Hey,how's everyone doing? I haven't been on in a while as Im going thru a very difficult divorce, im honestly still in the shock stage. Thought I'll drop by and say hi and see whats new for a bit.
So sorry love (HUGS)
I'm getting this,especially since I missed out on the BB gift box set.. JERKS!
Quote: Originally Posted by
Me neither, especially during the week. On the weekends if I have to go, it's not too far. It was the first one I called since I was home today. Maybe try closer ones to you.
Thanks ladies! Yes it's silver, I was too lazy to retake without it
Of course when the cashier whipped out the card and was running through the benefits it was the
one time hubby has
ever been in Sephora with me and he's like, "Whoa, what's happening?" He just wanted to pay and bounce! Totally ruined my moment because I had to downplay it, lmao!