All about ACNE


Well-known member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work!

I have mild acne. I break out about once a month pretty badly around that 'special' time, and if it's not because of that than it's because of my dirty skin! I'm bad with washing my makeup up before bed lately.
Fortunately, my skin responds really well to most acne treatments.
Murad, Proactive, AcneFree, and other drugstore acne kits have worked. If I had to pick, I'd say Proactive was my favorite, it didnt have that many steps and worked, until my skin would dry up and i'd have to switch.

My brother, who has moderate-severe acne, has had some success with "The Regimen" from There is some great advice but for someone like me where acne isn't a huge problem, it's too much. But it has worked for my brother, for the most part. My bf does a modified version of The Regimen that worked GREAT for him but I can't remember what he does. I'll ask him when I see him.

For spot treatment, I haven't found anything better than AcneFree Terminator, which contains benzoyl peroxide and salycilic acid. It's great.


Well-known member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work!

Ok I consider myself lucky that I don't really get acne and never really have. There has been times when I get one huge pimple and it's usually around the same spot ... my forehead. My hair is always down so the oils from my bangs must trigger it every now and then. My cousin (who used to have horrible acne) told me to try Proactive and I did and the next day it wiped out all my pimples. So I bought it (it's only like $20 for the 30 days 3 step thing) and if I ever have a pimple I put it on.

Her skin has cleared drastically and she's been using it for about 4 years now. She just recently stopped using it and only uses the cleanser at night.


Well-known member
ughhh acne ):

this is kind of embarassing, but i don't know what to do. i'm at a loss for things to try and i can't live this way.

i'm having acne problems in places i've never had them before, like along my collarbone and on my neck. it's disgusting. i mean, they're not like planet sized blemishes...they're just the subtle little blemishes. but i'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to skin and it's like my goal in life to have perfect, smooth, even toned skin. i'm finally getting my face to clear up and smooth out...and now i'm having this problem elsewhere! it sucks!

do i need an acne fighting body wash? how do i fight this?


Well-known member
Re: ughhh acne ):

I would recommend an acne fighting body wash. I've heard good things about the Pro-activ one. You could also use a gel cleanser with salicylic acid that is meant for your face. I'm not a fan of Clinique skin care at all, I used to work for them and I think it's horrible, BUT, I bought my boyfriend an oily skin bar (which contains salicylic acid) to use on his back and chest and it's really made a difference. Also, whe nyou moisturize your body make sure your lotion is non-comedogenic. i use lubriderm and knwo that it is non-comedogenic. Good luck!


Well-known member
Re: ughhh acne ):

Also try a lotion with glycolic acid in it (I think Jergens Skin Smoothing has it), it helps exfoliate so your skin doesn't get clogged pores and create little blemishes.


Well-known member
Re: ughhh acne ):

I had the same problem before, like on my back.. I tried so many things but the only thing I found that worked really well is:

Murad Acne Body Wash

I know it's a little expensive but after spending money on this and that to help, I figured, "hey i need to get rid of this problem, no matter what." So I used this for about a month and it totally worked. all the acne i had on my back was fading away and now i use the body wash about 2x a week just because.. it's expensive but give it a try. i hope this helps..


Well-known member
Re: ughhh acne ):

thank you ladies.
i'm hoping i can get this problem under control with the methods you all suggested. god forbid i have to change my diet because of this.


Well-known member
Re: ughhh acne ):

Neutrogena Body Clear Body Scrub
this really works wonders. my cousin has bad body acne problems and this really helped her


Well-known member
Re: ughhh acne ):

what i did that has pretty much rid my entire face of pimples in just the last two weeks is...
simply take some COLD water, and rub it into the entire region, kind of like a massage. it sounds so simple. but i quit using proactiv after my dads friend told me to try this, and tada, 2 weeks later im almost acne free. i couldnt believe it. but i suggest you to try it.
hope this helps. =]

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Re: ughhh acne ):

Also try using some spot treatment like you would on your face and it should clear up faster. Also, green clay masks are really good for spot treatment. It pulls the dirt up from the pore or something, I'm not completely sure. But if I use it for one night, I won't have a pimple there the next day.


Well-known member
Re: ughhh acne ):

I swear by Nature's Cure - for acne on face or body. It literally makes it disappear within a day.


Well-known member
Re: ughhh acne ):

I also heard the Murad is excellent. It's like 30.00+dollars a tube
and its a blue colored gel. I heard it is great.
I really want to try it myself.
Good luck! What did you try to get your face clear?


Well-known member
Re: ughhh acne ):

Originally Posted by EmbalmerBabe
I also heard the Murad is excellent. It's like 30.00+dollars a tube
and its a blue colored gel. I heard it is great.
I really want to try it myself.
Good luck! What did you try to get your face clear?

exfoliating 3x a week with st. ive's apricot scrub.
cleansing 2x daily with neutrogena pore refining cleanser.
how to rid of chest/back acne?!

instead of having the usual breakouts on my face, i've been getting them on my chest and back recently!

i have tried body acne scrubs but they keep coming back and are leaving small scars over my chest. now i'm scared to wear low cut tops

am i getting these pimples on my chest because i'm not letting my skin breathe enough?? i'm so confused! :confused:


Well-known member
Re: how to rid of chest/back acne?!

I think the scrubbies in the scrub popped your pimples. So even after the pimples healed, scars are left.
Have you tried applying acne medicated products on your chest?
What fabric are you wearing for your top?

I also have this problem during the summer. I do exfoliate to get all that dirt and grime off. I don't know why it's not working for you.

Sorry, I'm not of much help...


Well-known member
Re: how to rid of chest/back acne?!

i used to have this problem with my chest area and this is how i fixed it...

exfoliate with a facial scrub not a body scrub...body scrubs are better for the more tough areas, elbows, knees, feet - a facial scrub is best for the chest area beacuse the particles meant to exfoliate will be smaller and less abbrasive on your chest
Re: how to rid of chest/back acne?!

thanks u guys!
i was using the peter thomas roth body acne scrub so i guess it was a bit harsh. i'll start using something less abrasive...hope it works!!


Active member
Re: how to rid of chest/back acne?!

A lotion with AHA works best for me. I like Kiss My Face peaches & cream body lotion.


Well-known member
Re: how to rid of chest/back acne?!

A body was and lotion that contains AHAs can be helpful - Mario Badescu AHA Botanical Body Wash and Papaya Body Lotion are good.
In the shower, just use a facial acne wash on your body. A cheapie like Clearasil works just as well as a more expensive acne wash.

And seriously, you should never scrub skin that's inflamed with any sort of a breakout be it on your face or your body. The skin is under enough stress as it is without being scraped and scratched, and besides, you run the risk of breaking the pustule, spreading bacteria around and creating a breeding ground for more breakouts.


Well-known member
Re: how to rid of chest/back acne?!

My favorite and fastest way to diminish chest and back acne is just by using medicated products on them like others have suggested. I'll wash the areas with medicated acne wash (for the wash, I like to use one with benzoyl peroxide since it's an antibacterial). Then I'll follow it up with a treatment containing AHAs or salicylic acid. But you should use them sparingly, and watch how your skin reacts. A lot of people don't like to use benzoyl peroxide with chemical exfoliants since it can be harsh on the skin. For me, it works great and I have no irritation but I know that varies from person to person. HTH!
oh and I think Natures Cure has a medicated acne spray, just for reaching your back
you can find it at drugstores

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