20 Things That We Don't Know About You!


Well-known member
I'll start first! (Updated as at 23rd july 2007)

1. I have a foul temper. I mean really baaaad.

2. I'm standing at 1.68m & have a big built. oooh, but I'm flexible & is a fast-walker.

3. I come from a very close-knitted family & I love my family vvvvv much.

4. My BF is my first BF, and we have been together for almost 8 years! (9 years & married this June =D)

5. He has been living together with me since 7 yrs ago. (No, not co-habit, he slps @ my bro's rm)

6. I have got no driving licence *Puuuiiiii* But I'm determined to get one soon! (I got it last nov!)

7. I can't swim

8. I love art & craft, but always to "busy"/lazy to do crafts

9. I'm obsessed with make-up art. I'm always receptive to new eyeshadow colours & application.

10. I've not been out of asia
(Went to M'sia, Indonesia - Transit, Thailand & Taiwan only)

11. I'm an internet freak. I cannot survive with internet. (need to touch the PC DAILY)

12. I work for my parents & I'm a VERY fussy boss :p

13. I'm a very emotional person.

14. I HATE pushy salesgirls & beauty advisors.

15. I have a 3rd class honours degree *ah shucks*I'm ALWAYS an average student, no matter how much/lil I studied.

16. I was trained to be an extrovert during my poly days

17. I am a very nerdy, ugly & untidy person when I'm at home

18. I can be a very extreme person. I hated Malaysians yrs ago, yeah, i mean truly hate. Don't ask me why, their accents just IRKS me, esp the females. However, my BF is a Malaysian. *retribution!

19. My BF was "turned" Singaporean by me. I was consistently correcting his quirky accent & dress sense yrs ago
He's a PR now.

20. My dream job is to do internet business at my own leisure time, with high profit margin that allows to spend on my M.A.C, bags, clothes & good watches!


Well-known member
1: I have a weird sense of humor

2: I love to cook... b/c i think im a chef lol

3: Ive been with my husband for 5 years... He is younger than me..."yea i robbed the cradle" so what

4: I have really bad road rage.. "Im working on it though

5: I am the oldest in my family

6: My sister and i are the only grandkids

7: I was born in Korea

8: MU is my passion

9: My mother died when i was 16

10: I luv to go to Drift Comps.. and car Shows

11: I love children...

12: Ive only had 2 Speeding tickets in my life

13: My first job was working at McDonalds when i was 16

14: I love sushi

15: My fav place to go eat is at the Arirang Korean resturant

16: I graduated from a Military Acadmey.. No... Its not where they send lil bad-ass thug wana be's

17: Growing up i wanted to be a Surgical Tech.. Now i want to go to Cosmetology School

18: My dad is 53 years old and has had 3 heart attacks

19: My best friend is my 76 year old grandmother.. I just luvvvv her to death

20: I've been Married twice.... Sad to say but the first one was a great learning experience


Well-known member
1: I am a very silly person. To silly for my age I think...I'll be 29 in September and I don't feel it.

2: My Mom is a chef.

3: I met my boyfriend online, and I moved from Hawaii to SC to be with him. I saw him for the first time IRL when I got here. We been together for over a year now.

4: I too was married twice.

5: My first marriage ended because I was being abused.

6: I am very hard on myself and have low self esteem.

7: I am addicted to computers. I love everything about them.

8: I was raised by my Grandmother.

9: Alot of people mistake me as hispanic. I am acutally Japanese, White and Black.

10: I did gymnastics for 8 years.

11: I like to sing.

12: My boyfriend is a rapper/computer guy...LOL...and he's asian too.

13: I cook alot of asian food at home.

14: I love my boyfriends Mom's Kim Chee! Yummy

15: I love the beach.

16: I like fishing.

17: I'm a shorty @4'11"

18: I hardly speak to my Dad...we have a strange relationship.

19: I haven't seen my brothers since I was 12.

20: I have a excellent memory. People are amazed by the things I remember.


Well-known member
Edited : December 11th 2007.

1- I'm an artist, I like to recreate, paint, decorate.
2- I have a bad temper sometimes... (spm)
3- I wish I was born in NYC
4- I listen to soul and funk music
5- I eat meat, but its hard for me to eat lamb & veal
6- I sing songs to my cat...
7- Im not really in good terms with my father and I hate that.
8- I love wilderness camping, but I hate spiders!
9- Never seen the ocean

10- French is my main language, been learning english since 4th grade
11- Cigarette smoke annoys me
12- Me & my sister composed a song in honour of our grandma, but a funny one.
13- When I bite in a shrimp, I always get the impression of biting in an eye...
14- My sin : I sometimes smoke pot
15- Me and my sister are the only girls in the family. So spoiled!
16- Franck Lloyd Wright is my favorite architect, I love modern design, I collect 60's & 70's lamps.
17- Brown and purple are my favorite colors
18- People mistake me for a snobish girl, but Im only shy (sometimes I just dont wanna talk...)
19- I eat way tooooo much sometimes
20- Red apple jelly belly's are my favorites!


Well-known member
1: I am tall - 5'9"

2: I live to cook. Cooking is my biggest passion, next to fitness

3: I've been with my SO for 3.5 years

4: My SO was born in Vietnam and came to Canada as a refugee

5: I am the middle child

6: I was a competitive figure skater

7: I like working with tools and renovating things. WD40ing things around the house is one of my favorite chores

8: I don't own a TV

9: I love to garden

10: I want to live on a farm one day, away from the city

11: I love animals, bugs and all life

12: I love wine - talking about it, discovering new blends

13: I love sushi - even sashimi!

14: I eat yogurt with flax and honey every morning while reading Specktra

15: An SUV drove through the window of my work once and ran over the girl who worked next door - all right in front of me.

16: I love to read: John Irving is my favorite author

17: I can play the piano and sing

18: I was a competitive swimmer before skating took over my life

19: I am a true liberal, left-winged, anti-war, anti-gun, anti-smoking, (cigarettes, that is
), anti-Bush, pro-choice gal

20: My biggest piss-offs are liars, people who litter, people who don't recycle and people who blame everyone else for the things they hate about themselves



Well-known member
1) Die hard liberterian-anti democrat, anti republican actually I'm just anti government!

2) I believe in Native American beliefs (especially Lakota)
3) I have a fear of the movie theaters.
4) I can only watch football/baseball sport movies and dramas because they entertain me.
5) I have a pet raccoon (not really but at night he likes to sit and watch me on my porch and sometimes he'll do cute things for me)
6) I love mountain climb
7) I really do not like makeup that much (YIKES)
8 ) I used to be a radio personality
9) I like to put things up to make people think or piss them off-whichever comes first!
10) I love to fish
11) I love animals
12) I love to paint.
13) I am left handed
14) I walk around barefoot all the time
15) I love mashed califlower and cabbage
16) I am learning hebrew
17) My favorite thing to do is parasailing
18 ) I like to snorkle
19) I am learning Northern Shaolin form of Kung Fu
20) I can't cook.


Well-known member
01 - I'm double-majoring in spanish/fashion merchandising @ sf state
02 - I am in love with supermodels/backstage/glamour, it's an unhealthy obsession!
03 - I battled anorexia for three years during middle school. Because of that, I now have "tendencies", never work out (i get very OCD), don't count calories, and never diet (but then again, i'm only 18 and don't "have" to really, i wear a 2-4)
04 - i'm am army brat and can't stand men in the military (no offense!)...dad was in marine corps and the army and has lived away from me more than half of my childhood, and my stepdad is active duty in iraq now
05 - i don't eat pork meat (bacon is NOT meat!), and i hate turkey and chicken
06 - i can be overly forgiving in relationships
07 - i have VERY bad road rage (plus people in san francisco, which is city AND hills, drive f'in crazy!)
08 - i have a large, ethnically diverse family and though i'm technically "white" (i'm 1/16 native american, italian, irish, and german, mostly), i totally perfer non-white guys
09 - because of 08, i hate racism
10 - i'm extremely outgoing and completely unafraid of talking in front of large crowds, but i can be shy around strangers/people i like
11 - i'm 5'7, but i have really small feet (i wear a 6.5)
12 - i have 11 piercings (tongue, navel, left nipple, 2 cartalage, 6 in ear lobes, and i had my nose pierced)
13 - i HATE country music with passion and i'm all about hip-hop, bay area rap, electronica, mainstream pop (like madonna, britney). i also love neo soul and oldies, esp. marvin gaye and al green
14 - i love to dance and act and have done so for performance for 6 years
15 - along with loving make up artistry, i am very into modern art and like warhol-esque pieces
16 - i have considering being a cop, a lawyer, a doctor, and a hairstylist in the last year alone
17 - i am currently single, but i am not the type to be someone's GF, too much work
18 - i love shoes and am usually taller than the guys i date, since i prefer 4-in heels over anything else
19 - i'd rather be loaded down busy than bored and dormant
20 - i love correcting grammar mistakes and can spell very well (though you'd never guess since i type so damn fast and could care less here :0)


Well-known member
cute thread

1. i recycle obsessively.. OBSESSIVELY!! :goofy:

2. i'm completely addicted to cinnamon toast crunch and eat it EVERY morning

3. messy bathrooms kill me!

4. i love hubba bubba watermelon bubble gum

5. dh and i go out for breakfast every saturday morning

6. i love to dance

7. i spent 3 months in mexico on an exchange program in high school

8. hello kitty and louis vuitton are my major weaknesses

9. i have over 140 pairs of shoes (and counting

10. my best friend in the whole world is my big sister

11. i'm VERY protective of my family

12. i hate to cook. hate it
but i do it anyway :goofy:

13. i am TERRIFED of cockroaches.

14. i've been happily married for 11 years
this year will be #12

15. i used to work for british airways sooo dh and i have travelled the world!!
i LOVE to travel!!!

16. i love the smell of cigars (go figure) :spy:

17. i despise cigarette smoke and cigarettes

18. i adore animals

19. i'm extremely neat and cannot stand disorganization

20. incorrect grammar is a pet peeve of mine


Well-known member
I wanna play 2
. I share a couple of things with some of you

1. i wash my hands too often & don't touche any plublic doors with by bare hands. Especialy toilets.

2. i too recycle not obsessively. (duhh i live in holland8) )

3. have too much shoes for my own good. especialy boots

4. have an obsession for everything about nailtech. Big! collection. too much stuff

5. my bf is also my first bf, we have a son together and are together for almost 12 years

6. HATE stinky toillets and messy bathrooms

7. have problems sleeping cause that's when i sart thinking about designs and artistic stuff and HAVE 2 make things no matter how late it is

8. I also come from a verry close family. love my mam, sis and bro

9. my father died close to his birthday, so sad......

10. my dad never got to see my son

( my son wishes every day he knew him)

11. love my job

12. my son is the sweetest boy ever

13. my bf is the funniest man ever

14. i use the sing in a band ( and we actualy made a single. Don't ask!)

15. I did trim T. Jackson (3T) hair when he visited holland

(he was so nice and norrrrrrrmal

16. I eat like a pig

17. i don't believe madonna does not use foundation

18. i don't like cigarette smoke and cigarettes

19. i don't drink or smoke

20. Think my english stinks and i'm gonna stop now!

O.k next......


Well-known member
1. I have 4 kids, but have helped raise in a major way 7.
2. I'm extremely impatient with people about concepts I think they should grasp immediately, but I'm quite good with teaching children.
3. I can't use my left side of my body for anything but the most basic of tasks. Major motor function good to go fine motor function is just insane for me. I can't do much more than type...no eyeliner or shadow or nail polish will EVER be applied with my left hand. :/ I can't even do a cartwheel on my left side but I can do an arial one on my right.
4. I have a major eeeek about junebugs.
5. I've never been further west than Vernon TX.
6. My husband is fifteen years older than I am.
7. All of my photoshop skills (limited though they are) are self taught.
8. I have an automatic aversion to anything related to seafood...even freshwater.
9. My dad is my hero.
10. I'm inordinately close to my family. As in really close. As in talk to EVERY one of my immediate family members daily, in one way or another.
11. I was pregnant at the same time my mom was.
12. I'm friends with my ex husband's ex wife.
13. I run my home like a squad in the military, because it's more efficient.
14. I have always hated my chin/jawline.
15. I had 3 c-sections.
16. I'm a sucker for underdogs.
17. I'm a redneck by birth, though you'd never know it from when I'm with my kids.

18. I'm irish and cherokee, hence my redheaded blue eyed tanned skinned self.

19. My feet have gotten smaller in the past 4 years.
20. I'm allergic to mosquito bites.


I don't post much so here we go:

1. My husband is a DJ on a morning show at a rock station (I love country music

2. My daughter Grace is my BF she is 3.

3. My mom was 38 when she had me, I am 26 now and she could still kick my butt.

4. We bought the house I grew up in when we got married, my daughters room was mine when I was little.

5. I was four when my sister had her first baby.

6. My dad shot me when I was 5, I haven't seen him since (Thankfully)

7. My mama and grandma raised me.

8. I was engaged to my high school sweetheart when I met my husband.

9. I got pregnant when I had been married 5 months.

10. I work part-time for 5 Ear, Nost & Throat doctors.

11. I LOVE sushi

12. I have never been on an airplane.

13. I am addicted to Dr. Pepper

14. I am a christian

15. My grandma has Alzheimer's

16. I love Gilmore Girls & Grey's Anatomy

17. I have a horrible southern accent and talk way to fast.

18. I have road rage.

19. I am addicted to Ebay

20. My makeup vanity is more organized than anything else in my house


Well-known member
1. People often underestimate my capabilities, so when I do as well or better than them, they try to play it off as me just having "luck" (I.E., photoshop skills, photography, art, tennis, yoga, etc)
2. Like Juneplum, I too have a weakness for Hello Kitty and Louis Vuitton!
3. I once spent $3,000 on a shopping spree in San Francisco -- and I didn't even have a job! I was a full-time college student!
4. I paid off #3 though, so don't worry....I am in no way, shape, or form in debt.
5. I have a 4.5 year old daughter. I had her when I was 19
6. I am still with my daughter's father. We've been together since we were 17.
7. I SOOOO want a Nikon d50!! Flickr.com has inspiried me so much.
8. Once I start on something, I have to finish it that day. I can't take breaks or else I'll think about it all day.
9. When my fiance and I separated for a few months, I had a major crush on the guitarist of a local band

10. I love gadgets/electronics! My inventory so far: VAIO desktop, VAIO notebook, 3rd gen. iPod, iPod nano, Sidekick II, Sony Cybershot digi cam, PSP, PS2, Nintendo DS Lite, Sony CLIE (palm pilot), and Gameboy Advanced SP.
11. I can't use e/l on my waterline often. I think my waterline is sensitive b/c it gets easily irritated.
12. I have over 80+ pairs of shoes
13. I have hypothyroidism
14. I really, really, really want to have another child right now
15. I'm still in Nursing school
16. I have an AA in biological sciences
17. I took 3 years off from school to take care of my daughter
18. I often get jealous when I hear of my peers successs in completing college (and beyond)
19. I drive a black 2005 Acura RSX
20. I've lived on my own since I was 18.


Well-known member
I'm so stealing that tag line.

1. I'm a recovering anorexic - I feel like a beached whale every day of my life even though I'm still medically underweight - but it's wayyyy better than dying.
2. I do needlepoint.
3. I don't want children.
4. I hate it when people try to convince me that I should.
5. I can't sleep if my feet are hot.
6. I'm the messiest person *alive* but my kit and brushes are immaculate.
7. I love Steak Tartare but get afraid I'm going to get horrible food poisoning every time I eat it and later when I'm fine I wish I didn't worry about it so much it ruined the experience.
8. I hate my feet.
9. I also have hairy toes which adds to my foot hatred (I wax them!)
10. This exercise is way harder than I thought it would be.
11. Every time I look at my husband I feel really really REALLY lucky.
12. Calling me stupid is the biggest insult you could level on me.
13. Calling me self absorbed doesn't bother me at all.
14. I have a stupid amount of stuff - hence the messiness - but am a packrat and can never though anything out.
15. I secretly read tabloids.
16. I get freaked out that Estee Lauder management reads these posts and will find out I'm doing this and fire me from MAC.
17. I've never posted anything like this before.
18. I can't believe the bravery in some of the stuff I've read here in this thread and it makes my s*** seem incredibly trivial (like, how do you wrap your head around your father shooting you?)
19. I'm a sugar junkie and will eat icing for breakfast if it's available.
20. I like really trashy special effects/no plot movies.


Well-known member
1. I'm from New Zealand LOL

2. I moved to Australia to be with my bf - we'd only been together for just over a year...

3. I'm really short - 5"3'

4. I used to rock myself to sleep until I was 17

5. I have a lazy eye

6. I love my butt

7. I have to eat at leats one chocolate bar a night otherwise I go crazy LOL...

8. My Kitten Bella, is my life!

9. I feel alone and neglected by everybody but my bf

10. BUT I still get serious bouts of jealousy and insecurities and we've been together for over 2 years... LOL

11. I love animals, and would be a vet if I could stop myself crying when I see one hurt

12. I'm addicted to reality TV HAHA!

13. My mom is my best friend

14. I HATE the smell and taste of coffee

15. I love filling out those *annoying* myspace questionaires...

16. I'd love to learn spanish fluently...

17. I cannot cook!

18. I don't have my drivers license and I don't intend on getting it... but I can drive.

19. I've been at my job for 2 months and within the first month I got employee of the month LOL (and no, its not something they give every newbie...)

20. I spend my entire saving on makeup bar food and rent... LOL

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
1. I have a very bad temper as i have a short fuse, i will literally attack anyone being nasty to me

2. I'm only 5ft3

3. I love The Pretenders and wants to meet Chrissie Hynde

4. I always have to wash my hands cos i hate them dry.

5. I had a fight on my last day at school few years ago and the teacher gave the girl detention and not me because he said i'm 'too nice' to fight anyone. (I started it haha)

6. I'm a collector of DVDs, i have 60 in total and thats from the past 8 months

7. I'm a Ben and Jerry's icecream addict

8. My family originated from Trouville France

9. I have visited 6 countries in my life, some of them twice.

10. I have never heard of Oscar Mayer Wiener til couple weeks ago

11. I have a 2 inch scar on my leg from banging it into a table and another 2 inch scar from a catscratch

12. I love taking photos and wants a career in photography/journalism

13. I dont ever drink or smoke.

14. I have met Status Quo backstage at their concert and had the best view in the place! (i was right at the front on the other side of the barriers)

15. I'm a car nut, i love any cars that is sports cars such as Ferraris and Burgettis

16. I have a coke habit (no not cocaine lol, coca cola)

17. I hate the heat

18. I do things that my mates are too chicken to do them, such as sitting in a cold plunge pool for 10 mins at -8 degrees celsius

19. I'm allergic to bubble bath, some soaps, nickle, fleas, some materials and some clothes powder that washes them.

20. I really wanna meet Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp one day


Well-known member
1. I'm 5'7
2. I can only sleep when it's really cold so that I am really warm under the covers

3. I can be such a snob when it comes to hairbrushes; I only use Frederic Fekkai or Mason Pearson 8)
4. I am obsessive compulsive about my hair; I use shampoo, 2 color infusers, conditioner on my whole head, then a deep conditioner on the ends every time I wash; then after the shower I comb it and use a leave-in conditioner, a serum, a styling cream, a shine serum, then after it dries I straighten with a heat protection serum and a glossing product, and then lock everything in with a sealant. *phew*
5. I don't really have many friends - I find myself to be really ugly and horrible inside and out, I figure thats why :confused:
6. I just broke my toe
; I'm such a klutz and bump into everything
7. I drink so much water daily, around six 32 oz. bottles
8. I hate my skin; it's so hideous
9. I want to work in fashion marketing or merchandising.
10. I have two dogs; one Maltese and one Black Lab, quite opposites LOL
11. I have 3 cats but don't like them much, they aren't too affectionate to me
12. I don't smoke or drink because in my family run addictive tendencies and I don't want to mess around
13. When I go into a depressive cycle my puples get really dialated
14. I only drink diet sodas, they taste better to me. Even though I don't have soda much.
15. I don't eat red meat.
16. I LOVE
the move Zoolander! Its hilarious!
17. I have an addiction to Balenciaga bags.
18. Designer denim is another addiction. I have 25 pairs of them! Also tee shirts, I have over 150!
19. I am OCD about my eyebrows.
20. I wear a wifebeater under EVERYTHING. I buy a pack a week at Target lol.


Well-known member
1. I'm rude sometimes if your rude
2. If your an ugly man I will shoo you like a fly
3. People get on my nerves easily
4. I am not patient
5. I have only one friend
6. I wear contact lenses
7. I'm sometimes insecure
8. I am from the middle east (Lebanon)
9. I don't like to drive a lot
10. I don't smoke
11. I don't drink
12. I take 3 hours getting ready
13. I have a short attention span
14. I am a neat/clean freak
15. I don't like stupid people
16. I still live at home
17. I have met Chester from Linkin Park
18. I have met Shirley Manson from Garbage and was in her music video
19. I have met ORGY and was in their music video
20. I want to be something but I still don't know what to be


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pascal
17. I have met Chester from Linkin Park

frickin LOVE that group! what was he like?


Well-known member
1. I LOVE to read
2. I'm a cheerleader at my highschool (which is the reason for number 6, at my school it's very important)
3. I'm a very good cook and my grandmother taught me everything i know
4. I have a twin sister
5. I sleepwalk
6. I can tumble really well, I go to tumbling about 4 times a week, and am very dedicated
7. I watch to much tv
8. I used to be a competitive horseback rider
9. I am a christian
10. I like trying new foods
11. Im a very impatient person
12. I love going to school
13. I have squares of random colors of paint on my walls in my room because i can't decide what color to paint it
14. I can be shy and super friendly, if i don't know you that well i probably won't talk to you, unless you talk to me
15. I have an amazing dog but he barks 24/7
16 I can drink a gallon of milk in a day, that's about all i drink
17. I go to the movies like 3 times a week
18. I love to swim
19. All my cousins and grandparents have really bad southern accents
20. I do 300 crunches every night and can't sleep if i haven't done them

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