All about ACNE


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Re: Acne is worsening day by day help please

please do not think I am being too forward but perhaps it is time to see an ob/gyn and try a bc pill to help. I have had acne issues over the last 6 months and the pill is the only thing that has truly helped it.


Well-known member
Re: Acne is worsening day by day help please

Originally Posted by Indian Barbie
I used to have perfect skin and its getting worse every day I don't know what i'm gonna do! I feel like crying. I went and bought Clinique's Anti-Blemish Solutions kit and it's had no effect. Help me, I don't want scars all over my face from this

Hi, I would recommend laying off ALL Grains that includes sugar peanuts and pistacios. All are laden with fungus and related to breakouts. Whats going on inside is reflected outside. 100% oraganic and pure coconut oil will treat the acne. Use it at night if you don't want a shiny face in the day. Hope that helps!


Well-known member
Re: Acne is worsening day by day help please

Ugh god, I'm in the same boat. Perfect skin my whole life, people complimented me all the time, and then the past six months I've been getting breakouts. It's a nightmare.

I just got on a birth control pill, and I'm hoping it'll help.


Well-known member
Re: Acne is worsening day by day help please

I really recommend checking out They have an amazing forum that's seriously a goldmine for information on treating your acne, whatever kind it may be. hth!

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
Re: Acne is worsening day by day help please

i found that philosophy's on a clear day h2o2 and Murad's acne line has helped me alot!

i also reccomend washing your makeup brushes asap, along with your pillow cases and rub down your cell phone and telephones with some alcohol to kill germs on them.


Re: Acne is worsening day by day help please

hi there,

I know its hard but dont try to let it get you down because the stress of it might make the acne worse. I kinda had the same problem as you awhile back when during exam time my face just exploded from stress etc...i went to a beauty salon to get a consultation and a facial and they recommended the right products for me to use. within weeks and 2 facials my face was back to its clear self. SO my best advice is to seek out a good beauty salon with good products if you have the money to spend. I used MD Formulations which is AMAZING at clearing up acne- even now when i get the odd monthly flare up i use their acne gel and it clears up real fast. Hope it gets better soon and chin up in the meantime girl!


Active member
Acne - How important is to visit dermatologist?

Hello gals.

I have been wondering this thing. I have acne pore skin and I have never been to dermatologist for various reasons - here in Finlad it costs like 80€/100 dollars and I am a student, so I don't have any extra money. I have also been told that to get results with dermatology you have to visit there very often.

So, do you think that dermatology treatments every now and then really improve the state of the skin, or is it better to concentrate on daily basic skin care routines instead?

Have you really got help from those treatments and how often you visit there? Do you think it is very important or do you think it as a extra special thing to make your self better more than to really change radically your skin?


Acne Scars

I need recommendations for products that help fade acne scars! I had really bad acne between the ages of 13-15ish and now that i'm 20 i'm trying and working hard to get my skin to be "bride perfect" for June! My skin at the moment is sensitive/acne prone as I still get mild breakouts from time to time. My scars are not too noticeable, as they're not deep, but they do look like dark spots on my skin. I cover up with makeup as it is, so what I need is a formula to just help get RID of them.

Any suggestions would be great! Thank you!


Well-known member
Re: Acne Scars

Try Avon's is like micro-dermabrasion kinda. It has a creamy base and tons of teeny weeny exfoliating bits that really leave your skin soft and flake free. I have only had it for 2 weeks, but I am impressed with it so far
I am also trying to get rid of some old acne scars and I there are really good reviews for it on MUA. Try looking on eBay - you can usually get it for half the price!

An AHA/BHA combination also works well. I have Paula's Choice AHA and BHA products and I use those every now and then.


Well-known member
Re: Acne - How important is to visit dermatologist?

ive visited a dermatologist for my acne a few times and its never honestly been helpful! Basically all she said was to make sure i use my skincare religiously and prescribed me some things that never worked...i have better luck using my neutrogena products but it may be helpful to you!


Active member
Re: Acne - How important is to visit dermatologist?

I went once and it was completely useless. I think you are far better off to spend your money on good skincare. Also, do a bit of research on acne on the internet to learn about causes, treatments, etc.


Well-known member
Cystic Acne :[

I have fairly nice skin. A few blemishes every once in a while. A few blackheads on my nose. I'm normally content with it.

But every now and then I get these huge disgusting..... zits.
I don't even know if you can call them that.
I've been to the dermatologist for this problem and he basically told me that the only cure for cystic acne like this would be accutane, but my mother won't allow me to use it because the risky side affects.

Is there anything to help them heal faster. It normally takes a couple of months, which is very depressing. I don't even feel like leaving my house! I've got one on my chin right now and it hurts like a bitch :[

Suggestions? Any other sufferers?


Well-known member
Re: Cystic Acne :[

Hello hunny... I hear ya- I have never had acne until recently.. and I have cystic acne too... I have tried everything from proactiv, to aspirin masks... you name it.. I have not tried zeno (but apparently this only caters to minor blemishes) and I have not tried accutane due to the side effects as you mentioned.. However, there is great news... That actually works for EVERYONE.. It was on the news the other night, it's a canadian device called Tanda. It's the same blue light system that dermatologists use that kills acne and prevents it from coming back- so this way you know it totally works because it is used at almost every skincare spa... The only downfall, the price.. but I am so buying one. It costs $295 canadian... but I know it works so in my opinion, with the amount i have spent on products that DON'T work, it's really worth it.
I really highly recommend you check the website out and ask your doctor about it... you have nothing to lose but acne!!! (I am sooo excited to be getting this!!!)

hope this helps hunny... =)


Well-known member
Re: Cystic Acne :[

if it makes you feel better, i have a HUGE cyst forming on the very left side of my nose where it meets the area over your lip. everytime i do anything with my face it pulls at it. it hurts
so i feel your pain, lovey. all i can say is dont pick at them.

OH OH and ice helps!!


Well-known member
Re: Cystic Acne :[

I have one on my chin now too...and i think in my sleep i was touching at it and pushing on it. it hurts like hell today. I just wish it would gooooo awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...ugh


Well-known member
Re: Cystic Acne :[

I hear ya too! Two things have really worked for me. Dr. Perricone's Nutritive cleanser with DMEA - when i feel any pimple just starting, i put just a little paste of this cleanser on it (mostly overnight) and works. I just did this the other day when i felt one trying to appear on my was gone the next morning.

The other is Chanel's Purifying Gel Cleanser. It is a good preventer of acne & blackheads! I alternate it with the Dr. Perricone Nutritive Cleanser.

Indian Barbie

Well-known member
Re: Acne is worsening day by day help please

hey guys I've been using tea tree oil from the body shop and my facial acne is improving.


Well-known member
Re: Acne is worsening day by day help please

That's great to hear!

Tea Tree Oil is amazing for acne.

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