All about ACNE


Well-known member
I have had acne problems since I was 11yrs I got older it got worse and I also got body acne. I have also tried many different things too.

Right now...28yrs old... I have been trying the Compleatly Clear Skin system from Philosophy. It is working really well. I have been using it for a month now and have noticed a lot of changes. I still have stuborn spots so I went to Sephora and a very helpful MA helped me and sugested I try Peter Thomas Roth's Sulfur Cooling Mask as a spot treament to use over night. And it works fantastic! Anytime I see a pimple starting to emerge I dab it on and the next morning it's gone! It's really expencive but there are some good ebay deals

The body acne I'm still strugleing with I do have the Natures Cure body spray treatment and it has worked a little bit.


I have acne on my chin and sides of my face. I started using Cetaphil for 4 days, and all my acne is gone
I just have scars now.

It doesnt dry my face, and I feel clean and soft. Before Cetaphil, I was using Chanel Purity, and it dried my face like a dessert, and irritate my skin. It was terrible

Now seems work. I hope they will never come back again... I'll try to update you, guys within a month.


Well-known member
I like the Cetaphil cleanser for a basic product, it has never irritated my sensitive skin. I can't stand the moisturizer though, it's so sticky!


My 8th grade daughter also has acne worse than the other kids. We are using the Arbonne Clear Advantage System (wash, toner, lotion, vitamin supplement). It is a little similar to proactive, but uses the salycic acid as well at botanical ingredients. It helped for the everyday acne, but we did end up seeing a dermatologist. We use Solodyn (oral) and Ziana (cream) now. (BTW, both are probably priced out of the market without good prescription insurance.) The dermatologist told us to keep using the Arbonne too and that it was "good stuff." We are seeing a great improvement. If your parents are still against going to the dermatologist, try the Arbonne line. The vitamin supplement may the key that you are lacking. You have a 45 day money back guarantee on all of their products. So, even after three weeks or so of using it, if you don't like it you can send it back.

Click here to go to a website for their products!

Good Luck!


I just went to the derm and he prescribed solodyn, neobenz micro 5.5%, and benzaclin. Does anyone have tips on the best way to use these? Dr. just said follow the instructions.


Well-known member
I've suffered with bad acne all my life, and I've found a routine that keeps 90% of it away, and that's good enough for me!

I used to use proactiv (for about 4 years), it worked for the first 3 or so years and then it didnt do anything for me.

So my routine is:
1. Wash my face once with a milky organic type of cleanser, any brand will do. This gets the oils and dirt off.

2. Use lush herbalism cleanser, or lush fresh farmacy, and gently cleanse.

3. Use either a lush mask or a honey mask made at home.

4. Tone with lush tea tree oil.

5. Moisturize with lush enzymion.

As you can see, lush has obviously worked for me.
I find washing my face twice helps too, once to get the oils off, and the second to really cleanse your skin and kind of penetrate your pores.

I also don't ever rub my face with towels, I take a clean towel (has to be clean!) and pat my face dry, then I wait five minutes before applying toner.

I've found its important to really separate the steps as they all have something to offer in the process.

It sounds like a lot but it only takes 5 or so minutes
Im also on birth control and try to drink a bottle of water before bed - I find both of those things have helped.


This info might help you all!

When I first had mild/severe acne 4 years ago, I took some minocyclin and it really cleared up my face. When my face looked a lot better, I stopped the antibiotics. When my acne came back for revenge, I started using topical cream around a year ago and really super dried my skin up. It was so bad, I turned from normal/oily to dry/oily (ew!). I stopped using it. I was free from topical cream for few months and my face didn't improve at all: the acne and dry flaky skin was still present. Persistent =/ Nowadays my skin is red, irritated, dry and flaky, spots of acne everywhere but mostly concentrated around the mouth/chin. I stopped using all face products (trust me this helps, think of all the chemicals you're applying on to your face) and my face was less irritated and less flaky.
The only thing I used was a gentle scrub when my face was too flaky, and a non-alcoholic toner. Oh cleanser? JUST WATER IS FINE. You realize that water is like the safest thing to clean your face with? It's gentle, compared to all those cleansers in the market. You all do realize that the PH on those products are high? That can cause irritated skin (thus, the discoloration or acne).
If you wear makeup that day than you have no choice but to use cleansers...
Be careful when using rich milky cleaners, might clog your pores.

Few days ago I went to the derm because I didn't know what to do with my skin anymore. He said I had Perioral Dermatitis. It's a condition that only happens on young women, the cause is unknown but there is a cure. You either take tetracyclin (I declined his offer) or use topical cream called "metronidazole cream 0.75%".

For days now I used the topical acne cream and some Chinese herbal medicine. The Chinese stuff works, you guys should consider it! Might taste awefully bitter, but you can suffer for the sake of beautiful skin right?
Anyhow my face has improved A LOT. I swear. All the lil bumpy bumps has faded, the skin has a flat surface now. It's still dry but I rather have dry skin than ugly acne/red skin. The Chinese stuff cleaned out all the bad toxins in my body (when your body is toxic, all bad signs show on your skin=acne) and the topical cream made my face oil-free all day.
Remember to moisturize your skin with a non-comedogenic cream (I used CeraVe, good stuff! Can purchase at Walgreen's).

I also have discoloration due to acne/dry irritated skin, but I don't believe in the creams that derms recommend. My sis-in-law has roseaca and her condition hasn't improved. Unless you guys talking about the redness of dry skin irritation?

Good to you all who are suffering from acne. Hope we all get acne-free skin one day!


It seems like I've used EVERYTHING, and the only thing that worked for me was a Garnier facewash that later got reformulated.

I'm using ProActiv now and have been for about a doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by magicmorgan
It seems like I've used EVERYTHING, and the only thing that worked for me was a Garnier facewash that later got reformulated.

I'm using ProActiv now and have been for about a doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot.

Do you have sensitive skin?? I've heard that only parts of the proactive system seem to work

Joining the skin bandwagon...I have had problems with my skin since 11/12. It is only now starting to clear up with oral antibiotics, washing/moisturizing everyday and Retin-A at night. I think upping my water intake has also helped. I went in for microdermabrasion last week and the tech noticed how much clearer my skin is starting to get.


Originally Posted by hawaii02
Do you have sensitive skin?? I've heard that only parts of the proactive system seem to work

Yes my skin is very sensitive, pretty much all foundations make me breakout after a few hours of use, and a lot of facial cleansers have made me breakout.

I hear taking zinc is supposed to help.


Well-known member
My face exploded yesterday when I got home from work. Not really, but I have a few new little friends who popped in for a visit and don't look like they plan on packing their shit and going away for a while. I'm sure it's partly because I'm about to start my lady time, but it's so damn frustrating. I mean, I turn into monster-mega-Ashley-bitch when it's "that time." Then add in some new pimples, how can I not get frustrated when I look in the mirror? So because of my pms, I get more pissed off at my skin condition and I feel like that makes my breakouts bigger and angrier. It's a fucking endless cycle! What's worse, by the time these little bastards on my face are finally gone, I'll probably be starting my damn period again.

I'm seriously considering seeing a dermatologist, but I DON'T HAVE INSURANCE. Also frustrating. Does anyone here see a dermatologist without insurance? How bad is the bill? I mean, I pay my dentist out of pocket, so I'm hoping that just a visit or exam or whatever with a derm won't be a ridiculous amount, maybe they'll allow payments? Jeez. My dad always told me to find a rich doctor to marry me but noooo I gotta go for the damn cable guy.


Well-known member
I'm in the UK but I paid about £120 for my consultation with a private dermatologist. Maybe that might help give you an approximation of prices. Although we do have a different system here.

Also found a great new line of products that are really clearing my acne and acne scars. Elemis tri-enzyme resurfacing range! I already had the facial wash but got given samples of the resurfacing serum, resurfacing night cream and the new resurfacing gel mask. I've seen quite a big difference in texture and my skin has a more even appearance especially on the chin and forehead areas. It's no miracle worker but I believe over time it will definitely help me as an at home solution, especially with regular exfoliation.

I wish to marry a rich doctor too ash! He could clear up all my problems and support my MAC buying habits.


Well-known member
I'm sure this has been mentioned, but I can't read through so many pages!

I'm prone to breakouts on my forehead and have had mild-moderate but consisent acne since I was probably 12 or 13. I've tried every topical treatment in the book - benzoyl peroxide, retin-A, clindamycin, beta-hydroxy acid, etc.

One thing that I find is really important for people with acne-prone skin is to make sure to NOT over dry your skin!! I think this is my biggest problem - I was using harsh drugstore cleansers with salicylic acid twice a day and doing an aspirin scrub almost everyday. This is way too harsh...if you are overdrying your skin your oil glands kick into gear and your acne will only get worse. I used to feel like I needed to strip away any oil from my face but now I realize that that was actually making my skin worse...

It's critical to use a gentle acne-fighting cleanser and get a good moisturizer that's an appropriate weight for your skin type. Even oily skin needs to be moisturized daily! A good cleanser that I'm using is Aveda's Outer has a bit of salicylic acid but is not overly drying at all. I'm also careful to moisturize twice a day.

Another thing that helps me is microdermabrasion - it's expensive but worth it in my opinion. I try to get it done a couple of times per year mixed in with regular deep cleaning facials.


Well-known member
Ok, my doc started me on stievamycin (retinoid/antibiotic gel) 4 days ago after an incident with a superinfected cyst. As directed I put a thin layer all over my face once a day at night. well sure as $hi- my face is peeling like mad and everything from my lips and jaw on down to my neck is red and angry. We're talking Chef Ramsey angry. I get horrible sunburn, and this is like a very severe sunburn, the constant sting and burning sensation, the peely parched skin that no amount of moisturizer would fix. I layered on 4 layers of moisturizer before even touching a primer today, and I had to remoisturize every two hours at work. Still, my face was killing me.

So on my way home I stopped at the pharmacy and was directed to two products that would supposedly help my angry face. 1) ROC dematologic- Purif-AC soothing reparator. This product is specifically designed to moisturize and sooth skin under medical treatment for acne. 2) Biotherm Sun After Oligo-Thermal Face cream - intense hydration and comfort.

I bought both. Tonight I used my mildest face cleanser, gently exfoliated, used a non alcohol toner and then applied these two creams, i admit, rather liberally. I have switched to every other day application of the steviamycin to give my skin a chance to recover, so no gel tonight.

My face and neck are so happy!! After using these two new products, 3 hours later my face is still moist, no longer hot to touch, no longer has that stinging burning sensation. Doesn't look any better, but my god, no flaky cracked skin and decreased irritation?? I'll take it!

Just thought I'd put the word out on these two products for anyone else on retinoid or other medical acne treatments. The Roc was only $11.99 and the Biotherm was $30 CAN.

Hope that helps somebody else out there.


I have been using Kinerase. After I use it my skin feels so smooth and it keeps it pretty clear. I have had a lot of acne before but with this my complexion is great


Hi Junkalunck,

Some time this Acne Occur Due to the Harmonal changes in the Body Which is Mainly occur at the time of Adolescence which is your age Right now,But some time it may also occur due to the Blood Impurities,actually I'm also Facing this type of Problem I had tried Many Acne creams,Face wash but there is no effect on My Face then I had Try a Blood Purifier tonic,Now My Face is Clear ,There is not a single Pimple on My Face.


New member
i just finished my sophmore year and i was the first of my friends to get acne, and i've always had it the worst!

what a pain.

buuuuut then i got differin, and it is pretty good stuff. it took 2-3 months(good things come to those who wait..) and now my skin, although it isn't perfect, is a heck of alot better than it was!

oh and also, use cetaphil face wash and moisturizer. it's really gentle, and some of your acne may be from using harsh products.


I have acne on my chin and sides of my cheeks, and I frequently get them around my lips since I am a brass player. I use proactiv, and while it does keep my acne from being terrible, it doesnt get rid of the acne as fast as I'd like. Maybe I need another spot treatment, but I just think it keeps my skin healthy, but doesnt rid me of the acne

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