if you really won't get surgery, i guess all you can do to "emphasize yourself" is deal with makeup. if you really want the "western look" why not try fake tanning or eyelid glue or tape to make your eyes appear bigger? and contouring for your nose.
I am so so so upset that someone would even suggest eyelid glue, fake tanning and tape that is the epitome of fakeness and insecurity .
tsk tsk.
anyways, sadly your perception of beauty has been distorted.. By the media, because even though you don't compare your self with airbrush models. YOU DO.
Why? because the girls you know and the girls on facebook look more like airbrushed models than you think you do right?
therefore you are still comparing yourself.
You need to stop, I wan't to tell you something?
you are infinitely beautiful every single one of you is extremely gorgeous, and your so called imperfections are unique and what make you! you!
do people really strive to look unrealistic people? Do you all really want to look like each other?
Do you wan't to know why these girls in the magazines and television and internet look the way they do?
Simple its called profit.
How is this profitable you ask?
Well, they place the image of an unrealistic Impossible unless genetic beauty and bombard humanity with this image, they become programmed that in order to be happy, sexually satisfied, loved, wanted, saught after.. etc etc etc.. You have to look like these women in the media.
But a normal beautiful unique girl does not look like that, therefore there is a "solution" creams, lotions, surgeries, software, contacts, fucking eyelid glue you name it they got it.
These companies make extreme profit out of your misery that they have caused.
The produce a problem that does not exist and they also provide the answer its that easy!
Why do you think they pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for an ad thats only 30 seconds? Simple.
You are so beautiful and you do no need to compare yourself, I had the same problems being a latina.
I felt terrible horrendous because I was not a c-cup, fair haired light skin gal.
I basked in the never ending hell of insecurity, It wasn't until a series of events that I opened my eyes, to the lies and saw how beautiful me and every living being is.
You are beautiful, Health and happiness are what make you shine and confidence is beautiful.
I happen to think asian woman are beautiful infact, I used to always envy asian women and wished I was born in asia.