I'm Portuguese, so I have medium olive skin and kind of exotic looking features, I guess. I hate my prominent nose, my round face and weird pigmentation on my eyelids (easily corrected with makeup but still, it's annoying), AND I HATE PHOTOS TOO. If I'm ever taking pictures of myself, I literally will take a hundred and only end up keeping 3, if I'm lucky. But I'd honestly like to say that you took the words right out of my mouth. I feel the EXACT same way you do, 90% of the time. Especially the part where you compare yourself to photos of girls on facebook..
I think everyone does it from time to time, and it's nice to know that you're not alone. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and most of the time it's people that radiate confidence that are seen as gorgeous by the people around them.
I work at a makeup counter, and I serve many people a day, from many different nationalities, and I have truly come to appreciate the unique beauty each one has.
I love Asian girls, seriously. Gorgeous skin, they age really well, FABULOUS high cheekbones. Asian women always seem to have the natural beauty that a lot of other women strive for.
I'm sure there's a lot of parts of you that you love, so focus on those. I know sometimes it's really hard, but you gotta learn to love yourself and the body you were given. It's the only one you got!
Do things you love doing, like getting a facial, working out, or getting your nails done on a regular basis to pamper yourself. You'll feel great afterwards and it'll give you somewhat of a confidence boost.
I know I'm not much help, but I just wanted you to know that you're honestly not alone in how you feel!