Americas Next Top Model: Cycle 8


Well-known member
DIANA GOT VOTED OFF LAST NIGHT, sorry if im spoiling this for anyone who hasnt watched it, but i cannot tell u how happy i am, initially when she first came i was happy to see tht there was diversity and difference on this show (plus size models, different ethnic backgrounds etc etc) but as the show progressed i hated diana more n more, this girl has nothing to offer and when jay manuel asked her why she wanted to stay there she said "Just cause..." im glad Whitney stayed she is amazing. I love that girl, shes had some rough weeks, but she's a sweetheart and knows how to model well.


Staff member
Yep, when she gave him that 'just cuz' reply, we knew she was a gonner! She looked horrid as a man. Ewww!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holstrom4
Yep, when she gave him that 'just cuz' reply, we knew she was a gonner! She looked horrid as a man. Ewww!!

I knowwwwwww, she looked hideous and her picture came out even nastier... Natasha cracked me up, i think she had the best picture yesterday, and so did jaslene
renee for once looked really good...loved her pic too last night


Well-known member
I <3 ANTM! My favorites so far this season are Jaslene and Natasha. Jaslene is so skinny and gorgeous I can't get over it, and Natasha is just really funny, in a good way to me though, even though at first I didn't like her...


Well-known member
I really like Natasha, too. Her lifestyle (situation) is quite alien to the other girls, but I think she is working hard, in her way, to fit in with them. The other girls really don't understand or respect where she has come from, but I haven't seen anyone sit down and have a respectful conversation in this - their questions (as shown on the program) seem judgemental to me. They're lucky American girls, life is much different for beautiful young women in the US, and although some of these girls may have been exposed to some less than desirable situations, I'd guess it's quite likely Natasha understands "survival" in a way they likely won't experience.

It seems like she's not really listening to feedback, but she really makes an effort based on the judge's suggestions. I think a lot of her back-chat is a reflex, I suspect she's had to do a bit of fast thinking/talking as a strategy in life, as well.

Natasha has a bit of the air of a wounded bird about her. She works hard to appear harder than she is. I'm sure that was a survival mechanism, too. I think she is one of the prettier girls, too, along with Jaslene.


Active member
Love this show! Natasha was hilarious last week. She is doing so much better. I never expected her to put on a show for everyone.


Well-known member
I thought this was odd... I checked the photo galleries to show someone their "dead" ,akeup (we just did dead makeups in my makeup class) and they aren't in the gallery anymore...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pixichik77
I thought this was odd... I checked the photo galleries to show someone their "dead" ,akeup (we just did dead makeups in my makeup class) and they aren't in the gallery anymore...

Apparently they are in a alot of trouble for shooting that. People are saying that they shouldnt be allowed to show models "dead"

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I missed the show that night but heard about it the next day via a flyer circulated to the media. I went into the site a couple of days later and the pictures were not on the site, but I did find them on another site.

That episode was totally tasteless. Does no one on that show have the intelligence or sensitivity to see how this is sick. I am very disappointed in Tyra (who I thought was an intelligent, down to earth woman) for allowing this to go on.

Below are some article about this particular episode.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Natasha was hysterical when she did the photoshoot as a man.

Who was it that said that a plus size model would never be on the cover of Vogue?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ZLoves2Shop
Natasha was hysterical when she did the photoshoot as a man.

Who was it that said that a plus size model would never be on the cover of Vogue?

I think it was Renee. :p


Well-known member
i love jael and HATE HATE HATE renee!!! she is so cocky and thinks she has no competition... her pictures are mediocre at most... jael and the other girls are much much more photogenic.


Well-known member
I wonder if it's my age, but I remember peeling up the corner of every "yesterday and today" album by the Beatles when I was a kid, looking for the infamous "dead baby" cover. But, I never found it....

Anyway, I don't really get the furor over the "dead model" episode. I though it was lighthearted, and quite silly, but hardly controversial. To me, controversial = people who deny that our planet is in dire environmental straits.


Well-known member
there seem to be a million articles circulating now about the public outcry against those crime scene photos. i had to search for a while to find them so that i could save them for posterity's sake.


Well-known member
I loooooved Jaels photoshoot pics, and that redhead (Still can't remember her name, lol). At the party though, ohhhh man Jael was so annoying to 50 cent, I woulda pushed her in the pool too if I was him o__O.


Well-known member
I know Jael shocked
me, I was pretty sure she was gonna be the one going this week because of the way she behaved at that party, but I guess not!!! Her photoshoot ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!! Personall IMO, 50 Cent is soooo overrated. I dont think there's anything soooooooo good about him. He just has this extra attitude because he's a celebrity.


Active member
yea! jael had strong poses for her shoot. and i loved the "faces" she chosed (sexy beast, revolutionary... etc). not something boring like "sorrow" or "innocent." and i'm starting to love natasha, she's great too. i just love this cycle!


Well-known member
I know but I'm still not getting that BANG...that i get...I like this cycle...but it doesnt have what every other cycle had!!!!..

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