Ok i have to agree with mac head, i can understand the parents here too, but i dont believe you need to have children to understand when it wrong to strike a child.
Like it or not, spanking is a branch of violence, it may not be as severe as say, punching/kicking or whatever, but it still is.
I havent had kids, but ive looked after alot including very bratty ones and ones with ADS (who have refused to take their medication) and not just for short periods of times, for days too. I can understand why a parent can just lose it, ive seen it happen plenty of times, sure i feel uncomfortable when i see it but i know why the parent has done it.
Spankings, few and far between, in my opinion are ok but a parent needs to use other methods of discipline, and there
are other ways, plenty of them and i know this not only from my own personal experience and testimonies from other people, but i also know this from studying this kind of methodology in psychology.
Tish, youve been spanked and from the people youve talked to and your own kids, its worked out fine and youve earned their respect, which wont have just come from spanking your kids, it means youve been a good parent in general and given them what theyve needed when theyve needed it, but your experience cant account for everyone and i think thats im really trying to get at.
For the most influential period of a childs life, the parent is their main role model and children learn best from immitation. Theres a study called the 'bobo doll' study, where kids watch an adult hit a bobo doll (a toy they werent familiar with) they are then left in a room with the doll and monitored on how they would play with the doll. Surely enough they copied what they saw the adults doing.
This is what im trying to say, although you, as a mature and rational adult, understand why your spanking, your child may be interpretating the message differently and thats where problems start - it could lead to fighting, violence etc and because nobody is a blank slate id never assume that because it never bothered me, it should bother somebody else is i replicate it the same way.
Anyhoo i quickly googled 'the effects of physical discipline on children' and found this article (not sure if i can post the link?)
Physical discipline makes children anxious and aggressive - The Natural Child Project
Im sure theres more but that was the first one that came up so i just want to post it so you understand where im coming from and how ive formed my opinionson the subject.