Originally Posted by mizuki~
Damn Accutane sounds scary! But I think I need it
Is it something you have to keep taking to keep clear skin or do you only take it for a few months and you're done after that?
It is scary (in terms of the side effects) but everyone is different so you'll experience it differently from what I did. Some people I've talked to have only had minor side effects.
Your derm decides on how long you take it and what your dosage will be. I was started on the highest dosage (40mg x 2 a day) for 2 weeks, then 40mg x 1 a day after that for 3 months.
The lowest dose is 2.5-5mg every other day (and what I might've asked for if I knew I could handle the side effects in the long run). One of my close friends is a pharmacist and has a double doctorate - and said if he were the derm, he'd prescribe that dose to me to see how it would work.
However, my acne was severe. I'd post photos, but they're really scary and gross - and would make me feel really self-conscious.
Ultimately, your derm will assess your skin in a consultation and review your history with acne to best diagnose what route to take to clear it up. It might be accutane, antibiotics, Retin-A, etc...or a combination of things.
Regardless, I wish you luck! Your skin is such a huge part of your self-esteem. When I finally cleared up and looked back on old photos, I cringed, but loved myself more because it really changes how you percieve yourself.