.. a week without makeup, could you do it?


Well-known member
I could do a week without eye makeup, although it would be difficult to resist picking up my mascara!...face makeup though? That would be way too hard. *shudder*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
job training...no makeup, no hair dye (not even high/lowlights), no nail polish.

Goodness... Kimmy, as a fellow makeup lover, and on behalf of Specktra, we order you to quit your job, pronto! Hehe, jk.


Well-known member
For me it's easier to go out than go to work with no makeup. It's all about the precedence to me. If they've never seen me either way, it's not as a big deal to be seen without makeup. But if they are used to a put together, made up me, then I would be self conscious about it.

I think maybe focusing on a glowy skin, nice blush and lips may help to take attention from no eye makeup. I would wear sunglasses too, also your eye's will be sensitive to light so that should let you get away with wearing the sunglasses at work. I'm jealous you all got laser eye surgery, that's gonna be so awesome!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Yes. I go through periods where I don't. I think the first few days may be weird (like right now, I just moved and have no internet at home), but it eventually becomes habitual. Then when you're finally able to wear makeup, you'll be really excited


Some days I have thought about going without any makeup when my skin is clearer and more even but then i think i will look weird to other people without makeup on

if i was you i would like make like your foundation and cheeks look really luminous and glowly so people focus on that

oh and when you were in a soratie [ sorry horrible at spelling] did they make you not wear any makeup or was it becuase it was easier?


Well-known member
I could do it easily. I only wear makeup on the weekends anyway. Sometimes I go weeks without it. However, I think I look better with it on.


Well-known member
No chance.. I feel so awkward without it on.. at least some mascara.... My eyes are SUPER small though so i look like im dead ass tired or someone punched me in the face w/o it on

but today i wore no makeup to class.... and the kid i sit next to goes "wow.. you look...really good." And was dead serious. I was like.. are you fucking nuts??


Well-known member
ive done it before. My School schedual gets pretty insane 9 weeks into the semester. I basically have 9-13 hr days 5 days a week, so i dont have the energy for makeup.

If you're really jonzing for some makeup play up the lips and blush.


Well-known member
I could do it pretty easy, Im going out with no make-up right now cause Im just too busy, its 7 -10 am and I gotta go study.. I agree with Tish, as I have a lipgloss and also some minimal MSF Im good to go.. But I could go without any.

Its better for your health to resist and it will be better! Also, its sometimes good to have a break from make-up


Well-known member
I had lasik about a year ago, and it was the best thing I ever did (besides marrying the hubby lol). It really sucks to not wear makeup, and don't even try to because they will ask and reschedule you. However, the outcome, is totally worth it for a week, to have something change the rest of your life!

Good luck!!!! and don't forget the eye drops!!! I still use my plain saline ones when I get up in the am.


Well-known member
I went a month without any make up a couple of years ago. i got to a point where I felt make up was becoming to important to me, and that i was using it for the wrong reasons. So i felt I needed to remind myself that its not the make up that makes a person beautiful, its the person. So I vowed not to wear it until I didn't feel so subconscious without it. Since then , I can go without it an not give a second thought. Sometimes its good to give it up .


Well-known member
Wow, you all got off lucky with one week! I had laser surgery too, but it was PRK, and I wasn't allowed to wear makeup for 4 days pre-surgery, and for 3 weeks post op.

I also had to wear my glasses only for a month pre surgery.
But every day was worth it. My vision is better now then it ever was with contacts!!!


Well-known member
I could so do it. I don't wear makeup everyday anyway... sometimes I'm just too lazy.
I feel better with makeup, but I won't stress if I have to go out without it.
Good luck with your surgery! I can't wait to get LASIK done!


Well-known member
If I had no school or social life I could.
It would be hard because as of right now I play around with my eye makeup everyday to try new techniques out.
But I'm sure I could maybe do no eye makeup to school if I was so lazy and that's only because I'm hiding behind glasses!
It's actaully sad because most of you are older than me and can go without it but I can't and I've just turned 14!?!


Well-known member
I go without makeup quite a bit which is funny since I own so much makeup and I am obsessed with it. I don't wear much makeup to work either. But when I am going out for the evening with my boyfriend or friends I get all dolled up. So all in all I think that I could go a week without makeup.


Well-known member
I could definitely go without eye makeup for a week. I might miss the mascara, though...

Today I only wore concealer and lip balm to school and I felt fine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
i'm just being real. i probably couldn't do it, which is kind of sad if you think about it. It has nothing to do with confidence... i just love applying makeup. it's fun!
but i guess if it was for medical reasons, i could try.

I totally agree with you, the temptation is too hard to resist.

But if I need this, priority come first, it is more important my eyes than those looking at me without any makeup =]


Well-known member
I could if I had to, especially if I could still use some lip balm or chapstick and moisturizer. Get your eyelashes dyed beforehand and your eyebrows if needed. Pinch your cheeks for a rosy glow and pretend you are Laura Ingalls on the Prairie!


Well-known member
OMG. My cousin is 35 years old, and his mom (my aunty) is 65 and she HATES it when people see her without make up. My cousin went over to his moms house one day to cook her dinner, and just so happened she was in the shower, so she refused to let him in until she put on his face. He had to wait outside for like 1 hour. OMG her own son!!! and she couldnt let him inside lol.

But me personally i go months without makeup
thats why i've been selling 90% of my collection this past year. 1 kid + a husband to take care of + school + work + no sleep = i dont care if the hottest man alive saw me look like crap.