And I was like, " WTF?!"


Well-known member
What was one of your weirdest, funniest, most outragreous WHAT THE FRICK moments?

I ask not only becaue I'm interested and I'm sure it will be entertaining, but I had one just this morning.

I was coming downstairs, about ready to go to school, and I wanted to quickly get something to eat. So I walk in the kitchen and what do I see?
My underwear lying on the floor in the middle of the kitchen. Just there, chillin. I actually blurted out, " What the fuck?" How the hell did my blue and green thong just find its way into the kitchen. It would have been way funnier if you were there.


(if there's a thread like this already... sorry!)


Well-known member
Well, this wasn't funny. But, it had my hubby & I saying - What the? We try to walk our dogs everyday. There is the house that we call the douche bottle house, because there are always at least six douche bottles on the front lawn.

We were passing the douche bottle house and we saw a young woman that looked to be in her third trimester of pregnancy. She was doing her entire lawn with a weed eater. All the while, this tall young man just watched her with his hands on his hips. When he saw my husband stare at him, he went inside.

The woman looked like she was really struggling just to carry the weed eater around with her belly in the way.


Well-known member
Do you have a cat or a dog? They've probably been playing with your undies and left them in the kitchen. I know I find my underwear in random places because my kitty takes it and has a ball.


Well-known member
I deff had one the other day. I walked into my dads room and saw him trying to do the cupid shuffle.
if you dont know what that is.. check it out here YouTube - Cupid - Cupid Shuffle (video)

I didn't even realize what he was doing until i walked out and stopped, make a " what the fuck" face and went back in and heard the music! hahaha


Well-known member

My dog likes to carry my undies everywhere so yah... *sweatdrop..

The one I can remember off the top of my head is when the bf and I had just gotten to his house and we turn around and see his neighbor and family come in from a family ride.. Each one in a car that's worth a good 6 digits EACH. o_O

Another one is when I brought our Corgi to his house from mine and the first thing that my Golden does is starting humping it!! We just stood there thinking WTF?!?! (theyre both males and have never done that before.. )


Well-known member
^^ aww i have a corgi.. they are some horny bastards ;x lol he humps boy and girl dogs from the neighbor hood all the time.. i think he's bi =/ lol


Well-known member
I was working at the zoo when I was 14. I worked in food service, selling cotton candy and ice cream. A mother and her child came up to my counter.

Me: "Hello, What can I get for you today?"
Woman: "I was wondering if you could help me with the tiger."
Me: "Excuse me, ma'am?"
Woman: "The tiger is asleep. Can you go do something about that?"
Me (thinking to myself): What the f*** am I supposed to do about that???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SingFrAbsoltion
Do you have a cat or a dog? They've probably been playing with your undies and left them in the kitchen. I know I find my underwear in random places because my kitty takes it and has a ball.

no i don't have a pet but i do have a 12 year old brother. same thing!


Well-known member
This happened today. I unlocked the back door to work and got a nose full of smoke. WTF? Turn to my right and from across the breakroom, I see smoke pouring out of the brand new toaster oven and a piece of toast inside that was on FIRE. Literally a flame from the black piece of toast to the ceiling of the toaster oven. Having never used that model oven before, I stared at the dials for a second before just opening the oven door and blowing the flame out. Then I turned the dials to their off position and propped the door open to let some of the smoke/smell out.

The top corners of the oven are now a smoky orange color instead of white. Apparently one of the girls put a piece of toast in there and turned it to "dark"... only the oven was set to "broiler" instead of "toast", so it never turned off.

Another minute or two and the smoke alarms would have gone off.... which would have been highly embarrassing to the gal who left her toast in there and very very inconvenient to the doctors and their patients who would have all evacuated. Mind you, it was about 18 degrees F (-7 C) outside, hehe.


Well-known member
when i was in school sitting in detention with this hard bully guy, & he wanted to wear my pink sparkly lipgloss. for real. others i couldn't possibly write here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
when i was sitting in detention with this hard bully guy, & he wanted to wear my pink sparkly lipgloss. for real. others i couldn't possibly write here.

who says? now you have me extremely curious....write them!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
who says? now you have me extremely curious....write them!!!!!

Yes. Please do write them!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
when i was in school sitting in detention with this hard bully guy, & he wanted to wear my pink sparkly lipgloss. for real. others i couldn't possibly write here.

DO it! do it! do it! do it!


Well-known member
oh okay!
-i used to have this loony friend, myself & my friend were doing our makeup for a party in my bathroom, & she just walked in, sat down on the b-day & started shaving her vag.
-i was with a 'gothic' friend in town, & this gypsy wanted to read her palm, so she did, started wailing & screamed 'there are demons in her head!', then walked off shouting in a foreign language.
-when i woke up near to a cliff edge on holiday. i sleepwalk.
-i was high on something, & i kept seeing twitching dead wasps on the floor, so i didn't move or make a sound for an hour.
-me and a friend where high, and decided we would have a 'foot bath' because it was summer & we were overheating, so we ran 'cold' water in it, were chatting & realised it was BOILING hot water, up to our knees. which we couldn't feel.there are many more druggy stories, i was something of a 'wild child'. deary me.

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
when i was like 15 i had a job at a toy store and this older drunk man who seriously reeked of achohol came in and bought a HUGE stuffed dog (they were on a serious clearence for like $16 from $80 since nobody bought them of course hahaha) and anyways he went through my line and was trying to hit on me but i tryed to just ignore that so hed just pay and leave.

so this guy ended up coming in and out of the store SIX seperate times and he bought another stuffed huge ass dog everytime hahaha and kept trying to tell me my eyes were pretty or askimg me my name and what freaking race i was hahah and things like that each time he went through

i ended up getting a male manager to stand with me and the dude never came back for a 7th dog but i think that was my biggest WTF moment hahaha

i still wonder what the hell he did with all the dogs because these things were like real life sized german shepards hahaha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
oh okay!
-i used to have this loony friend, myself & my friend were doing our makeup for a party in my bathroom, & she just walked in, sat down on the b-day & started shaving her vag.
-i was with a 'gothic' friend in town, & this gypsy wanted to read her palm, so she did, started wailing & screamed 'there are demons in her head!', then walked off shouting in a foreign language.
-when i woke up near to a cliff edge on holiday. i sleepwalk.
-i was high on something, & i kept seeing twitching dead wasps on the floor, so i didn't move or make a sound for an hour.
-me and a friend where high, and decided we would have a 'foot bath' because it was summer & we were overheating, so we ran 'cold' water in it, were chatting & realised it was BOILING hot water, up to our knees. which we couldn't feel.there are many more druggy stories, i was something of a 'wild child'. deary me.

That's every Thursday for me. In fact, my whole life is a WTF moment.


Well-known member
soo.. i have a really dirty neighbor. i walk past their house everyday. they have many dogs, and their yard is full of shit, litterally. apparently, they take forever to pick up doo doo and dont give a crap about the doo doo on the sidewalk/grass area out of their fence. (their fence isnt even a fence. its like a plastic mess. i got scared as hell when the dogs were outside once. they could easily jump that and get me!).

anyways, the next door folks have a little dog that likes to flee the yard and go exploring. so i was walking past the doo doo house, and its like -20 C here in winnipeg. i see the dog chewing on a frozen turdsicle. uhh.. wtf... nasty. LOL i know puppies practice coprophagy (thats what its called when animals eat their feces), but man.. he was chewing it liek a freaken popsicle. LOL


Well-known member
i walked past a bar... this drunk guy starts following me and asks me, "Do you like to sleep?"

this always makes me say wtf.. when you see young girlies smearing testers onto their faces...

my ex's sister used to hang dry her bra and undies outside. they kept getting stollen.. uhh wtf... they suspect that its the boy that lives downstairs lol


Well-known member
I work at a school with elementary students. It never ceases to amaze me on some of the things they say!!!

Me-Here is some soap, go into the bathroom and wash your hands.
Student-You mean with water and everything????
Me-Yes, with water and everything.

Me-Is your mom at home right now?
Student-Yes, she's at home and she's broke.
Me-I'm sorry?
Student-She doesn't have a job and she's broke.

Me-How do you spell your last name, or what is your last name?
Student-I don't know.
Me-What grade are you in?