4 pan or 15 pan palettes and why?


Well-known member
15-pan for storage, quad for travel and I like seeing the colors w/o opening the palette. I really wish they had a 6 or 8-pan, too. For traveling purposes, 4 isn't enough and 15 is too many.


Well-known member
Quads for me. I have between 15-20. I like them because they're small, see through, and they stack nicely. I have some 15s, but because of the kind of storage space I have, the 15 has to sit on the bottom in order to fit, and then if I want anything out of it, I have to remove everything else on top of it. It's not very practical for me because of it's size and I hate having to open it to look in & see what I want. I like the look of the 15 alot, but in order to not have to shuffle through a bunch of 15s, I still have to label the top of it, which takes away from the aesthetics of the palette. Sorry, didn't mean to write a novel lol!


Well-known member
I love my 15 pans, they are easier to store and help me get a look at a lot at once, so I don't have to move things around as much. I also have one 4 pan for travel.


Well-known member
I prefer the quads because I have <25 MAC powder shadows and don't plan on building a large collection. I have one premade quad (Nat. Eccentric) and 4 others that are grouped according to color (brownish neutrals, pinks, purples and misc). They're easy to carry around, regroup according to whim and store in the small 3-drawer storage unit I keep my eye products in.

I keep Night Owl, Taupeless and Slip Pink in their pots just because I'm a little anal about their LE-ness.
But the latter two may get depotted because I use them frequently and want them more accessible.

If I had lots of shadows or planned on a large collection, I'd do 15 pans with a couple of 4s for travel for the same reasons many posters have already outlined.

Enjoy your palette-building, whichever size you choose!



Well-known member
I prefer both and use them for different reasons. I keep the shadows I use every day (wheat, kid, shroom and mylar) in a quad. It's easier than pulling out my 15 pan every morning when I just want a neutral look. I also keep a backup quad on hand for travelling. It's much easier to take one or two quads than all your 15 pans.

Good luck!


Active member
I used to really like the 15 pans and I still use them for the brighter shadows that I don't use very often, but I prefer the quads now. The quads are great because when I am rushing around in the morning (which happens every morning) I can see at a glance what colors are there. I store them upright in one of those plastic baskets and then when I am doing my makeup I flip through them to see what I want to use. Also, it's so much easier to take the quads with me when I travel.


Well-known member
I like them in the pots, but my stepdaughter likes them in the pan pallettes, she only gets the pallettes of 4 cuz she says she can't fit the 15 one in her purse to take with her. I thought that was a good point that I never would've thought of.


Well-known member
Quads! I love the see thru lid, I am always rushed and it is easier to flip though them to find the colors I want. I have one 15 pan that I started with and switched to the quads after getting a premade one and really liking the convenience of it.


Well-known member
I personally like the quads best. For me it is a storage issue, the 15's are just a little too big for my storage spaces, the ones I have are on the bottom (as that is the only way things will work) so I have to dig for them. The quads stack well and fit well, though I do have a ton of them. I also tend to work out of my hands and I can get a better hold of a quad than a 15. I agree that the 15's can simplify, I just prefer to work out of the quads. Not to mention if I drop a 15 I am screwed since I am going to loose more that way to breakage.


Well-known member
i LOVE both but if i had to choose i would pick the 15 because it holds more! i use the 4 when i travel... plus the price for 3 quads is about the same for one 15....


Well-known member
I prefer 15's, just because I've got so many now that it's makes more sense space-wise and they're separated by color scheme. I do, however, have a few quads that I've depotted and I use the empty quads for travelling purposes and for colors that don't quite FIT in my color schemes and that I don't have enough to fill a fifteen (i.e. golds/teals/purpley grays/dark maroons). I only have 4 quads though-- I might have to pick up more.


Active member
like most everybody else on here .. i absolutely love my 15 pallettes .. its nice just to open it up and see all my colors together and it also does save space.. i thikn it would be inconvinient to have a bunch of little 4 ones all over the place i would save those for travel or daily make up to take with you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gorgeous16_02
how much is the one for 15? i looked on ebay but there 20 to 30 dollers?

the 15 palette is 12.00 and the quads are 3.50


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
is it hard to transfer pans between a 15 and a quad?

Nope, i do it all the time.

And i also agree with most people here, that i love my palettes for daily use and quads for travel.


Well-known member
where do you get the palettes from? I looked on the MAC website and nothing
is it on the PRO website? I hope not....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alysia
where do you get the palettes from? I looked on the MAC website and nothing
is it on the PRO website? I hope not....

You have to get them at a free-standing or Pro store. They don't carry them on the website anymore, unfortunately. You can call though and order them over them phone. Just call Customer Service and they will direct you accordingly.
