4 pan or 15 pan palettes and why?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wattage
You have to get them at a free-standing or Pro store. They don't carry them on the website anymore, unfortunately. You can call though and order them over them phone. Just call Customer Service and they will direct you accordingly.


yay, maybe if I get quite a few I'll have to start to depot


Well-known member
I like the 15's for convenience... but I agree, I wish they had a clear lid. The 4's are much easier to see and they feel sturdier. I wish they would make the 15's with clear lids.


Well-known member
I have two 4 pan pallets (plus one quad) and I really regret not getting a 15 pan instead. It's a pain if I want a colour from each pallet and I think they take up more room. I have a few eye-shadows that I have not depotted yet and I am debating If I should just get a 15 pan. The only thing is that I have already paid the money for my 4 pans and they would go to waste.


Well-known member
4-pans because i have a TINY collection and having a 15-pan palette would just be rather useless and a waste of space...

despite the fact that i always crave MAC i'll never have a ginormous collection like the rest of you 78894865498764654654187 ladies on specktra because i'm always poor. i need to patch up that hole in my wallet...