About Color Story Pictures...


Well-known member
lol - I'm serious- I'll totally do it- Theres not a ton that I'm terribly excited about the next few collections anyway- except pigments, since I can't usually get those at my counter.

My bank account will LOVE me if we decide to do this. But if we do it, we have to do it right.. NO WEAKNESS!! I know that colors are pretty and stuff, but come on, this is bullcrap, if they are going to not allow pix anywhere, then they should have an archive on THEIR website, for reference on older collections- it was a great resource on Specktra! It just makes me so MAD!

We should all agree on a collection, and be strong, unite, and spread the word!!! (God, I'm a hippy in the '00s!!) lol

Don't let the MAN keep us down!! lol


Well-known member
I just realised all the past pics from Specktra's colour stories have gone, i thought it only applied to future ones!
Would it be ok to ask other people who have the pics to send me them? I just like to collect..


I enjoyed the pictures because it showed the different looks with the colors in that collection. On the subject of color stories...does anyone know the color story (or tell me the collection they are in) for Wuss and La La Lady lipsticks? I couldnt find them!!


Well-known member
You think they would be a bit more grateful to a website that promotes their products SO much and at least let you use pictures from past collections. That's just bad business on their part.


Active member
Originally Posted by AprilMB
I enjoyed the pictures because it showed the different looks with the colors in that collection. On the subject of color stories...does anyone know the color story (or tell me the collection they are in) for Wuss and La La Lady lipsticks? I couldnt find them!!

La La Lady- Tease Me Aug 2004


Well-known member
i would't have bothered evenp purchasing anything from sweetie cake had i not seen the pics. it's their lost really.


Well-known member
No problem guys! I know this whole thing kinda sucks. If I had more old collection pics, I'd definately share. I'm kicking myself for not saving them. Gggrrr.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
You think they would be a bit more grateful to a website that promotes their products SO much and at least let you use pictures from past collections. That's just bad business on their part.

It's not a matter of bring grateful or not, it's a matter of breaking the law or not. While the see and appreciate what sites like Specktra can do for them, it is still illegal usage of their materials and their legal representitives are responsible to prevent such activity.


Well-known member
Why can't we just enjoy the color stories!?

I totally agree that Estee Lauder should be happy with the fact that their is a web site so devoted to their cosmetics line that they should let it go! I understand the legal stuff but still. Let MAC lovers enjoy it and if Specktra was selling memberships than that would be a whole different story!


Well-known member
adamchristopher, I'm sorry I had to remove your post.
I can't promote further violation of MAC copywrites and trademarks on the forum.

EL has a responsibility to protect the rights of it's copywritten information and trademarks. If they don't then they lose said rights to their copywrites and trademarks (this is what the copywrite/trademark lawyer I retained informed me). I know it blows (sorry, but it does) that EL is targeting online violators, but they would target anyone. Yes, that means contacting "big" sites like LJ/MySpace to take the information down.

I need to make it clear again that EL is not only in contact with Specktra to take down the images. It is also in contact with other MAC related websites large and small to get the pictures and MAC trademarks removed. If they aren't now then I am sure they will be as soon as the site grows in volume and starts showing up in their radar.


Anyone have the 'color story' for Guacamole eye shadow and Wuss lipstick? Couldn't find Wuss and it's blank next to Guacamole


Well-known member
why dont we try to take color story pics of our own?
put our own pics up of all the products from the collection so people can see them at the very least and have a link on the actual colorstory page. i know its not as cool, but i do believe THAT is legal


Well-known member
Im sorry but are you guys talking about that gallery that showed all the looks from the past lines?


Well-known member
just a thought... how about instead of boycotting and making pleas here, instead go to www.maccosmetics.com and sending emails to the company with your thoughts. thet tand to listen more when you talk to them directly then indirectly. maybe by having them see how many people have issues and questions then they may come up with a comprimise or at least answers. also this would help take the stress off of the great admins here. btw thx admins for what you have been doing here already! ;-)