Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
That was my point. Not only has my husband had a paying job since he graduated (one that actually pays pretty well at his rank) but he hasn't paid a single solitary penny for an architecture degree, an engineering qualification, a Masters in Ops Analysis, combat leadership experience and the expanded networks of Annapolis grads and former military members. And because of those things, he already has two companies waiting for him to get out of the Marine Corps in 2011. And not once has he had to compromise his morals. I'll take the beck and call of the military any day over 10s of thousands of dollars of debt.
See, this is why I love talking about this with you guys on here - many of us are from are from different walks of life, have made different choices, and are willing to intelligently defend and justify those choices so that others may better understand and appreciate them. I know that a recent thread got out of hand, things got personal, and some people were upset, but I have been deeply impressed at everyone's continued ability to speak intelligently and calmly on what is no doubt an issue many of us are very passionate about. I know I have really learned a lot from this, so I wanted to thank you wonderful ladies (and men!) for your open, honest thoughts and opinions.
I suppose I've sidetracked this thread some, so I'll make an effort to bring it back. Last Wednesday, on the anniversary of the war, a group of 100 or so people got together for a candlelight vigil here. There were quite a few there who were openly against the war with signs and whatnot, and even more who were there to just honor and mourn those Americans, Iraqis, Britons, Poles etc. who have died in, been injured by, or sent off to the war. My suggestion to anyone who is reading this thread is to sit down tonight in a quiet space, light a candle, and think about, pray on, or otherwise reflect on this war and the people in it. Whether or not you believe in a higher power, it certainly has never hurt anyone to send your good thoughts out to them, and I think we can all agree that none of us wants there to be death or violence. So even if you don't agree with the choices of others, and even if you feel this war is wrong in every single way, I hope that all of you would still be willing to send good thoughts, prayers, and our love to the soldiers, both dead and alive, their families, and everyone else who is affected negatively by this war tonight. Even if it changes nothing, at very worst you will have spent some time contemplating one of the biggest issues facing America today. That, and you'll make me feel like less of a total dork since I'll know I'm not the only one doing it