20 Things That We Don't Know About You!


Very Cute Thread Topic.

1-I have 2 kids. Anna-6, Dane-4
2-I am a "retired for now" Genetic Counselor.
3-I am an avid gutiar player.
4-I am an avid wannabe photographer (Nikon d70)

5-My favorite food is Creme Brulee
6-DH and I compete in Triathlons regularly.
7-I'm a serious daddy's girl.
8-my son is a serious momma's boy.
9-I'm a tanorexic. I LOVE to be in the sun.
10- I live in AZ and love love love the heat....

11-My pet peeve is girls that don't paint their toenails.
12-I have a Great Dane Puppy named "CHE"
13-I'm an OCD about recycling and conservation in general.
14-I'm anti-TV (in the summer anyway
15-My favorite book is Anthem by Ayn Rand.
16-My favorite group is Iron & Wine
17-It's not a good day unless I've gotten the chance to excercise.
18-I love to travel with my DH & kids. We just got back form Belize.
19-I speak Spanish.
20-I wore MU on my last Triathlon. I'm totally addicted!

There you go. 20 things about me.


Well-known member

1. I once stole a penny sweet from Woolworths and I still feel guilty over that damn sweet!

2. The middle finger of both my hands is wonky

3. My nails are always long (but not ick long), I can't type with no nails and I think my fingers look like stumps without them

4. We have 8 original retro arcade machines in my house and a few in the garage

5. We have over 1000 albums

6. I haven't spoken to my dad since I was 11 (i'm now 24) but weirdly he has turned up at the last 2 places I have worked (in different towns)

7. I once appeared on TV planting trees.

8. I wish I'd lived away when I went to Uni, I missed out on so much

9. My best friend died when she was 17 but she is still and always will be my best friend

10. I passed my driving test after 8 attempts... shhh it's a secret

11. I would love to do a nail tech course although it's nothing like what I do now.

12. I have to clean my house top to bottom if someone is coming over, even if I cleaned it the day before.

13. Bristles give me the shivers (hair brushes, sweeping brushes whatever, it's the noise)

14. I have an irregular heart beat

15. I never get excited about something until I know it really is going to happen.

16. I have not seen my natural hair colour since I was 16

17. I have 4 scars from 2 different car accidents

18. On one of the above accidents the seatbelt didn't lock and I broke the windscreen with my head. I still have a piece of glass in my forehead, 4 years later!

19. Bad spelling and punctuation drive me loopy.

20. I knit, not very well yet, but I try. I like the satisfaction of seeing the finished product.

I love Brian Kinney

Well-known member
!. I was born in Cork County, Ireland, moved to Canada when I was 3.

2. I am sooo addicted to coffee

3. My mom and dad recently moved back to Ireland, I may follow soon

4. I have a 2 1/2 year old son named Brendan, who is my life.

5. I almost lost my son 1 year ago due to a severe asthma attack

6. I have been doing yoga for 7 years now.

7. I jog 5 days a week.

8. I have 3 cats

9. I have a huuuuge fear of spiders, I can't even get close enough to them to kill them.

10. I HATE baths, showers only.

11. I had a c section with my son because he was breech.

12. I have this totally and embarrassingly huge crush on actor Cillian Murphy, I've seen every single movie he's done..not 1 one of my friends like him .

13. DIRTY bathroom also digust me.

14. If I find a piece of hair in my food, even my own, I cannot finish the food..I have to throw it out.

15. I am still really close friends with my first boyfriend

16. I don't really like T.V. that much, I prefer to watch movies.

17. I am a vegetarian

18. My older sister died in a car accident when I was 15 and she was 17

19. I loove cameras and taking pictures.

20. I love my family more than anything in this world, we are very close..but now they live so far away


Well-known member
1. i was born in south korea, and adopted (by caucasian parents) at 10 months.
2. i am terrified of spiders and tomatoes.
3. i was bulimic for 3.5 years, and still struggle with weight and control issues.
4. i want to be a defense attorney.
5. i have moved 11 times in the past 4 years, mostly on my own.
6. i have lived alone since i was 17.
7. i have done drugs before. i believe its a personal choice, just be responsible. know what you're taking, how it affects you, and don't drive etc. or do anything that coulkd potentially harm OTHERS.
8. i can't leave my house without at least some eyeliner and lipgloss on.
9. i am an excellent cook, and love experimenting.
10. i LOVE the smell of cold beer. i hate the taste.
11. most people take my sarcasm and sense of humor as me being a raging bitch.
12. i get along with my parents so much better now than i did throughout high school.
13. my grandmother has alzheimers, and my mom and i are her primary caregivers.
14. i used to be an amateur figure skater.
15. i want to major in communications.
16. i am obsessed with hollywood, especially from the business and communications perspective. i love trade magazines (the hollywood reporter and variety).
17. i used to want to be a fashion designer, i still design frm time to time.
18. over the past 3 years, i've sold off my designer hangbag collection, which was worth several thousands of dollars. i switched my attention to mac.
19. i love just about all music. including country, lol.
20. with about 2 exceptions, i hate females. most of my friends are guys. less drama.


Well-known member
1. I've have my weird issue with wanting to get pregnant finally tamed by using my mac addiction as distraction. serious: when I buy less MAC I start to worry again...

2. I'm a doctorsassistent in a hospital, I sometimes think doctors are friggin dumbasses: they know their medical stuff amazingly, but some doctors have no social skills, or no idea how to organize...

3. sometimes I go to the restroom just to pick my nose.

4. I burp harder than my bf! whoahhh

5. I'm so blessed with my boyfriend, I still wonder every now and then what amazing thing I did to deserve him.

6. when I go shopping, I allways visit burgerking to order a KINGSIZE cocacola light, and carry it with me in and out stores all afternoon, and I allways finish it!!!

7. I love eating a can of pineapple next to my regular lunch, and I wish for people to stop discussing that can every time again, yeah I know now that you find it weird!!!

8. I'm a bitch for letting my boyfriend do the dishes, I kinda refuse to do it myself.

9. I'm so lazy, it hurts!!

10. I did henna for 4 turkish weddings on the brides henna-night,and I'm super proud of it!

11. I like my MIL more than my own mum, because I can have a 'smart' talk with her, and I feel loved and a full person with her. I feel really guilty about not liking my mum that much, but my mum is such a dramaqueen sometimes, and doesn't know that she judge me all time.
I also don't like my mum for defending herself when our talks go about stuff she did, instead of talking and listening to me. I wished she'd just tell me that she loves me and that sh'e proud of me.

12. I would love to have a shoe addiction but my feet are to big, I rarely fit the biggest sizes of the regular collections

13. I want to learn how to dance and do backflips!

14. I think I can sing a lot better than britney. In fact, I think I would easily go the next round when I go to the audition of the dutch version of american idols.

15. If I could get one cosmetic surgery for free, I'd go for a liposuction of my belly and inner thighs...

16. ...but something else I want is to get my teeth bleeched soon because that's something I can afford.

17. I have smoked lot of pot when I was youngher, and I still do it every now and then. I think alcohol is much more dangerous than pot, because alcohol is addictive and legally available everywhere, and mariuana is not. I've stopped drinking alcohol when I was working at a supermarketcounter and saw all those homeless men and women with their cheap beer.

18. I had a penis-phobia, but I'm over it... still penisses aren't yet on my favorite bodyparts list.

19. I'm doing weightwatchers, and I've lost 8.0kg and a bit.

20. I'm gonna do a make-up course, and try to become a MAC MUA!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
frickin LOVE that group! what was he like?

He's really quiete and not that tall, but he's an amazing vocalist, he stepped on me too I didn't mind of course, it's Chester after all. He's not a typical ROCK STAR in my opinion, he's really laid back not too much of a party animal from what I saw back stage, and he's not snooty or like " Hey do you know who I am", he's actually a sweet guy.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pei
Sanne, i love ur list!

Verrry interesting! I'm still hmmming abt no. 18



Well-known member
^ i agree! this is an awesome thread! thanks pei
i'm so glad u guys feel so comfortable talking with us like this


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dizzy4tex
4-I am an avid wannabe photographer (Nikon d70)

I am totally jealous!!! Do you post your work online? Are you on flickr.com?


Well-known member
Here's my list! I started to think of more things as I went on, so that is why there are 23 items

1. I'm the youngest of 3 sisters.
2. I don't act conceited or anything, but I really love myself

3. I have an obsession with Bruce Springsteen.
4. I have a fear of pee wee herman, he really scares me!
5. I'm a very picky eater.
6. I've taken dance classes my whole life (ballet, jazz, tap, etc.), but I hate to just dance normally in front of people.
7. I used to cry on the way home from vacations, I love to travel/go places.
8. I get really cold easily so I hate having air blasting on me, unless if it's 90 degrees out or something.
9. I've never been out of the U.S.
10. I love to read, I'll read anything if I have nothing to read.
11. I think the Disney channel shows/movies are incredibly cute.
12. I think that cats and weasels are very funny.
13. If somebody makes me laugh, I probably love them.
14. I love cheese/milk products, but I'm lactose intolerant.
15. I also love popcorn, and I used to eat a whole microwave bag everytime I stayed up at my grandma's.
16. I think the Price is Right is fun, I wish I was on there.
17. I love when people (guys actually) sing. As long as I like them, and it's not just annoying, that is.
18. My dog loves when I hold her like a baby.
19. I love to fold clothes and organize my department @ work.
20. Deep down, I really like to be neat and organized, but I get to lazy/distracted, so you probably would not be able to tell.
21. I have lived in the same area my whole life, but everybody (even random people) tell me that I have an accent. I have no clue where it came from, but I have been told it is Texan, Southern, English, and many other things.
22. I really like to watch sports, but I get obsessed with not only the players, but the coaches too. I have actually cheered at a baseball game everytime our third base coach was annouced, I loved him!
23. I really enjoy board games and things like that, I would have no problem playing monopoly for hours.


Well-known member
1. I'm left handed

2. My mom had [SIZE=-1]Gestational Diabetes when she was pregnant with me, along with a lot of other complications. All of the doctors thought I'd be born premature and with permanent mental problems. I was born AFTER my due date and perfectly healthy

3. My dad passed away last December, 2 days after his birthday, from liver cancer. I still beat myself up over the fact I was supposed to visit him at the hospital that day and I didn't.

4. When I was around 10, I was outside on July 4th, playing with sparklers and I dropped one that just went out on the ground. I had my shoes off and was walking over to our deck when I stepped right on the metal part! OUUUUUCH. I still have the scar on the bottom of my foot

5. My sister is 16 years older than me and my brother is 19 years older.

6. My sister and my mom are my best friends.

7. I'll be 18 next March and I still haven't taken driver's ed. Everytime someone asks if I'm driving yet and I tell them, they act like I'm some freak for not driving yet

8. I've never been on a plane. But that will all change come July 11th!!

9. I'm hopelessly addicted to the TV show "ER". Though I haven't seen much of the past 3 seasons..the oldies are the ones I love.

10. I've only been to my fathers grave once since he passed, and I feel horrible but I can't work up the nerve to go.

11. I won't be able to graduate high school. I have severe anxiety connected with school (I was bullied non-stop since kindergarten). I tried home schooling but it wasn't right for me. I'll be getting my GED next summer, though!

12. I'm obsessed with Reese Witherspoon's movies. I pretty much know all the lines for 'Sweet Home Alabama' 'Legally Blonde'..etc.

13. I played basketball during junior high..our team came in 2nd three years in a row. I've also broken the same finger 3 times because of it.

14. My dream is to be a nurse in the ER.

15. Since 2005, 4 people I've known have died. First, my brother's neighbor, 2nd the little old lady that's lived across the street from me my entire life. She was how I wanted my grandma to be, my dad, and last, my next door neighbor, Bill. He was like an uncle to me, I'd known him my whole life. Him and my dad were best friends..he died a month or two after my dad.

16. I've never been kissed.

17. I have a 10 year old niece and an 8 year old nephew, both my sister's kids.

18. I nearly flunked out of 8th grade because of how much school I was missing. I would get so sick to my stomach thinking about it that I would just lock myself in my bathroom and refuse to leave. I was on the verge of giving myself an ulcer, as I later found out.

19. Although I listen to a lot of pop music, I have a secret love for very gothic rock type music <33

20. I take a bath nearly every night, and read for around two hours. It's the only time I can totally forget about everything and just drown myself in my books.


Well-known member
1. I am a very forgetful oaf. I have a tendency to leave things behind e.g. in the cab etc. There was this once i almost forgot to take my bag with me out from the bus. But luckily my buddy was there with me and she reminded me

2. I wear specs most of the time as i am lazy to wear contacts :x

3. I am a sucker for any turqoise in colour

4. I am a college student. (flunked a few modules before...:x)

5. My dad passed away 1 and a half years ago due to cancer

6. Just painted my room pink in colour. Haven painted my room ever since we moved in 16 years ago

7. I don't have a cupboard to put my clothes in. I simply just hang them on a metal rack or stuff them in my plastic drawer.

8. I sleep on a wooden bed. My mattress just got thrown out because i found bed bugs in it. So now i'm sleep on the wooden board of the bed

9. I have one hidden eyelid and other single eyelid. And i hate them! It makes putting on eye make up much much harder....

10. I have a long horse face and i hate it.

11. The part i like about myself is my nose.

12. I love steak, chocolates, french fries and other junk food.

13. Although i am petite...i've a flabby stomach >.<...but i'm too lazy to do exercise

14. I hate hypocrites and backstabbers. That's why i swear i'll never go into the banking industry. I am a laid back person and i do not like to compete with others.

15. Although i like to shop with friends, i do also enjoy shopping alone

16. I do handmade jewellery when i'm in the mood.

17. I love amethyst...because it's my birthstone and i'm naturally drawn to purple gem stones.

18. I am a coward

19. I hate sports. I am a couch potato. I love surfing forums and spending time in front of the computre

20. I want to go Japan one day

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