20 Things That We Don't Know About You!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by theleopardcake
16. Sushi is my favorite food. I am very anal about what is considered sushi and what isn't. (i.e., many people mistakenly call kimbab sushi. Kimbab is actually a Korean dish.)

LOl i totally get what ur saying about the Kimbab, lol


Well-known member
Here goes:

1. I have a BA and 2 master's degrees (and a big student loan to pay off!). I was a marriage/family therapist for 10 years before chucking it all and going to work for MAC. I am freelancing now and am also a SAHM.

2. I am not good with dealing with death because I haven't had many losses in my life, but my parents are getting up there in age and I am terrified of the idea that they're going to die.

3. I have always wanted a daughter (but I love my sons to death!!). I also have a male dog, cat and fish, and two nephews!

4. I always wanted a sister (but ended up with 2 brothers!)

5. I HATE to drive.

6. I am not a big fan of ice cream.

7. I am, however, a huge candy junkie!!

8. I run, and have done several marathons and triathlons.

9. You will never catch me with unpolished nails...ever!

10. I have been married for 13 years (second marriage). I get along very well with my ex-husband and his wife (she and I go out together).

11. I am terrified of cockroaches. I can handle anything (snakes, mice, spiders, etc), but not roaches.

12. I love big dogs...the bigger, the better.

13. I want to get a tattoo, but I want my son to design it for me.

14. I love dance music (especially obscure 80's Italian disco).

15. I don't like flashy, materialistic people. I also dislike liars and hypocrites.

16. When my kids graduate from HS, I want to sell my house and move to the islands to run a little restaurant on the beach somewhere!

17. My dream house would have a view of the mountains or the ocean.

18. I should have studied art when I got out of high school (I am going back to school yet again to get my art degree...and to add to my student loan!

19. I am obsessed with lipgloss.

20. I have the crappiest memory on earth.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
LOl i totally get what ur saying about the Kimbab, lol

hahahaha i remember back in elementary school, when my umma would pack me kimbab, all the non koreans would be like "omg i loooooove sushi, can i have some?"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by theleopardcake
hahahaha i remember back in elementary school, when my umma would pack me kimbab, all the non koreans would be like "omg i loooooove sushi, can i have some?"


LOl its so funny to hear that...... Man i luv korean food, had soem Kimchi Jigea last night....YUMMERS
I try to cook korean food every now and then. both my kids love it too,


Well-known member
yay! My turn!

1. The only vegetable I ever eat are raw carrots and I hate fruits. Yup, can't stand ANY OF IT.
2. As a consummate Crown Royal/Coke drinker, I SERIOUSLY look down on boys who drink "foo foo" mixed drinks. Personally, some guy who rather drink a lava flow or something prissy like that doesn't have the balls to hang with me

3. I'm a Social Service Assistant for Nursing Home Without Walls. Try saying that five times fast.
4. I love anime, but only certain ones.
5. I can live on nigiri sushi-- and only nigiri sushi.
6. In addition to #5, I only hate nori because I don't want black sh*t between my teeth. Other than that, I'll eat it.
7. Red Bull, Xenadrine, Zipfizz-- anything that makes me hyper, I'll try. I like hyper
8. I am Japanese/Okinawan. No, they are not the same thing. One is hairier than the other . No, don't try to convince me differently because it AIN'T GONNA WORK.
9. I can't stand stink people. If you smell bad, don't try to talk to me because I will walk away to get you a bar of soap.
10. I don't drink soda except for my Crown and Coke because of the fact that I hate carbonation. In fact, the only reason that I'll take the Coke in there is because the Crown kills the carbonation in the coke.
11. I hate sharing. Chalk it up to being the only girl in my family, but there is a very select few that I'll share with on this whole planet.
12. I love getting prissed up, but I'm more tomboyish than anything else.
13. I love the fact that my dog is possessive. Granted, it's not fun when my girlfriends come in, but when the Evil Aunty comes-- hell, yeah.
14. I have an Evil Aunty (tm). B*tch called me fat (I'm 5'1" and was 97 lbs. at the time) and I hated her ever since.
15. I like the fact that while my dog is possessive, my boyfriend isn't. The last thing that I'd ever want is a guy who'd get all snarly over the fact that I'm friends with guys.
16. I love cheese, especially mizithra, extra sharp cheddar and asiago.
17. I've had three concussions on the same side of the head.
18. The day after my boyfriend and I became exclusive, I got in a major car accident (which resulted in concussion #3)
19. About 90% of the world's population cannot say my last name properly.
20. I get VERY irritated when I see girls with the kanji for love tattooed on them. That's MY middle name ("ai") and I don't share (see number 11)

That was fun!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by asnbrb
yay! My turn!

8. I am Japanese/Okinawan. No, they are not the same thing. One is hairier than the other . No, don't try to convince me differently because it AIN'T GONNA WORK.
20. I get VERY irritated when I see girls with the kanji for love tattooed on them. That's MY middle name ("ai") and I don't share (see number 11)



Well-known member
Theleopardcake, Huggggsss~
You're a wonderful girl to be honest.
Think for urself always. Force urself to cheer up and think happy all the time. I wish u all the best and sincerely care for u. PM when u need someone to talk to.

With love,


Well-known member
oooh these are so interesting

(1) I'm blind in one eye, It's been like that since I was born, and it can't fixed with laser surgery or anything, and it dawned on me the other week, I don't actually know why I'm blind which is kind of bizzare.

(2) I've had two operations in my life, one when I was about 5 after my brother hit me around the head with a lego house and it got infected, and the second on my eye, because it was majorly wonky, I had stitches in my eye and whenever I told any they thought it was really cool/gross

(3) I have a phobia of wasps and bees, I've never been stung. I was sunbathing the other day and a wasp landed on me, I cried for half an hour.

(4) My mum is my best friend ever, I love her more than anything and tell her everything!

(5) I've just finished my a levels and hopefully I'll be going to university to study Accounting in September.

(4) My biggest dream is to travel the world, I'm going to do it once I've graduated. I keep a travel log with details on sll the countries and places I want to visit.

(5) Once I start enjoying a tv show I have to watch EVERY episode, buffy, lost, house, greys anatomy, prison break, desperate housewives and csi but to name a few.

(6) My dad got cancer (hodgkins lymphoma) about 6 years ago, he recovered but now he might have skin cancer, it sucks. We get the results in 6 days, but I'll be on holiday.

(7) I love to try different alcoholic beverages! I'm a brilliant cocktail mixer. I love malibu, amaretto and wine.

(8) I broke my toe and now its really wonky, people always notice it.

(9) The right side of my body is pretty useless, my right eye doesn't work and my right arm sucks too, I can't write, or throw or do funky hand movements with it.

(10) I've been really light blonde and almost jet black, and everything in between. My current hair colour is probably my favourite, but I loved my red hair too.

(11) I don't really like it when other people take photos, one of my eyes opens more than the other and when anyone else takes pictures it always looks more apparent.

(12) I'm more intelligent than people think on first impressions, my teacher said if there was one thing he could tell someone about me it would be 'she's smarter than she looks'.

(13) I hate any kind of discrimination, it really makes my blood boil. I can't bare to spend more than ten minutes in a room with my 80yr old aunt, I hate having to bite my tongue when she spouts some racist, homophobic rubbish.

(14) I sometimes get really angry and feel like I'm going to explode, I hate it when I try to have an intelligent discussion with someone, mainly my dad, and they just take the piss, it makes me want to scream or cry.

(15) I hate taking to hairdressers while I'm having my hair done, it makes me feel uncomfortable

(16) My favourite foods ever are tinned mackeral and frozen grapes, but not together obviously.

(17) I lost my virginty at a party on the living room floor whilst drunk (I only told my mum and three friends, and obviously the lad, I'm not proud of it)

(18) Between the ages of 15-17 I used to go clubbing/parties and get really drunk, I'd do silly things, a lot of them I regret now, and spend the next day with my head down the toilet. I don't drink much anymore.

(19) I go on my first ever holiday without my mum and dad on Sunday. I'm going to a greek island called crete with 5 friends.

(20) I love to people watch, I could sit all day and watch people go by, listen to their conversations, when bus drivers pass each other and wave it makes me smile.


Well-known member
Hope you ladies don't mind me barging in here. But this looks like a fun community to join, and what better way than to list off random facts about myself.

1. I'm male.

2. I'm very tall - 6'1".
3. I used to have a full beard and mustache (makeup looked terrible on me then- ha!).
4. I know more about dinosaurs than anyone else in my state, and want to be a professional paleontologist.
5. I have a continuing goal to become ever more feminine.
6. I'm very lazy and procrastinatory, which doesn't help this goal.
7. I'm straight and single.
8. tsukiyomi told me about this fabulous website.
9. My favorite food is king crab.
10. I love Avril Lavigne and Evanescence.
11. I trust people too easily.
12. I'm on a diet to get down to at least 180 pounds (191 now), and hopefully less.
13. I'm shy around guys if I have a lot of makeup on.
14. I work at a pizza place and a museum.
15. I have a black short-hair cat named Little One.
16. I keep my nails painted, but have never had a professional manicure.
17. My fave color is lilac.
18. I love flowers, and want a butterfly tattoo surrounded by flowers in my lower back (but I've been too chicken to get it yet).
19. I try really hard to please my friends.
20. I want to become a makeup expert.


Well-known member
Oh! I wanna join in!

1: I am the most lazy & selfish person when it comes to running my home (really not a good habit, and am trying to fix it!), but professionally i'm so driven it scares people lol

2: I met my fiance on the internet when I was 17, i met up with him in London 3 weeks after we started chatting and i kinda never left. Freaked my mom out though... We're still together after 4 years and still going strong

3: I hate my dad. Ever since my parents got divorced i started to hate him with a passion because he is the most selfish person i know and ruined my little sister's mind by leading her on and then dropping her like a brick way to many times...

4: I love my family. My fiance, mum, stepdad and little sister mean the world to me. It freaked me out when i felt out of control when my sis tried to kill herself, when my mom was over stressed and almost had a breakdown, I was in london and had no time or money to go back and help them...

5: I LOVE bread... lol I love freshly baked bread and could eat it plan without toppings. Very bad habit, not exactly good for dieting :S I wish my fav food was ice cream or something, atleast you get sick of eating that after a small bowl full lol!

6: I have the craziest and sweetest cat, Sheba. She never 'grew' up from being a kitten. Always playful and loving to ANYONE who walks in the house. She would jump and attack your feet when your walking just to get your attention.

7: I always feel older then i actually am, always have. Never understood why other 'teenagers' liked to waste time, get drunk and do drugs just for the sake of it.

8: I don't drink alcohol, and if i do its only a glass of Red Square. I despise people who get Drunk. It's the most useless thing you could do. I don't go near anyone who's drunk or tipsy to the point when they act like morons. Seriously, i would walk away, ignore them or tell them off regardless of who they are (friends, family, strangers, clients, etc)

9: I quit smoking 4 years ago after having smoked for 3 years. Was a light smoker, but hey, better not to to smoke at all
Now i hate the smell of cigarete smoke. Can't stand it, never really understood why i started in the first place...

10: My business is my passion. Doing henna and make-up as a job only came along as an accident. Now i can't think of doing anything else

11: I'm a jack of all trades kind of person. I am very very handy with my hands and am very creative. Although its a great 'skill', but it's a curse at the same time. i pick things up quickly, get creative ideas and i start them, but never quitte finish them because another idea popped up that i jsut had to do lol

12: I designed my own website

13: I'm overweight a dnot proud of it. Only recently i started to feel bad about it, but it never bothered me before.

14: I spend way to much money and am a complete idiot when it comes to handling money. I'm sooo happy that my fiance takes care of that for me and screams at me whenever i go over the line.

15: I want to travel again. After my 2 month trip to Indian and nepal iwant to o back and finish my trek i started in nepal (but couldnt finish because i got headaches when we got higher and higher)
I want to see the world, pick little things along the way... Oh well, maybe in a couple of years when the business is firmly set up lol

16: I'm very calm and laid back, i don't get stressed out unless its a very serious situation.

17: My pain threshold is very low lol. I can't inflict physical pain on others (human or animal) it makes me physically sick to even concider doing it. i don't accept abuse, one slap and i'm out of there. Even though i have a tattoo, i was in excusiation pain for 45 minutes and the tattoo guy did a terrible job, there is no way i'm going to get it fixed lol.

18: I never liked living in Holland and nothing will convince me to ever live there again, am not a big fan of London either lol. But would love to live in the country, and just zoom around in a car to get to clients

19: I don't drive, desperatly need to get my drivers license. Am pretty much an expert on public transport lol

20: I'm happy
How many people can really say that they are really happy?


Well-known member
1- I'm secretly a huge huge geek...

2- I have a thing for brown eyes, not blue or green...

3- I'm a suchi addict, esp eel!!!

4- I get stir crazy living in one palce for too long. (Born in cali 14 years, lived in texas for a year, and then Maryland...I plan to keep going)

5- I LOVE playing the Sims or Sims 2....geeky...even worse, I've been known to make my own clothes/makeup styles for the game...

6- My favorite colors are red and white.

7- I'm a car girl, In love with Mustangs, but anything that runs under a 13.5 on the quarter mile has got me. :thumbsup:

8- I sort my M&M's...and eat the brown ones first.

9- I've been known to eat two double cheese burgers, fires, chicken nuggets, and a milkshake all in one sitting....gross I know.

10- I love tattoos, I think they are the most wonderful expressions of personality ever. I love looking at peoples tattoos.

11- Piercings...are a turn on. If I were a droid, I would be turned on. haha

12- I work for the government as of right now. I just got a new job offer thoough!

13- The first thing I look for in the opposite sex is their posture. And I'm 100% serious.

14- I've been a dancer all my life, ballet is my passion.

15- I'm a bookworm, if you put anything in front of me, I'll read it.

16- I've got a little brother who's almost a foot taller than me...and I'm 5'2...

17- I like to lay on the couch and be lazy with my boyfriend. It's comforatable! haha

18- I lived on Easy Street the first 14 years of my life! Seriously....my address was 43820 Easy Street...in LAncaster CA!

19- I have the same initials as my brother...KES. and yes, S stands for Smith, plain compared to my first name

20- I was a girlscout and my dad was my troop leader. He was the best!


Well-known member
Here goes;

  1. My right arm is 1" longer than my left arm. I don't swim round in circles though which must be due to the fact my right breast is about half a cup size larger than my left breast which creates more drag on that side.
  2. My Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is INTP. The I stands for Introvert. Almost nobody has ever seen me angry or excited. I guess I'm just weird
  3. I love travel and in the past five years bave visited the USA about 40 times for work and pleasure. In December 2004, I flew from Atlanta to London via Miami, went straight from Heathrow airport to one of my favourite restaurants for lunch (see 5.) and was back on a plane later that day to New York just for the weekend. Luckily I don't get jetlag.
  4. I live half a mile from the Wimbledon tennis courts and even closer to Wimbledon Common which makes me a Womble. There is no such place as WimbleTon. It's WimbleDon. With a D that sounds like a D.
  5. Too many friends of mine run or own very good restaurants and they are always feeding me. I am currently about 30 pounds overweight as a result
    Being on first name terms with the staff does mean I can get a table whenever I want though
  6. I used to drive ambulances and teach Advanced Life Support Courses. Favourite events included providing medical cover for equestrian events and ice hockey matches.
  7. Once upon a time I had an explosives licence (for legitimate purposes!). I was 17 at the time. It's amazing what the police will let you have if you smile at them nicely
  8. I have been on the internet since 1989 and am a bit of a geek. My newest computer is a Pentium II with a 400MHz processor running Windows NT Server 4. Woo!!! The speed!
    I don't yet have a portable CD, minidisc or MP3 player either. Instead, I rely on my trusty Sony Walkman cassette.
  9. The first college at university that I attended was founded in about 1227 which makes it 779 years old. I think it still has some of the original staff.
  10. The carbon dating results have come back from the lab and I am officially ancient too. It seems I was born at a very young age in 1966 (you do the maths!). In what is now a mental hospital.
  11. I briefly met Princess Diana and other members of the British royal family before she split up with Charles. She was much taller than any of the other royals, possibly due to better breeding.
  12. I'm asexual and still a virgin. I have no interest in having sex with men, women, animals, vegetables or electrically operated kitchen gadgets (battery or mains powered)
  13. I'm a bit of a culture vulture and love to go to see theatre shows, musicals, ballet, opera and films as well as art galleries and museums. I've seen Chicago the musical twice on stage in London and once in New York. I think it's way better than the film version.
  14. I am useless at any sport that involves balls (no matter what shape or size or whether they are kicked, hurled, swatted, poked or bounced). I'm OK on rollerblades and ice skates though.
  15. I drink a lot of coffee. In fact, used to drink 32 espresso shots every day (as 8 grande quad lattes). I once made the mistake on an early trip to the USA of thinking that "half and half" was what we Brits call semi-skimmed milk (it's about half way between full fat milk and no fat milk). I ordered (and drank) a quadruple shot grande latte made entirely with half and half. I'm now learning American so won't have the same problem in the future.
  16. I am addicted to Eggs Benedict (see 5.) and have favourite restaurants that serve it in Chicago, Atlanta, Oxford, New York, London and San Diego. I walked one day for 8 miles in Oxford trying to find a restaurant that served Eggs Benedict before I struck lucky. I haven't quite mastered the art of making Hollandaise sauce at home yet.
  17. In 1984 (you see, I told you I was old!) I designed and helped to build a raft for the town's annual charity raft race on the Thames. It was built on an ancient Greek theme and had an impressive looking catapult with a six foot long arm to fire bags of flour at other rafts. Sadly, the mechanism was less than perfect and we kept hitting the front two members of our own crew with flour. We were the slowest raft by a long way but won the "silliest raft" prize.
  18. Other than parking tickets, I have never been stopped or ticketed for any traffic offence since I passed my driving test back in 1983. This is inspite of driving through red lights and grossly exceeding the speed limit on numerous occasions (See 6.)
  19. I'm not particularly observant when I'm walking around and often pass people I know without even seeing them. I have been known to walk into (and apologise to) both waxwork models (at Madame Tussauds) and even lamp posts.
  20. I have never even tried a cigarette in my life and won't. I do drink but have never ended up out of control or unable to remember what happened the next day. The bar staff at the hotel where I stay in Atlanta call me "Margarita" for some strange reason


Well-known member
1. I am a great cook and think this is because I just love cooking

2. I am a shoe junkie.

3. When the new issue of InStyle magazine comes out, I'll get it, grab some snacks and go back to bed to religiously read it.

4. I do believe in marriage

5. I'm a specialist for cannibalism and human sacrifices (are you scared now?).

6. Languages I know: German, English, French, Turkish, Persian. And Latin.

7. I think a hot bubble bath it the most relaxing thing ever.

8. Besides neck massages, that is

9. When I went to Iran this past spring, I had to call my grandparents every week to prove I was still alive.

10. I only wear yellow gold.

11. I hate my natural haircolor (a really ugly dirty dark blonde).

12. I've bought Humid e/s three times because I just love it in the pot and gave it away after one or two uses because it looks just horrible on me. I hope I've learnt my lesson!

13. I've had long hair most of my life.

14. I'm 3/8 German, 1/8 French and 1/2 Latin American (1/2 of this Native). Doesn't really show in my outer appearance, though.

15. I just got the huge J.Lo behind.

16. I'm 5'5" and the shortest in my family besides my grandma.

17. I prefer cats over dogs.

18. I hate smoking and doubt I'd ever kiss a smoker.

19. I am easily taken by beautiful words...must be my occupation

20. I am neither sentimental nor really emotional.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member

1). I am originally from North Carolina

2). I LOVE The Smashing Pumpkins

3). I was raised by my Grandparents

4). I met Billy Corgan

5). I moved to Austria to be with my Husband

6). I agreed to marry a man that I had never met in person before.

7). My favorite song is "Soma"

8). I won FAME National Talent competition when I was 13 along with my clogging partner "Tid"

9). I failed Algebra 1A three times in a row.

10). My first name is Christina

11). But I go by Chrissy

12). I get called Christine, Christy and Casey A LOT!!!

13). I love picked oakra

14). I've performed at Disney World, Universal Studios and been on A&E

15). Alltough I am right handed, I open doors with my left hand

16). I didn't meet my Mom until I was 12

17). I don't drink. Only had alcohol once and I hated it

18). I used to work in Insurance

19). I am spiritual, not religious

20). I broke my arm riding a bike


Well-known member
Time to spill my guts.

Time to spill my guts.

1. I am a geek. I fix computers for a living, I'm a technology intern for the NASA Space Grant, and I love everything about technology and what it has to offer for our future.

2. I am a budding photographer. I just can't figure out my relatively nice camera's settings (despite #1) and think a nicer digital SLR would make me great. (although I know its the photographer, not the camera)

3. I am extremely close to my mom. I talk to her everyday, sometimes 3-4 times a day.

4. My mom has periphrial neuropathy in her feet and lower legs and it sucks to see her in pain that no one can fix. She has good and bad days with it, and I try to come home as often as possible, just to help out around the house.

5. My mom and I own a Silky Terrier named Baby. She is just superbly awesome. I don't have a closet in my parents house anymore, because the dog took it over.

6. I'm wordy and over explain simple things. Like I'm doing right now.

7. I drive a Onyx Black 2005 Mazda 6S GT Sedan. I love it. it is the first new car I've ever gotten. I named her Zoe Zoom Zoom.

8. I grew up in a house that my grandmother gave to my dad and lived there till I was 17 when my dad got a new house. We still own the house, pay utilities on it and no one lives there. We just can't get rid of it. I might live there if I move back to the town where my parents live.

9. My parents are divorced and live in the same house, separate bedrooms. It's strange, but it works I guess. And I've met a few other people whose parents do this too.

10. I'd love to do makeup, but I'm really unsure of myself. I need more practice, but I just don't think I'll ever be that good.

11. I'd also love to open up my own consulting company, and do freelance tech support, but once again, fear of failure is stopping me, because it seems IT people are a dime a dozen nowadays.

12. I have awesome customer service/people skills, which makes me amazing for tech support. (read: I'm not a geek who will drown you with technical jargon and make you feel stupid.) I can read people easily and adapt to the conversation and manipulate it.

13. My mother taught me how to read at 2 years old using flash cards. I failed phonics and the school tried to hold me back, even though I was reading better than 5th grades and was reading at an 8th grade level when I was first tested.

14. I have an A.A.S in Telecommunications/Computer Networking.

15. Up until my junior year of college, I had never made anything below a B in a class. I just finished my senior year of college and have successfully had 6 C's, 2 D's and 2 F's. I am starting to think my intellegence was only temporary.

16. I love my friends. I will do almost anything for them. We're not the wild crazy party bunch we come off to be. We have more fun doing karaoke in the living room than going to the club.

17. I have been in and out of an emotionally abusive relationship for 4 years now. Just when things get better, they get worse.

18. Although I can't say much because of #16, I hate seeing my friends getting treated like crap by guys when they can do soooo much better. I don't have those feelings, I know I am better by myself, but find it hard to let go.

19. I'm not a movie buff, and it seems 98% of the population has memorized all the one-liners from Anchorman, Dodgeball, and Napoleon Dynamite and I'm totally in the dark.

20. I'm a natural blonde with blue eyes. I like the bleach blonde, big boobs and black eyeliner look.

21 (oops!). I'm overweight. I don't like it, but heck, it's not going to go away overnight, and I might as well be happy with myself, so I'm one of those "out-there" fat chicks...I'll make myself be seen, whether its with my makeup, clothes, dance styles (i will get on stage and do the robot!) or just being outlandish, I will get attention and it won't be because I'm overweight!

Ok...now I feel open and vulnerable!

Ms. Green Eyes

Active member
1. I'm 24 years old and still don't know what I want (education/career)!!

2. I live at home with my dad and my boyfriend of 5 years.

3. I am the oldest sibling. I have 4 sisters.. 2 of which are moms already.

4. I have no kids, but am ready...

5. I was born in South Carolina and moved to Miami, FL when I was 8. Had a crazy southern draw... It has since faded, but comes back when I visit my hometown.

6. My car is my second closet.

7. I rarely drink and do not smoke.

8. When I am feeling depressed, I shop.

9. I have body issues, workout 6 days a week. Sometimes 7, if there is a good pilates class going on.

10. I have never been out of the USA and do not own a passport.

11. I am 50% Sicilan, 50% Scottish... Raised Catholic Italian, by my father.

12. My only living grandparent is 93 and very healthy.

13. I love hip-hop... The Roots especially... Have not missed a concert date in 6-7 years...

14. I absolutely love New York City!
Have to go at least once a year.

15. Most of my paycheck is spent on makeup and clothes... and dont forget, shoes... I love shoes!!

16. I work for a major corporation, as a corporate store manager (big name for "gift shop girl") ... great job for a student... dont do sh!t all day and get paid pretty good for it!

17. I am going on my first cruise in October, with my BF and his parents!

18. I have a teacup maltese named Midgie, she is my dad's baby.

19. I have a huge crush on Dwayne Wade of the Miami Heat! Yum!!

20. My favorite color is purple.


Well-known member
1. i accidentally walked out of target with a lipstick in my hand and didnt return it once. oops!

2. i am obsessed with interior design

3. i love the end result of my cooking, but not so much the standing there doing it part

4. my guilty pleasure is smoked oysters. mmm...

5. i loooove dove chocolate

6. i eat rocky road ice cream with milk poured over it like cereal.

7. i am obsessed with makeup and could talk about it all day. i even dream about it.

8. i wanted to marry my husband after the 2nd week of dating, but i had to wait a whole 3 months, lol!

9. my daughter just ate my "mist" lipstick right after i listed it for sale

10. a lot of people don't like me because they think i'm snobby.

11. i don't have any friends that i hang around with irl that are from the town i currently live in.

12. i don't wear makeup that often.

13. my secret dream is to audition for american idol.

14. i can't wait to move to texas.

15. i never want to be pregnant again. although i love the babies.

16. i turn red at the slightest hint of embarrassment, excitement, or otherwise. like, seriously. if i have to speak in front of a class, i feel like a tomato that's about to explode.

17. i am very jealous but try to keep my cool.

18. i have an amazing sense of humor, it's hard to offend me.

19. i am extremely picky.

20. i am very passive. i tend to let people step on me, and i don't stick up for myself.


Well-known member
20 things is a lot lol... here goes!

1. My first kiss was to a black guy, I never told my Mom or Dad about it because they would freak out.

2. I hate business casual dress for work because I can't wear short skirts or strappy tops.

3. All my shoes are high heels except my flip flops.

4. I'm a size 0

5. I've spent over $30,000.00 on college education and dont have anything to show for it. I wish my parents would have supported me going to culinary, fashion or makeup school. Now I dont have the money to do what I really want, and regret letting them influence my choices.

6. According to my aunt, my apartment is on the corner of, "Murder and Rape." I dont think it's that bad. No one has OD'd on the steps to my apartment.... this year.

7. I tend to fall in love quickly, and fall out of love even faster. None of my relationships have ever lasted more than 3 months.

8. I let guys buy drinks for me, and then leave when they have to use the bathroom.

9. I've had more 1 night stands than relationships.

10. My cat sleeps in my sink while I get ready in the morning.

11. The more time I have to get ready the more I take, getting ready is my fav part of the day.

12. I have a crush on a guy I work with who thinks, "He could never be that lucky." If he ever asked me out, I would say no.

13. I went a year without speaking to my Mom, now were best friends.

14. I organize coasters at restaraunts so they all face the same direction.

15. I'm obsessed with symmetry, and hate the fact that my body isn't.

16. I'm pro choice, but would never get an abortion if I ever got pregnant.

17. I rarely keep in touch with people who aren't a part of my daily life, even people who were my best friends.

18. People tell me I'm really pretty, but if I had the money I would change everything about my face.

19. I wish my Mom had gotten a C-Section. I've told her this.

20. My biological father died when I was 3.


Well-known member
1. I've been dancing (ballet, tap, modern, etc) since I was 8!
2. I never thought I was a cat person until I got my cat Frodo.
3. I reread my favorite books constantly, even starting in the middle so I can get to the end faster.
4. I hate brushing my teeth (i do it anyway though) because the texture of foamy toothpaste makes me gag
5. I cry when I'm angry
6. I never thought I'd get married, and I did at 20!
7. I went to performing arts school, and it was nothing like FAME
8. I make friends easier with guys than girls (and I want more girl friends), which is why I like Specktra- I can bond with girls over girly stuff

9. I laugh in my sleep
10. I'm obsessively clean
11. I have a birth defect called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome that makes me massively double jointed
12. I really want to try smoking pot. Never have.
13. I have a phobia of large trucks on the highway
14. My secret dream is to be a cast member of Saturday Night Live
15. I love sushi, especially unagi
16. I want to go to grad school, but I can't decide what to study
17. I would also like to be a professional organizer
18. My husband and I want to have a animal rescue someday
19. I forget to eat a lot.
20. I'm a Christian and I hate Christian music, tv, movies- I think it's stupid and for the most part, really badly done


Well-known member
queenofdisaster: Quote:
16. i turn red at the slightest hint of embarrassment, excitement, or otherwise. like, seriously. if i have to speak in front of a class, i feel like a tomato that's about to explode.

me too!!! I've gotten used to it some though, and it's not as bad as it used to be. Now, if my face turns red, I just continue along, and act like it's normal