2. I am 5'9"

3. I am a guy desguised in a woman's body

4. I work on my own car

5. I was born in San Jose, CA

6. I hit on women more than men

7. My dog drives me insane

8. Had cervical cancer

9. Was on the swim team in highschool

10. I have been elbowed inbetween the eyes and my cheek bone near my nose has lifted! I probably should get it taken care of!

11. I have HORRIBLE migraines about 4x a month

12. J & I have been together for 5 years

13. I have the hugest crush on my friend that I have known for years & the guy at the aquarium store I go to!

14. I love the Chicago Bears

16. I love food! I will try anything once! My all time love is raw sea urchin (uni) & raw oysters.

17. I drink WAY to many Red Bulls a day

18. Ill kick anyones ass that plays on my PS3

19. My dad just had his right leg amputated

20. I am getting 2 more huge tattoos


Well-known member
I've been meaning to do this for a while...let's see if I can come up with 20...

1. I went to Catholic school for 9 years. They were the most miserable 9 years of my life.

2. That school, and the people in it, made me question my faith, and no longer want to be Catholic...

3. I was hospitalized for 3 months in the middle of my Freshman year of HS...I had a mental breakdown and tried to commit suicide.

4. I credit that experience for making me smarter and more self-aware. Despite the fact that it was a terrible situation, I believe it bettered me as a person.

5. My father never came to visit me while I was in the hospital...he was too busy drinking...and I still kind of hate him for it.

6. My father had a heart attack about 4 years ago...he's got a defibrillator now, and the doctor has told him to stop drinking, but he won't. He even gets drunk when I come visit him...it makes me want to cry.

7. My mom is my best friend.

8. I've been a little aggravated with my mom and the way she handles money lately...I love her, but I want to strangle her. I'm afraid she's going to eff up my credit.

9. I just bought a house in NJ, at the urging of my mom, because she needed to get out of the situation with my little brother's dad (he's a jerk)...but I don't know how she's going to handle the mortgage and all the other bills.

10. I give my mom as much $ as I can every month, to help out, but I have my own bills, rent, AND I have to take care of my 6 month old son...

11. I feel guilty when I don't give my mom as much money as I really could...but sometimes I really just want to do something for me. Maybe I'm selfish...

12. I feel guilty when I look at my son, sometimes...because he doesn't have a father, and I know it's not my fault, but he deserves so much better.

13. I wonder, sometimes, what my life would be like right now, if I didn't have my son, but I love him more than anything else in life, and I think I would hate my life without him...I often feel like he's my only happiness.

14. I have bipolar disorder, which is well controlled on my medication combo, but lately I've been in a depression, and I'm finding it hard to pull myself out.

15. I took my son to get his portrait done this weekend...I blew $300 that I really shouldn't have, but he's just SO damn cute...I couldn't resist. I got the pictures back, and in some of them, he looks just like my Pop-Pop (grandfather), who I adored...but in others he looks like his sperm donor...and it makes me sad...I pray every day that he looks more like me and my family than that scumbag piece of sh*t. Sorry for that one.

16. These facts suck. How about a happy one? I've got 28 tattoos.

17. I used to work in a tattoo shop as a piercer.

18. I've been in a few different tattoo magazines, and Savage did a profile on me earlier this year (w00t! I'm famous! LOL)

19. The tattoo I got done is disgustingly cute...it's a teddy bear with a big red bow around his neck, and my son's name in blocks underneath.

20. Each individual tattoo may not have a specific meaning, but they all have memories and times attached to them. It's like a little scrap book of my life from 18 until now.

Sorry for all those sad ones, guys...but once I get going in one direction, it's hard to stop. LOL


Well-known member
My deepest, darkest...Here Goes!

1. I keep my back ups in my wine fridge. (Beer, wine, Tendertone, anyone?)
2. I wear Invisalign.
3. I love the Damier Collection by Louis Vuitton.
4. I am very sarcastic and tend to offend other people very easily without realizing it or meaning to. I have lost alot of friends because of this. It used to bother me but as I get older I realize that I have to be me. I apologize and get on with my life. If someone doesn't like me for me then so be it.
5. I love all types of animals. Except bugs.
6. I got stung by a huge furry black bumble bee last summer. The welt was there for 3 weeks. See number 5.
7. We love to vacation at Walt Disney World in Orlando. We go every year in Oct. during the Food & Wine Festival. Good times!
8. My twin sister lives several states away. I miss her everyday.
9. I change a million times before I leave the house.
10. I was an exchange student in high school and lived in Karratha, Australia for a year.
11. I have a Chocolate Lab named, "Cadbury" and a long hair cat named "Charmin".
12. I love Johnny Depp. Like a school girl, weak in the knees, crush kind of love. Don't get me started on the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series. I almost feel embarassed watching them with my husband. Weird, I know.
13. I had terrible Post-Partum that carried into my son's first year of his life.
14. I could eat sushi every day.
15. I am a brush whore. Have to have them, only use about 10 of them on a regular basis.
16. Never met a lip product I didn't like.
17. I love scary movies. Not gory scary but thriller scary.
18. I left my job as a Flight Attendant to raise our son. I miss it terribly and wish I could go back.
19. I can't lose the left over baby weight.
20. I love Frye boots!


Well-known member
All my hidden secrets:

1. I was never into make up in my teens...hated lipgloss and eyelash curlers looked like a scary touture device.
2. I'm adopted.
3. I have a two year old girl named Paige.
4. Bettie Page and Dita Von Teese are my idols.
5. I am a huge Twilight fan I wish I lived in those books.
6. Late teens I was a goth girl and thats when I had some of the best times of my life.
7. I love halloween more than christmas.Pumpkins!!!
8. I'm a romantic at heart
9. Johnny Depp is sooo hot...I wont believe it if someone thinks different (unless they saw him as willy wonka= yuck lol)
10. I have 3 tattoos and want loads more.
11. I have had multiple piercing over the years and love them all.
12. One of my fave books is the far away tree by enid blyton.
13. My fave band is Blink 182 and always will be,Rockshow been my fave song.
14. I really want to go to Italy (everywhere in Italy).
15. I'm addicted to red lipstick/lipglasss and pinup style (shock!!!)
16. Writting short stories de-stresses me.
17. My fiancee is 3 years younger than me....toyboy hehehe.
18. I have a very short fuse...must be becuase I'm an Aries.
19. My fave color is red.
20. I'm a huge Buffy the vampire slayer fan and can still quote it..

That was hard lol x


Well-known member
1. I'm a very picky eater. I have a list of things I will not eat and it takes me forever to choose what to eat at restaurants because I have to find out what is in it/on it. a lot of times I ask for things without "this... this... this" and sometimes I worry that the waitor thinks I'm high maintenance :/

2. I'm a horrible procrastinator. or actually, a terrific procrastinator. I usually wait til the last possible moment to get things done. however the deadline fuels me to be more efficient so it works out

3. I'm an actress and a student. after I get my BA in acting I want to go for my masters and also study psychology as a second bachelors.

4. growing up I moved back and forth between oklahoma and texas and hadn't lived anywhere else. now I live in chicago. it's such a change for me!

5. I live with my fiance, we've been together 4 years and getting married this september!

6. I have a beautiful long-haired kitty who is my baby and I talk to him all the time (thankfully FH doesn't think I'm weird!) I wish we had more kitties but that will have to wait til we have a bigger space.

7. my fiance and I are both childfree. we do not have and do not want children. ever.

8. I currently have a 4.0 GPA and I'm pretty proud of it.

9. I cut/dye my own hair. before I started cutting my own hair, my mom did it for me. I have never had it cut/dyed/styled by a salon/professional. I also cut my fiance's hair now.

10. I'm messy but it's an organized mess. I hang on to things because I think I might find a use for it later on. I really need to de-clutter my life.

11. I can't handle being stressed. I get overwhelmed and just shut down.

12. I think my eyes are my best feature and it really sucks that I have herditary dark circles

13. I can watch movies over and over again (if I love them)

14. I don't really like driving and since moving to chicago have not driven at all (so, for about a year now!)

15. I love dancing. I want to try every kind of dancing there is!

16. I like being pale and try really hard not to ever get tan!

17. my mom is half-british and I love when she talks to her family and her accent comes out more

18. my entire family smokes and I have never smoked and I never will

19. I really enjoy reading and I have since I was a little kid.

20. I'm a caffiene addict and I drink coffee/tea constantly (I used to drink soda but I cut it out)


Well-known member
  1. I seem like quite a simple person but I'm multi faceted and if you cross me you will live to tell the tale but you won't want to.
  2. I'm VERY easy to impress, Mr RR does simple things and they impress me
  3. I look really dumb and say really stupid things but I'm the most educated person in my family
  4. I would die for my family, Mr RR and my two best friends
  5. I have two dogs, a German Shepherd and a Husky, I love them as if they were my kids
  6. My mother and father are my idols
  7. I cannot stand peas and will pick them and put them to the side regardless of where I am
  8. If they allowed apple sours to be tapped to your veins, I'd so get that
  9. I can drink anyone under the table, some of my mates are big burly guys and I can drink a lot more than they can
  10. I have a low pain threshold but brazilians don't hurt me at all
  11. I have no uniform way of having a shower, I just wash whatever I feel like and roll with it
  12. I am very very sarcastic and have a very very dry sense of humour
  13. When bad things happen to people (e.g. they fall down stairs) I laugh because that's my coping mechanism
  14. I am the only female in my family to pass my driving test the first time around with no minors
  15. Toffees are the best sweets ever
  16. Heels make me feel really really sexy, more than any underwear ever could
  17. My hair is darkish brown and it becomes lighter brown in the summer time, same with my eyes
  18. I have too many pairs of knickers, they're like a magnet for me, 9/10 times when I go shopping I will return with a pair of knickers
  19. I am the best in the world at Wii Bowling, we had a compo at work and I won
  20. I LOVE LOVE LOVE lying in bed/being in a room with a glass ceiling and hearing the rain lash down outside, it's very relaxing to me


Active member
haha this is cute .

1.My dogs midnite & tessy are my angels , the most unjudgemental and loving babys on the planet <3

2.I watch ALOT of cartoons & im 21

3.Im obsessed with my own mortality , I think about my own death often and imagine what my funeral might be like

4.To go along with #4 , I worry that when i die ill become a ghoust and be lonely

5.Im more empathetic towards animals than I am Humans , Humans piss me off.

6. My dad is a SocioPath & a couple other things i rather not mention

7.I grew up in a Trailer Park & No im not Trash!!

8.Ive been in therapy since i was 13 years old .

9. Im obsessed with Pink lip products

10.I live with my boyfriend of going on 2 years<3

11. I LOVE men with long hair , i mean LOVE sooo sexy!!

12. My Boyfriends hair is alot longer than mine .. at his butt pretty much

13. Im a huge fan of Scandinavian Metal ,Britney Spears & Mozart...

14.Im half Danish & Half dutch but i grew up in the Danish traditions , food , language and such.

15.If I won a million dollars , id start a No-Kill Pet Sancturary/ Shelter

16.I battle with my weight .. all the time .. for my entire life

17.I was teased alot in highschool & public school

18.Im a vegetarian , been one for going on 7 years now

19. I have a tattoo of a pink my little pony style castle

20.My mom is and always will be my hero & the reason I keep on living .


Well-known member
ha ha I like this thread

1. I'm adopted

2. I really dont know my nationality. Some family say that I am this..Some say that I am that. Its weird.

3. I have OCD. I count everything.

4. My favorite number is 11

5. I hate ppl that smoke..but my fiance smokes...Weird

6.I have been with my man for 11 years.

7. I have two kids

8. My dad was in prison my whole life... but Im still a daddys girl

9. I met my mom for the first time when I was 24

10. I have two tattoos and I plan on getting a sleeve

11. I have two dogs Cupcake and Petey

12. I have 11 brothers and sisters

13. I love greek food

14. My fiance thinks I am addicted to MAC

15. I like to travel

16. I want to start a non profit organization for at risk youth.

17. I love going to church.

18. I have 14 MAC palettes(15)

19. My new love is Milan Mode Lipstick

20. Im a really good cook


Well-known member
1. I'm a fulltime Artist/Illustrator and screenprinter. I maintain 2 shops fulltime as well.
2. I'm (secretly and technically!) 4' 11 1/2" -- but I like to lie I'm 5' to prevent myself from feeling too short.
3. I'm only 79lbs at time of writing. I am not anorexic, but come from a petite family where weight issues has been a struggle all my life.
4. I have had CF-Related Diabetes since I'm 7, which makes weight gaining even more difficult.
5. Eating raw octopus and other odd cuisine is constantly on my menu. It's not unusual to me in the least.
6. I have 2 tattoos and 9 piercings.
7. I never knew my Father, nor could I recognise his face.
8. I am half French, but was not raised French nor know the language.
9. It makes me insecure not to know the extent of my heritage sometimes.
10. I have never looked my age, but years younger. I was mistaken to be 13 almost until I turned 19.
11. I am actively pursuing languages, particularly Japanese and French and hopefully one day attending college for East Asian Studies.
12. I have naturally very dark brunette hair, but have dyed it vibrant red for over 2 years. 4/5 people think it's natural. 5/5 people somehow think my natural colour was originally light blonde.
13. From the age of 10, the only music I found myself drawn to was foreign.
14. The majority of my playlist is World Music, foreign nu metal/rock with random sprinklings of hits on the Billboard chart.
15. I have Cystic Fibrosis and was diagnosed at the age of 2.
16. I have little compassion for people with no motivation.
17. I started a business when I was 16.
18. I have always been mature for my age and could never socialize with teenagers or peers.
19. Because of the above, I have very few people I could say I'm close to.
20. I believe life is where we take ourselves and everything unobtainable can be gained, if one only tries to defeat the odds.


1. I like my beans on toast cold...as in straight out of the tin and onto my toast, I just can't do hot beans.

2. I got married at 20 and this month will be our one year aniversary

3. We have 9 cats in our house, the mummy (mena or minminz as we call her), the daddy (spike) and 7 unnamed three week old baybaaayys.

4. I'm of north african, hispanic and british origin.

5. I'm muslim.

6. I'm interested in a gazillion things such as sewing and designing, make up, interior design, pathology and forensics, arts and crafts etc but I get bored very easily and couldn't make a career out of any of them so instead I stick to being a housewife and indulge in them every now and again. Every month i'm into something different lol

7. I'm an absolute STARDOLL-AHOLIC! Stardoll.com is the shizz. where else can you buy virtual DKNY for $8?!

8. I fell in love with salmon last week. I realised I was cooking it and not eating it which didn't make any sense so I thought bah, feck it...I might aswell, and lo and behold i'm a convert

9. I have ridiculously clicky knees, it's quite shocking how loud they click when i bend down :S

10. I refer to my cat spike as my son o_O

11. I burned myself twice cooking this week :/

12. I LIVE for ben and jerry's cookie dough.

13. I'm convinced my face is wonky...i'm sure one of my eyebrows is slightly higher than the other and my huge bottom lip is more to the right of my face >:l

14. I'm head over heels in love with my husband and have been for 4 years *blush blush*

15. I always wrote on my CV that I was fluent in arabic, spanish, english, french and portuguese....i lied muahahaha! I'm fluent in arabic and english, understand portuguese very well (speak a little), understand spanish alright (also speak a little) and haven't got the foggiest with french...and it's my second language...ugh the shame.

16. I'm addicted to fabric softeners! only concentrated mind, I can never stick to one bottle until it's finished...I have 5 in our kitchen and use a different one everyday..as i said, i get bored easy.

17. I will one day invent some sort of contraption that allows me and other women around the world to step into it, type in their ideal weight and KABLAM! I'll be slimmer without exercise *yawn* or crappy diets.

18. I love to laugh, especially with my family. Makes me happy :]

19. My grandmother has kindly taken it upon herself to predict that I shall be popping out twins whenever it is I get pregnant, inshallah

20. I catch colds very easily but only from people or if i'm hot and I get the slightest breeze of air on my back, chest or head. Bleh, I just got over a cold last week....did I mention it's summertime over here? *sighs*


Well-known member
1. I love the internet! I've been addicted to the internet since 6th grade.

2. I used to webdesign. I started webdesigning in 2006 when I started out with Piczo to Freewebs to Subdomain to Domain. I quit webdesigning due to my SmartFTP 3.0 program expired and couldn't put any content up and plus my host's site doesn't exist anymore. I don't know if any of you are familar with Glamorous Vibe.

3. My grandmother's mom is Native American while my great, great, great, great grandfather is Caucasian.

4. I love watching Mean Girls, my favorite movie of all! I also enjoy watching Sonic and most anime shows.

5. I'm a MAC addict (most of you already know). I became addicted to MAC last year since I first watched Fafinettex3's YT videos and that's when the addiction kicked in.

6. I lived in Texas all my life and would like to go move to California one day if I ever convince my boyfriend to come live with me there.

7. R&B and Rap music are my favorite kinds of music that I'll listen to.

8. My boyfriend and I been together for almost 3 years and I do want to marry him one day.

9. I used to drink soda all the time until I found out that soda breaks me out.

10. I am a backup queen! I like getting backups of products from the LE line of what I'm going to use most.

11. I work at Subway and I've worked there for 3 years. I am working on getting either the assistant manager or manager position.

12. I depise rude/disrespectful people with a passion.

13. I have a twin, a freternal twin.

14. Dramatic and smokey eye looks are my favorites as well as the bright/colorful and neutral looks.

15. I love glitter! Reflect glitters and MUFE diamond powder glitters are my faves!

16. My favorite eyeshadow finishes are Veluxe Pearl and Starflash!

17. I hate getting zits that appear on my face out of nowhere. Even though I hate it when my mom tries to squeeze my zits when they hurt like hell!

18. I love Lipton's Sparkling Green Tea in Strawberry Kiwi! The best sparkling green tea beverage ever!

19. I've been to the MAC store 3 times in my life. The first time I went was when I got Shimmermoss e/s, Vanilla e/s and Select Sheer Pressed Powder in NC55. The second time I went to the Hello Kitty event and had a huge haul. The third time I went to B2M for Euro Beat d/g, Eclectic Edge lipglass and Parfait Amour e/s (my sister wanted that color).

20. I don't own any of MAC's foundations at all. I've worn their foundation for the first time when I went to go get colormatched.


Well-known member
1) I am 26 ... Michael Jackson died on my 26th birthday ... as did Farrah Fawcett. It was a horrible day.

2) I have two kids ... Shelby will be five in a few days and Atticus is three. Most people think I should regret having them so young, but I don't at all. It means I will be 40 when they are both off to college
My only regret is having to ask for as much help as I did to get through college ... but I did get through ... with a 4.0

3) I am afraid of june bugs ... seriously afraid!

4) I have a paralyzing fear of being a bad mother.

5) I spend an insane amount of money on makeup ... even though I have gotten better recently.

6) I am a medical mystery ... my heart doesn't function correctly (I have PVC of an unknown origin and chronic SVT) and no one can tell me why.

7) I am doing P90X with the aid of extra medications and a serious dose of "Holy hell what are you thinking?!?!?" My biggest hope is that it will eventually strengthen my body enough and my heart enough that I can no longer fear dying young or needing a heart transplant.

8) I have been with my kids father for six years but I refuse to marry him ... just don't see the point and I happen to like my last name.

9) I can sing ... remarkably well ... but I am afraid to do it in front of anyone other than my students and my own kids. I also play pretty much every instrument other than piano ... banjo is my fave lately.

10) When I am pissed off I take it out on Guitar Hero.

11) My mom is a drug addict and a ridiculously selfish person ... I haven't really spoken to her in two years and was PISSED AS HELL when my sister gave her my new address.

12) I am a Daddy's girl to a T ... at 26 I am still deathly afraid that I will disappoint him.

13) I am a teacher and while I love teaching I hate my job ... I teach in a school where the kids are fabulous but their parents are so rich they think that they don't need manners or common sense. I want to be back teaching HS marching band so badly I obsess about it and watch DCI just to make myself feel better

14) My oldest sister is the one person I know I can always rely on ... I don't think she knows how much I need to talk to her everyday. She is the one person that understands where I come from and what it is like to be me.

15) Because of my mother's antics I am afraid to admit when I get sick ... I have been falling down ill and gone to work because I was afraid everyone would accuse me of faking it if I called in.

16) I am not suppose to have caffeine because it gives me these painful lumps in my breasts ... but I drink cokes anyway.

17) I cannot stand to be bored ... at all! I either have to be doing something ... anything ... or be asleep.

18) There are some things/people that I will just never get over ... and right when I think I am over it/them something brings it up again ... and the cycle continues.

19) I am never hungry ... I eat because my stomach hurts because I haven't eaten ... but I don't like to eat. And yet I am overweight ... figures ...

20) I am obsessed with Dream Theater ... absolutely obsessed. I have listened to Scenes from A Memory well over a thousand times and still reach for it more often than any other album in my collection. If I ever met James LaBrie or John Petrucci I would probably have a coronary.


Well-known member
1 - I've been married twice. The first time when I was 18. I gave birth to our son when I was 19, after we had separated. Right after filing for divorce I met my second husband, who is the father of my daughter. He and I are divorced as well.

2 - My son is very disabled. Quadriplegic cerebral palsy, cortical blindness, epilepsy, the inability to swallow voluntarily, shunt dependent hydrocephalus, and sensoryneural hearing loss.

3 - My mom is one of my best friends. I tell her everything. She tells me more than she tells anyone, including my father.

4 - My second husband is one of my best friends as well. I also tell him everything. I hope that one day he grows up so we can be together again. But even if he doesn't, I love the friendship we have and truly value it.

5 - I'm a very messy person. It stems from laziness. I don't like getting up to put things away, so I set them down wherever I am. I hate it about myself, but am having a hard time changing it.

6 - I'll be surprised if I never get skin cancer, because of the burns I've had thus far in my life and the ones I know I'll get in the years to come.

7 - I really really really dislike unmanicured eyebrows. It bugs me to no end. I'd like to attack the women of the world with tweezers.

8 - If money weren't an issue, I'd want a total of 5 children. And money aside, I'd like to be completely done having children by the time I'm 30.

9 - I dislike that I have no interest in hair. I wish that I did. But I really don't. I need to learn how to take better care of mine, and then actually do it.

10 - I refuse to date men under 6' tall. I'm only 5' tall.

11 - I can go through a gallon of fat free milk on my own in a day. I love milk.

12 - Being overweight doesn't bother me at all. I just wish I still had my pre-baby flat stomach with it. I plan on achieving that via tummy tuck once I'm done having kids.

13 - Along with the tummy tuck, I want breast implants. Even though I'm a natural E, and pretty perky to boot. A nose job and lip injections would be nice, too. I kind of like the fake look.

14 - At this point, I can see myself remarrying simply for security rather than for love, as that's bitten me in the ass before.

15 - Most of my friends, male and female, are people I originally met online and then in person. I generally kept to myself in high school, never went to college, and have never had a REAL job to make friends through.

16 - I have 8-10 tattoos, depending on how you count them. I plan on having full sleeves.

17 - Piercings never last on me. I either get bored with them or lose the jewelry. I'll be getting a few of my past ones redone next month but I'm already laughing at myself for the money I'm going to spend/waste knowing they won't last long.

18 - I saw Hanson in concert. Last year.

19 - When I say I've never done any drugs, I'm lying.

20 - I feel like I need to make a big change in my life. I've essentially been doing the same thing for the last 4 years and I'm feeling unfulfilled. But I'm not sure what I can do. I hope I come up with something soon.


Well-known member
1.) As much as I love MAC and makeup in general, I'm not preppy, I don't care what anyone thinks of me, I don't wear name brands, I don't do high heels, I don't listen to mainstream music or the radio, and I think it's a bit contradicting to be honest!

2.) And I could really care less if anyone does any of the above, because I get along with pretty much everyone

3.) My favorite music is punk.. particularily UK 82 and anarcho, I bet alot of girls here don't know what that is, because not alot of people ever seem to! But thats okay

4.) I dropped out of high school when I was 16 because I got my 2 front teeth knocked out during a psychology class experiment (my "partner" led me off a 3 foot ledge) and I got teased alot for it.. my 2 front teeth are fake now

5.) But I ended up getting my GED and going to school for dental assisting (ironic right?) and I'm interning now. I graduated college with a 4.0, however when I was in high school my gpa was less than 2.0

6.) I'm only 18 years old

7.) I freakin love Harry Potter! I've been reading the books since the first one was released when I was only 7, and the time the books came out always corresponded pretty close to my age (ie the trio were 15, so was I). I was disappointed when I didn't get a letter when I was 11 and the series will always hold a special place in my heart

8.) I've had 11 piercings but currently just have my lobes, industrial, and double nostrils. I have 2 tattoos, and one is about 1/3 of a sleeve, almost to my elbow

9.) My first job was at Hot Dog on a Stick.. you know, the place with the funny uniforms.. hahaha and I worked there for almost a year!

10.) I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years, and I want to marry him eventually. And we're almost 4 years apart in age

11.) I have a twin brother who lives in Alaska. We were separated when we were 14 when I moved to live with my mom in Oregon. And we are test tube babies

12.) I have been arrested and am not proud of it.. but at least I'll have some humorous stories to tell the grandkids

13.) My biggest fear is getting pregnant!!! I don't think I'll be ready for kids for another 10 years

14.) I don't know how to drive! I take public transportation everywhere, or walk.. I want to drive but I'm scared of everyone else on the road

15.) I can't swim.. I blame growing up in Alaska for this.

16.) I have a horrible temper and snap so easily on people close to me who usually don't deserve it, I think I inherited it from my dad. As soon as I get a steady job I'm enrolling myself in anger management.

17.) My biggest dream is to move to, or at least visit Britain. My sister lived in Britain when her husband was stationed there, and she said it was amazing.. I don't know why, it just intrigues me! Other than that, I don't think I ever want to move from Portland.

18.) One day I WILL have a pet pot-bellied pig

19.) I love roses.. they are beautiful, they smell amazing, and I live in Rose City

20.) I'm 5'8" and love it.. HOWEVER.. I have a fear of gaining weight because I'm definately on the taller side and I'm scared I'll look like an amazon.. I am aware this is really low of me

Wow it took me a while to think of 20 things


New member
1. I live with my boyfriend of 6 years and our 5 year old Maltese Terrier.

2. I treat my furbaby like a child/baby and she's currently sleeping between me and the heater with her D&G (Dog Gone Gorgeous) jumper LoL.

3. I've got black hair and black or dark brown eyes I don't actually know for sure.

4. I've got one tattoo on my lower back...chose that place not because it became a trend to have it there at some point but so I can show it when I want and hide it the rest of the time.

5. I prefer fewer but quality jewelry, all other accessories discolour on me.

6. My most expensive ITEM is my Longines Dolce Vita with Diamonds watch.

7. My first car was a Mitsubishi Lancer 2 door coupe.

8. I'm the oldest of 2 girls.

9. My sister & I have been somewhat of miracle children as Mum was diagnosed with Cervical cancer.

10. I'm addicted to Coca Cola...didn't wanna say coke in case others got the wrong idea LoL.

11. I am currently using a Nokia E71.

12. I prefer Mac over Windows.

13. Things I don't leave the house with; my keys, business and personal phone.

14. Things currently in my makeup bag; nail file, L'Oreal Touch Magique, Benefit Realness of Concealness and Natio lipgloss.

15. Along with web browsing (forums + blogs) my fave hobbies are shopping and reading...I'm a chill out kinda girl.

16. If my bed was to fly off and I can only choose selected people/things to get on it with me, I'd be happy with bf, furbaby, Mum and Sister...everything else I can live without if I had to.

17. We have a large and very close knit family on my Mum's side.

18. My family is scattered between Philippines and USA and we're the only ones here in Australia.

19. My bf before we got together said "Your in love with me, you just don't know it yet".

20. Being winter here my current must haves are my ugg boots, big fluffy robe, scarves and Cetaphil Moisturising Cream.

Wow! Didn't realise it'd be so hard