.. a week without makeup, could you do it?


Well-known member
I thought u meant makeup altogether. If you meant foundation and blush and stuff, then the answer would be NO. Because I have really bad skin.

But I hardly wear more than eyeliner/mascara on my eyes. Im not the best at application, and I never have time to make my makeup look good. So I just throw some eyeliner and mascara on.

I wanted LASIK really bad but I cant get it until Im 25...plus I cant afford it. Its well worth it...your eyes are going to be GREAT! I recently got contacts and I feel like a new woman


Well-known member
Easily, LOL. I do it all the time when I'm wearing glasses, because I can't see well enough without them to apply makeup before I put them on, and putting on my contacts just to apply makeup and then removing them to wear my glasses is just a bit much. I just do lip service and get on with it. I'm apparently not as obsessed, LOL.


Well-known member
I've actually done this. I went for a week without make up to see if my skin would clear up, which it didn't as I later found out it wasn't the make up, but hormones causing the problem. The first few days are awful! You feel like everyone is staring at you! But then you get used to seeing yourself without make up on and it's a bit easier lol! Don't worry, just think of it as a nice break for your skin!
And more time in the morning to sleep! ;0)


Well-known member
yeah my advise is dont wear the makeup! I had lasik done a year ago and I was a dumb ass and put powder on my face to look semi presentable and it got in my eye and caused an infection! Do you like green eye!?


Well-known member
I cannot go to work without makeup but mine is simple, just foundation, mascara, blush and l/s or l/g

I only wear eye makeup on the weekends if I'm going out.


Well-known member
I could definitely do it. Frankly, I don't wear much makeup at all on a daily basis, sometimes even none at all for work.


Well-known member
For medical reasons, I guess I would but I would struggle not to touch my MU. Thats the only reason I would not wear it and I would do my best to stay away anyone but my family... I'm not to afraid to admit it.

...I am ok with how my skin looks without it but prefer it when I have enhanced it with colour and contouring. I guess my desert island product would be concealer though.

My main prob is, when I dont wear any... I see an opportunity, a bare canvas and think "ooh what look can I create?" !


Well-known member
You can do it
It's only material, superficial
You can live with your own self for a week, you'll see


Well-known member
i really feel for you!! i had an eye infection and couldnt wear eye makeup for a week. i just didnt feel like myself! my face felt naked. just keep thinking about how much it will be worth it in the longrun when you have amazing vision!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jaclynashley
It's actaully sad because most of you are older than me and can go without it but I can't and I've just turned 14!?!

It's only in recent years (say college) that I've become ok with going out without makeup on. I feel like I've just become a lot more comfortable in my own skin (and less concerned with what anyone else thinks!). I would never EVER have gone barefaced in high school, even if I was sick as a dog. Now? Eh. Idc. Haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by slepre

oh and when you were in a soratie [ sorry horrible at spelling] did they make you not wear any makeup or was it becuase it was easier?

Hehe..nah, it was part of my last week of pledging. We were basically forced to not wear makeup for a week among other things.

But yeah..someone mentioned not to wear powder 'cuz of the eye infection... good lord! Thanks for the warning. I didn't even think about that.

And good idea as well on the sunglasses to work cuz of "light sensitivity". Haha, I like it! I'll put tape on it too to make it more obvious.


Well-known member
I go without makeup all the time...

Don't get me wrong, I love makeup, I probably have far over 5 grand worth or makeup, and I love it all. But I've always been one of those girls who personally, can go out without makeup, and not really give a shit what anyone thought.

When I was younger Id always think about how people must judge me on my looks, or on my skin, or whatever. And then I got older and realized that, I don't judge other people like that, so I'm going to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and hope they don't do it to me.

But wearing makeup definitely gives me great confidence, even though I'm still confident without it. I have bad acne, I always have, and these days I dont have as much acne as I do scarring.

I go out without makeup on a regular basis because I know that wearing foundation everyday isnt going to make my skin better. I wear makeup probably 3 times a week.

(right now im just a student, but if I was working, this would be different and I would be wearing makeup much more)


Well-known member
I could easliy, i like to wear it when going out but its not an essential for me (infact most days I look rather bad lol) . But if I were you, I'd focus on, your lips, and hairstyling
It's only a week and its for your eye health... trust me in retrospect it will seem like nothing for having the beautiful clear vision.


Well-known member
Yeah I could easily do it - I often go without at weekends but always wear make-up to work just to look presentable and put together. If I ever go without make-up at work then people comment that I look tired/ill lol

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
well I don't think I've gone without MU for a week since high school. But if I had to, I would do it. I wouldn't like it, but I would do it!

My mom got Lasik about 8 years ago and she also had to go w/o MU. It was kinda weird coz she's so into makeup that I don't even remember seeing her w/o it. But you gotta do what you gotta do.


Well-known member
I couldn't a week with out face makeup cuz i looove for my skin to look flawless. i have some hyperpigimentation and I'm self-conscious about it but I must say I've see worst. I plan on investing in tinted moisterizer for on my run days... But I could do a week without eye makeup especially for medical reasons.


Well-known member
yeah, i COULD, but i wouldn't want to.
i could go every day with just concealer, mascara and bronzer ... i'm pale, i have blonde eyelashes and really dark circles under my eyes so I just like to have at least that when I go to school or out (although to the gym or grocery shopping/running errands I don't care)


Well-known member
I do it quite frequently. Most of the time I'm just too lazy to deal with it...I do scare small children, the elderly, and animals by not wearing any though


Well-known member
i could do without eye stuff. just some cream blush and a gloss and im good to go!