sooooo I got the becca eye brightener, found the $5 JM argan oil (remember it was on sale around the holidays lol) annnnnd WHO IS GRABBING THAT BECCA COPPER HIGHLIGHTER
my dmn fingers cant even type fast enuff cuz I gotta run to the bathroom, type this up to yall and im watchin LHHNY all while being at work lol. talk about multi-tasking hahaha but I loooove playin catch up in here...
MJ Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (nevermind my son, mason in the background lol)
MJ J'adore
MY REVIEW: im loving these MJ lipsticks and next up to get is scandal, magenta and possibly blow (im on the fence with it) the contour duo is soooo lovely!! its the most natural contour I've ever had (and I like my shyt on level DRAG so that's a lot coming from me). im really mad I didn't get that dmn liner set cuz it just vanished on me
I guess i'll cross my fingers for another holiday set or something **le sigh** ALSO, I had a really good experience with the Sephora JCP: I returned those gawd awful LIP INKS (4 of em) and it rang up for $5 but when I got home I noticed 2 of em should've been $14 (rosewood is dmn near invisible on my lips) so I took it back to have her corrected and they gave me a gift card for $5 more dollars
im huuuuuge on customer service and totally didn't expect so whether it was $5 or whatever im grateful honey!!