All about ACNE


Well-known member
i've just bought the clinique mild liquid soup (i had a sample before and my acne went within a week! i hope it works again)
and the anti-blemish solutions clarifying lotion

i'm hoping my skin clears up using these and an oil free moisturiser... i've tried soo many products


Well-known member
When I first visited the doctor about my acne, I think there's a sort of protocol where you have to work up the types/strengths of creams and medications. First they gave me erythromycin gel, then dalacin t, only after they didn't work was I allowed to go on oral antibiotics and when they didn't work that's when they offered me retin a cream aswell. Personally did nothing for me and I was going to go to the derm. for roaccutane. But I didn't like the sound of the side effects so the laser seemed like a better alternative.

I have used bio oil on other scarring that I have. I wouldn't put it on my face though, it's an oil and I've got enough of that already! It is very good though, I had good results with it.

But yeah microderm. I think would be the least invasive thing to do and for light surface scarring that's still red, rather than purple-ish it would probably be very good. Mine was a bit deeper than that!

Let us know how you get on with whatever treatment you decide. Hope the new products work for you too glam8babe! Xxx


Well-known member
i use bio oil on my face Natalie and i have very oily skin. I have noticed my scars have faded abit but im running out... i go through it so fast! it says you should put it on about 3 times a day so i use it on the days when im not going anywhere


Well-known member
Okay thanks! I always thought I'd just be adding more oil and adding to my combination skin problems. But if it's worked for you then I can try it, I think I still have half a little bottle left somewhere.

I think I used it for about a year before any of my other scars elsewhere were completely gone. It worked but it was slow. Good for other things too like stretch marks!


Well-known member
Ive heard it makes your skin more prone to sundamage and what not?
unless youre consistent about using products to protect your skin.
I was just reading about how it works on stretchmarks as well [ I have some from weight loss
but im going to give bio oil a shot and see how that goes

Thanks Natalie!
Ill keep posted on the treatments.


Well-known member
now i've been using the clinique anti-blemish clarifying lotion along with the liquid facial mild soap and my normal oil free moisturiser

ive been doing this routine for about 4 days now and my acne is getting worse! i have heard that it usually has to go worse before it clears up, is this true?
obviously i'll probably have to keep using it for about 3-4 more weeks to see proper results

but it's so bad i darent even leave the house


Well-known member
Yes that's true, I think. With all my acne medications/laser I was told things would get worse and I would breakout more before things started to settle down. So it's probably true of this situation aswell. I believe it's because your skin is almost detoxing and releasing everything that was clogged up in deeper layers and pores.

I would give the blemish treatments atleast a month before you can say if the regime has worked or not. I've used the Clinique range before and it did help me a little after I'd used it for a good few weeks.


Well-known member
I used to have 9-10 cystic zits on my face at any given time and many scars, and ever since I upped my skin care program to things appropriate to my skin it still didn't help. I didn't want to dry out my skin over much with acne medication but I went to see a dermatologist.

My biggest advice to anyone with an acne problem is.... SEE A DERMATOLOGIST. Everyone is different and the solution might not be the same for everybody. For me, it was internal and hormonal so my doctor put me on birth control pills and since then I only get 1-2 zits just before my period, and with a good skin care program with Lush brand cleanser and moisturizer and Kose make up remover oil, as well as a Lush toner before moisturizing, my skin has improved dramatically and the scars are even beginning to fade on their own.

For people like me who have medium acne and it's not super severe, you don't have to resort to prescription topical treatments or lasers... if you can figure out the root of the problem you can solve it without the cost and keep it as natural as you can. For me, all it took was taking care of myself, staying hydrated, and regulating my hormones.


New member
See a dermatologist! If you're still a teen-early twentysomething then it's part of the plague of adolsecence.

If you are well past 25, then you could have a problem only a doctor can help sort out.

How's your diet? Poor eating habits can contribute to bad skin. How's the rest of your health?

Check in with a doctor. He/she can give you tests and prescribe medications and dietary supplements.


Well-known member

I hope things have gotten better for you! I wanted to share my routine with you because I really believe it helps. I also get acne on my cheeks and along my jawline. I have tried everything including being on accutane twice and even after the nosebleeds and hair loss caused by it, the acne came back.

First of all, I bought a Clarisonic brush, which is fantastic. I also went on birth control and got a prescription for Retin-A Micro.

I use Philosophy Microdelivery Wash morning and night with the Clarisonic brush, then apply La Roche Posay Anthelios SPF 15 in the morning to prevent the dark marks left behind by my acne from getting darker, and Retin-A at night to prevent future breakouts and maybe some Babor Pure night cream if I remember. I switch out for more economical products here and there. St. Ives makes a great scrub with crystals and Olay makes great SPF lotions.

I know it's a struggle! Best of luck!


Well-known member
I went to a dermatologist for the first time just about two weeks ago, and I'm so happy I went! I saw the physician's assistant, which was fine by me since they can write prescriptions, and she gave me samples and a prescription for Ziana. It's very similar to Retin A but also has an antibiotic in it, clindamycin. I've been having great results with it! My skin the first week cleared up significantly, and now the "initial breakout" is starting up, but it's not too bad. I wash my face in the morning with the Biore ice cleanser, from the Complexion Clearing line, and apply the usual SPF moisturizer and eye cream. Then at night, I use Origins Checks and Balances cleanser and apply the Ziana afterwards. The PA recommended that I don't put any other lotions on before or after applying the Ziana at night - something about them affecting how the prescription works. The only side effects I've experienced are slight dryness of my skin and a little bit of redness, which is exacerbated by the fact that it's freezing cold at the store where I work! I hope this stuff continues to work well for me - I go back to the derm in mid-October for a follow-up.


Well-known member
I did a search for ziana and this was the first thread that popped up. I got a Rx for this a few days ago from my dermatologist and I'm hoping that it works for me as well. I will definitely keep you guys posted about it. I went to her because I thought I was having an allergic reaction to makeup since in the span of a few weeks I was trying all kinds of new things and I thought my face wasn't sure what was going on. She thought otherwise though and immediately gave me an Rx for ziana.


Well-known member
I'm thinking of getting a sort of light peel (definitely not a harsh surgical peel!) with Agera Rx Avanced non glycolic facial peels used with medical microdermabrasion to remove the surface scarring I still have. It'll be done by the same person who does my laser etc, who I totally trust. She says it's not painful, but I'm still kind of worried. I'm thinking it's definitely the best way to go for me. However I'd like to know if anyone has an experience of this kind of thing? Or am I on my own ha!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elektra513
I agree with the post about cutting dairy out of the diet. I'm doing that (and sugar too, but that's harder for me) and I took acidophilus tabs for 30 days, and my cheek breakouts stopped cold.

I read somewhere that if you have breakouts in certain areas of the face all the time, it's an internal issue, and in my case it worked. I have to remind myself to go back to Vitamin Shoppe and get more acidophilus because I want my skin to heal completely without breakouts constantly mucking up the situation.

hmm... I really need to try this then! I am constantly breaking out in the same areas, especially my chin which is like an acne war zone
my skin is at its worse now... probably because I'm a freshman in college and I'm not eating healthily (i've tried but theres really nothing healthy there!). But I will try to cut out the sugars and dairy. Dairy isn't so hard for me considering I just like a slice of cheese one in a while, but thats about it.

can anyone recommend a really good moisturizer for extra sensitive skin? something cheap? TIA!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aimerbijoux
can anyone recommend a really good moisturizer for extra sensitive skin? something cheap? TIA!

Dove Sensitive Lotion. When I had a heat rash on my neck and face, and no other moisturizer would work, this was my go-to. Helped to heal and repair the skin.


Well-known member
I've just started using Clindoxyl after my doctor recc'd it, and let me tell you, it controls the oil on my face VERY well. I only use it at night but I think that for days when I really want my foundation to stay fantastic, I will use it in the day as well. The only downside is that you have to put it on an hour before makeup, but as of right now Im only using it at night so this isnt a problem.

Its too early to see if its doing anything for my acne, I started the birth control Yasmin as well, so hopefully coming at it from both those angles will help


Well-known member
I would goto the dermatologist & get chemical peels.
I also use an amazing skin care line. It's a little on the pricey side but well worth it.
It's called Neova skin care.
I use the following products from their skin care line:
- purifying skin cleanser
- day therapy spf 20
- r2 lotion intermediate - as a night cream
- microderm. scrub - i use 1-2x a week
- also drink a lot of water & eat a well balanced diet w/ veggies & fruit.
If you lived in NY, I would rec. someone for you to goto.
Good Luck


Well-known member
I used a toothbrush with my cleanser yesterday (it's a vibrating one, aka a cheaper, small version of the Clarisonic skin brush) and it's really helped the appearance of my skin!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KellyBean
I used a toothbrush with my cleanser yesterday (it's a vibrating one, aka a cheaper, small version of the Clarisonic skin brush) and it's really helped the appearance of my skin!

That's a great idea!


Well-known member
anyone got advice about BACNE? i've had it for about 5 years, and although it's getting a bit better, i really want something that will help it be gone for good. thnx!

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