I was spanked.... very very rarely, but i was. And you know what? it worked. being tapped on the butt was like the worst thing in the word to be. It didnt hurt, but it was embarassing and well... a punishment. I've never physically lashed out at my parents... or anyone i dont think.
I have verball lashed out at my parents (on the few occasison they deserved it, and my god does it take me a lot to get there). Discipline is so important, and it needs to start early. Sometimes "physical" discipline needs to start from an early age (i speak of spanking ofcourse!), taking away a toy, or a cell phone in this case just doesnt seem to work the same way.
I dont WANT to spank my kids, but, i know i'm not scared from it, i don't have hard feelings, i dont think it was wrong. I think it taught me some respect, and that there are consequences to your actions.
My brother got hit once by my dad. He only told me about this like last mother. He said my brother was little, i guess around 9. He was in bed, and arguing with my dad and he told him to fuck off. My dad lost it, and quote "wailed on him" (spanking hard), and my brother was crying. My dad said he went into his room after that and sat on the edge of his bed and cried and cried. I'm sure my brother doesn't remember, but my dad will never forget, and he still feel awful. He and his brothers and sister were really really badly abused as kids, so he vowed never to hurt us ever.I guess, if you ever were abused, even if you become an abuser for a second, it must be so horrific.
wow... i got pretty off topic!!