3 year relationship. gone


Well-known member
Oh man, heartbreak absolutely sucks all kinds of a$$. I don't know if you'll even see this, but I can relate. Almost a year ago (beginning of Dec. 2004), my boyfriend of almost 8.5 years broke up with me. We had lived together before for 4-5 years, but had been long-distance for the last 2.5. We always had our share of problems, but I was always convinced that he was The One up to a month before we broke up. To this day, I still don't know why he broke up with me. The only way I could move on was to change my numbers and un-list them so I knew he had no way of getting in touch with me, so I wouldn't then sit by the phone hoping he'd call.

Anyway, I just found out yesterday that he'd starting going out with his 'best friend' (female) a month after we broke up. A month! After he said he just didn't 'want to be in a relationship right now'. They're still together. Boy, do I feel like a dumbass. I totally trusted him completely and never once thought he liked her in that way. What an idiot I was, huh? I didn't know her b/c they became friends after I moved out of town.

Anyhoo, the whole point of my ramble is that I can definitely relate to what you're going through, although we can never say we know EXACTLY what someone else's experiences are. The breakup is fresh in my mind since it's coming up on the 1-year anniversary. The bright side is that I met my current SO in April, and he's wonderful. He treats me way better than my ex ever did. Of course I've learned to not trust my feelings about relationships, so I let alot of my doubts carry into this relationship. But he's understanding.

Wow! I think this was more therapeutic for me than helpful for you :p If you ever want to talk to someone who understands, feel free to page me anytime. It WILL get better in time. Try to keep busy & go on lots of frivolous dates where the guy worships you! ;-)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iiifugaziii
update: just found out he left me for another girl. Who would've thought? hahahahaha. god I'm a fucking idiot and a loser for liking this guy. I wish I could just snap my fingers and never think of his face again

Sister You Are The Winner And He Is The Loser!

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