bin there, done that. i know im a little late but i felt like adding my two cents in lol. i'm 19 as well and like many of the posters and you, i also had some self esteem issues. i'm indian and i've had acne since i was 12, i still have it, and i think that affected my confidence a lott. we all want what we can't have ..some darker ppl want to be lighter, some lighter ppl want to be darker etc etc. there is not ONE common image of beautiful. there is beauty in everything and everyone.
i always wished i had clear skin and still do. i don't like a lotta things about my looks, but i try to focus on what i DO like. i get commented on my eyes and smile a lot no matter how i feel inside about my skin. nose etc .. I SMILE! cofidence is the sexiest thing about a person. when you radiate confidence, happiness etc you radiate beauty. an average looking confident, friendly girl is MUCH MORE attractive than a vain typical beauty.
i try to focus on the things i do like. i.e. eccentuating my eyes more with makeup when i can, smiling A LOT lol spending time on my hair, wearing nice clothes, jewellery, whatever makes me feel beautiful regardless of the fact that i have horrible skin.
i have a friend, who is very obese, she doesn't fit an image of a typical caucasian beauty, but she is BEAUTIFUL to us. she is sooo confident, so friendly, always laughing, smiling, and the funniest person i ever met! all these qualities make her MUCH MUCH more attractive than anyone else i know. she has tons of friends and everyone loves her cuz shez just such an amazing, friendly, hilarious person! i love her to bits. she is always surrounded by people and never lets her looks be a problem. sometimes she even jokes about it, like, "so you guys really think that I can fit in THAT MUCH space?!" or "so you guys i got stuck in this chair" and so on. when you have all these people around that love you because you have an amazing personality, i don't think one wud be worried so much about looks. if you only care about becoming a typical image of a girl, then it will be hard for you to come out of your little shell, see the world, have fun, and just be YOURself.
focus on the goood things about yourself. like your skin, hair, and how to MAKE your eyes look bigger. there are so many beautiful asian makeup gurus on youtube, check them out and learn from their techniques if you're that concerned. BE CONFIDENT! BECAUSE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! and when you BELEIVE THAT, you will show your true beauty
go out, make more friends, hang out more and just have fun and enjoy life.
we always tend to overlook beautiful things about us. so when someone else comments on something about you .. YOU BEST BELEIVE IT! lol and focus on it. i also have big eyes and never liked them (stupid right?) but ppl comment and say they're nice and now i FINALLY beleive them. same with my smile. i get those chin dimples (i don't know if you know what iim talkin about) and always thought my smile looked childish and made me look like a kid but ppl tell me its cute and again, i finally started to beleive them now lol. post up some FOTDs! we all want to see how pretty you really are. =)
i hope your therapy is helping, and remember, you're beautiful being who you are